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Barbeque Committee Chairman Andy Savage is assisted this year by Rotarian Bari Livsey, far right, who oversees “all
things tickets” for the Chicken Barbeque while Doug Willett has taken on scheduling of volunteer shifts. Todd Rafka
assigns jobs to the crew and Gary Stoltz, who chaired the event last year, acts as an advisor to the committee.
Committee from page 5 tal notes for things we needed to do last year the barbeque generated about
this year,” Savage said. “We start plan- $33,000 after all expenses were paid.
cated scheduling of the numerous vol- ning right away and the closer the date, The funds were used for scholarships
unteer shifts. Todd Rafka is the man the more time it takes each week to and a number of other civic efforts and
who makes all the club member job make sure everything is organized and donations to other groups in the com-
assignments while Gary Stoltz, who taken care of. We met maybe monthly, munity, through the Rotary
chaired the event last year, acts as an then every couple of weeks and now Foundation.
advisor to the committee. every week,” he said. “It is time con- Savage has been a member of the
“This is a team effort of the commit- suming, but it really is a labor of love.” Plymouth Noon Rotary Club for 8
tee members, the past chairman, the Last year, the committee opted to years. He is currently an administrator
Rotarians and the volunteers,” Savage light the charcoal pits a half hour earli- with Superior Ambulance and over-
said. “Without them, this couldn't hap- er than in previous years which moved sees the City of Northville and
pen.” everything by a half hour, Savage said, Southfield stations. “The patience and
Planning for the barbeque takes and made dinners available a little sacrifice of my wife, Karen, should not
military precision as the pits are con- sooner. That change will continue this go unnoticed,” Savage said. “I couldn't
structed in the parking lot behind The year, he said, and again this year, tick- do this without that family support.”
Gathering. Rotary members haul hun- ets are available online, a convenience Dinners will be available at The
dreds of cinder blocks into place and that has worked well, he added. Gathering across from Kellogg Park
fill them with charcoal to create fire The barbeque is the largest from 11 a.m. until sold out and at a
pits for the grills. Some of the cinder fundraiser of the Rotary Club, Savage drive-through pickup location at West
blocks have been in use since the earli- explained, and the money earned all Middle School, 44401 W. Ann Arbor
est barbeque decades ago. goes back into the community, primari- Trail. Pre-sale tickets are priced at $15
“Last year, as we were packing up ly in scholarships for local students, and available from any member of the
all the equipment, I was making men- both academic and vocational. He said noon club or $17 if purchased Sunday.