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       Globus Tours/Avalon Cruises.                         bution) may be available in the E.G. Nick's lot, the Plymouth
         Nearly 20 years ago, the Rotary A.M. Spaghetti Dinner  Canton Community Schools parking lot across the street and
       was launched in order to build The Miracle League of  in several lots in the immediate area.  An Italian Street Café,
       Plymouth baseball field.  That field, once the club's great  complete with strolling minstrels, friendly wait-staff and
       dream, is long-since a reality.  It is located in the recreation  loads of great food, awaits diners at the dinner this year.
       area behind PARC.                                      Organizers suggested that those planning class reunions
         Proceeds from the dinner this year will be used to pro-  and family gatherings consider meeting at the Rotary
       vide thousands of dollars in college and vocational school  Spaghetti Dinner and allow them to do the prep work, the
       scholarships for youngsters who have overcome major chal-  catering and the clean-up for the event.
       lenges in order to graduate from high school; additional spe-  Founded in 1996, The Rotary Club of Plymouth A.M. still
       cial needs equipment for the youngsters at the Allen School  is one of the youngest service clubs in Plymouth. Members
       Infant and Pre-School Special Education (IPSEP) Program;  say they actually enjoy getting up early each Tuesday morn-
       Thanksgiving dinners and Christmas household staples for  ing and having a good time together over breakfast.
       several Plymouth area families in cooperation with the  Meetings take place from 7 until 8:15 a.m. at PARC, Door 15,
       Plymouth Goodfellows Club and Rotary Shelter Boxes for  in downtown Plymouth.  Individuals who subscribe to an
       Emergency Relief wherever and whenever natural disas-  attitude of "Service Above Self” are always welcome and
       ters strike around the world, a spokesperson explained.      invited to attend.
          The Spaghetti Dinner Tent is located in the parking lot  For additional information about Plymouth Rotary A.M.,
       behind E.G. Nick's, at 500 Forest Ave., downtown Plymouth.  please contact Jared Sparr, 2023-24 club president, at (734)
       Entry is easiest off South Harvey Street. Parking (by contri-  254-6475 or find the club online at
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