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December 28, 2023                                              ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 5

                                                     ROMULUS - SUMPTER
                                                      ROMULUS - SUMPTER

        Romulus gas station accused of price gouging

           Operators of the BP gas sta-  the gas station unfairly over-                          ”                                 read. “Know, however, that your
        tion on Middlebelt Road in     charged consumers more than                   It is my hope this gas station                mere location would not be a sat-
        Romulus have until Jan. 8 to   the typical price for its services            will take this notice seriously               isfactory justification - even if
        respond to a cease-and-desist  in violation of the Michigan                                                                that is (as one of the consumer
        notice from the office of State  Consumer Protection Act,” the          and no further action will be necessary.           complaints suggested) the expla-
        Attorney General Dana Nessel   notice read.                                                                                nation.”
        alleging overcharging of cus-    The business was engaging in                                                                “It is my hope this gas station
        tomers.                        “unlawful business practices”  the gas station listed regular  Nessel's office had received com-  will take this notice seriously
           The notice, issued last week,  according to a prepared release  unleaded gas for $4.74 per gal-  plaints from two other con-  and no further action will be
        alleges that the station near  from Nessel's office. The notice  lon, nearly $2 higher per gallon  sumers about the gas prices at  necessary,” Nessel said. “My
        Detroit Metro Airport was charg-  also alleged the business was  than other nearby gas stations.  the station.             office stands ready to investigate
        ing $1.50 per gallon more than  taking advantage of the location  The discrepancy was document-  “If you have additional infor-  reports of businesses that
        nearby competitors. “The       near the car rental return area of  ed by a special investigator from  mation that might serve to justify  attempt to take advantage of resi-
        Attorney General's Office has  the airport.                   the attorney general's office,  your prices, we are very interest-  dents, especially during the holi-
        now probable cause to believe    According to Nessel's office,  according to the statement.  ed in receiving it,” the notice  day season.”

                                         Shopping trip

                                         Several children were “arrested”
                                         earlier this month as officers
                                         from the Romulus Police
                                         Department escorted them on
                                         the annual Shop with a Cop
                                         event. The children and officers
                                         searched for perfect gifts for
                                         family members at the Walmart
                                         in Belleville, where staff mem-
                                         bers welcomed the students.
                                         The annual event is funded
                                         each year by donations and
                                         fundraisers which help pay for
                                         gifts the children would other-
                                         wise be unable to afford. Shop
                                         with a Cop began decades ago
                                         as officers across the country lit-
                                         erally passed the hat to collect
                                         funding to help deserving fami-
                                         lies during the holidays.

        SMART bus routes expanded                                                                             NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING
                                                                                                                  SUMPTER TOWNSHIP
                                                                                                                    REQUEST FOR
           Traveling to some destinations in   Goddard, right Wayne Road, right Ecorse               SITE PLAN AND SPECIAL LAND USE PERMIT REVIEW
        Romulus will become easier beginning   and the regular route past Amazon to Old
        Jan. 8 when SMART begins new stops in  Redford.                               The Sumpter Township Planning Commission will hold a Public Hearing at the Sumpter Township Hall, 23480 Sumpter Road,
                                                                                      Belleville, MI 48111 at 6:00 pm on Thursday, January 11, 2024, to receive public comment for the following site plan review
        the community.                           The southbound route will travel on  and special use permit.
           Beginning Monday, Jan. 8, route 280  Ecorse past Amazon, left Wayne Road, left                        NATURE OF THE REQUEST(s)
        Western Wayne will be serving new stops  Goddard, left Vining, right Smith, regular
        in the downtown Romulus area on week-  route to Evans Terminal, according to an  1) Site plan review of proposed self-serve car wash at 17440 Sumpter Road
                                                                                         2) Special land use approval of proposed self-serve car wash at 17440 Sumpter Road
        days. New key destinations include     official announcement from SMART offi-
        Romulus Public Library, 34th District  cials.                                 This Public Hearing has been scheduled in accordance with the requirements of Public Act. 168, Section 9 of 1959 (amendments
                                                                                      to the Township Rural Zoning Act. P.A. 184) to provide all interested citizens with an opportunity to express opinions, ask ques-
        Court, Wellesley Apartments, Metro       Weekday service is available every   tions, and discuss in detail all aspects of the proposed use.
        Charter Academy, Romulus High School,  hour from 5 a.m. to 10 p.m. although   For those unable to attend the Public Hearing, written comments may be submitted to the Township Clerk's Office before the
                                                                                      hearing date.
        Concentra Urgent Care, and Metro       Saturday and Sunday service does not
        Airport Center.                        operate west of Vining, officials said. For  Esther Hurst
           New extended weekday routing will   more information, visit  Sumpter Township
        include the regular northbound route to  Published:  December 28, 2023
        westbound Smith, right Vining, left first  route-280 #Transit #WayneExpansion  Posted:  December 19, 2023                                 ST0167 - 12 28 23   2.5 x 3.094
        turnback to southbound Vining, right   #SMARTMovesU

        Art entries being accepted by city                                                        CITY OF ROMULUS
                                                                                                  Planning Commission
                                                                                                  Notice of a Public Hearing
           The City of Romulus Arts Council is  entry fee of $25 for three images.                Sheetz II (8227 Middlebelt/29225 Smith/Tax ID #80-047-99-0011-701)
        seeking high quality images from artists  Checks or money orders which accom-             WEDNESDAY, January 17, 2024 - 7:00 pm
        and photographers for a permanent out-  pany entries should be made payable to:  Notice is hereby given that the City of Romulus Planning Commission will hold a public hearing at 7:00 p.m.
        door public art installation in June 2024.  Romulus Arts Council, Inc., 11111 Wayne  on WEDNESDAY, January 17, 2024 for the purpose of considering the following:
        This year, the theme is "Acts of Community  Road, Romulus, MI 48174. For more infor-  1. RZ-2023-003; Sheetz II requesting the rezoning of 0.811 acres of property including the west 73.7' of par-
        Service through Art." The Top Three    mation, call (734) 955-4533. Entry forms  cel 80-047-99-0006-702 which is 0.547 acres of Tract 1 (29225 Smith) and the west 140' of parcel 80-047-
        Artists will win Cash Prizes.          are available at      99-0011-701 which is 0.264 acres of Tract B, from M-T, Industrial Transportation to C-3, Highway
                                                                                         Business for the development of a vehicle fueling station with convenience store and drive-through;
           The top prize for first place is $1,000,  Email images and entry forms to:  2. SLU-2023-010; Sheetz II requesting special land use approval for an 8-pump vehicle fueling station for
        officials said, while second place will     automobiles and small trucks (no tractor trailers) at property located at 8227 Middlebelt; and
        receive a $500 award and the third place  The deadline for submission is April  3. SLU-2023-011; Sheetz II requesting special land use approval for a drive-through restaurant at property
        winner will receive $250. As many as eight  15, 2024. Winners will be announced  located at 8227 Middlebelt.
        additional artists will receive $50 as win-  before the first Sounds in Downtown con-  The public hearing will be held at Romulus City Hall Council Chambers, 11111 Wayne Road. A copy of the
        ners of honorable mention awards and   cert on Friday, June 14, 2024, during a  rezoning and special land use applications are available in the Planning Department during regular business
        have their work reproduced and dis-    reception. Artists may display their art for  hours - Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Questions and written comments may be addressed to
                                                                                      Carol Maise, City Planner, Department of Public Services, 12600 Wayne Road, Romulus, MI  48174-1485 or
        played downtown in Romulus. There is an  sale at the reception officials said.  at 734-955-4530.
                                                                                      Publish:  12/28/2023                                         RM0780 - 122823  2.5 x 3.434
        Romulus                                percent of state cities and townships, the
                                                 Although accounting for less than 20
                                               277 communities analyzed are home to 71                 CITY OF ROMULUS INVITATION TO BID
        FROM PAGE 1                            percent of Michigan's population and 86  ITB 23/24-03 DEMOLITION OFSUBSTANDARD STRUCTURES - DEMO LIST 23-01
                                               percent of the state's commercial property,  The City of Romulus, Michigan is seeking bids from qualified contractors for the demolitions of structures and
                                                                                      all required site restoration on the following properties:
        2023 the study also included an optional,  according to iLabs data.                1-story single family residential structure on a slab, 7305 Hollywood
        qualitative survey. Responses to three    “Each year, the eCities project aims to  1-624 sq ft garage with slab and additional 90 sq ft concrete slab., 37187 Menton
        open-end questions related to business  highlight the successes and continued      1-steel canopy 42' x 50', 10885 Middlebelt Road
                                                                                           1-story single family residential structure, wood siding on a 126 sq. ft. crawl space/600 sf. Ft. slab,
        climate improvement efforts and small  commitment of cities and townships to       11318 Moore
        business support were evaluated by a   grow business and support entrepreneur-     1-story, single family residential structure on crawl space,, 36009 Van Born Road
        panel of reviewers to select the 2023  ship within their communities,” said Kari   2-story, multi-family residential structure on basement, 11010 Whitehorn
        Honored Communities.                   Kowalski, iLabs project manager.       1.   Qualified individuals and firms wishing to submit a bid must use the forms provided by the City.
                                                                                           Official bid forms and specifications may be obtained from the MITN Purchasing Group page of
        Death of former Sumpter                                                            BidNet Direct (   Bids may be rejected unless made on the forms included with
                                                                                           the bidding documents. Copies of documents obtained from any other source are not considered official
        police chief is mourned                                                       2.   Bids may be rejected unless made on the forms included with the bidding documents.
                                                                                           Clarifications, modifications, or amendments may be made to this solicitation at the discretion of the
                                                                                           City.  Any and all addenda issued by the City will be posted on the MITN system.  All interested par-
                                                                                           of the proposer to obtain the available addenda and acknowledge any issued addenda on the Table of
           The Sumpter Township Police                                                     ties are instructed to view the MITN website regularly for any issued addenda.  It is the responsibility
        Department recently extended condo-                                                Contents for this solicitation, and further submit a printed copy of the addendum attached as part of the
                                                                                           required documents for this solicitation
        lences to the family of former township                                       4.   A total of two copies (one marked "Original" and one marked "Copy") of the bid must be submitted
        Chief of Police Clinton Brown, Jr.                                                 together in one sealed package/envelope and returned to the City Clerk's Office no later than 2:00 P.M
           Mr. Brown died on Dec. 18, according to                                         on January 18, 2024.  Bids should be addressed using the bid package label provided in the solicitation
        information provided by the police                                            5.   At approximately 3:00 p.m., local time all timely received bids will be publicly opened and read.
        department. Mr. Brown's 33 year law                                           6.   Bid shall be good and may not be withdrawn for a period of sixty (90) calendar days after the date for
        enforcement career included 20 years as                                       7.   submitting bids.
                                                                                           The successful Bidder will be required to submit all proof of all insurance required by the solicitation
        police chief in Sumpter Township. He                                               documents and copies of all required endorsements.
        served in that capacity from 1978 until his                                   8.   The successful Bidder will be required to furnish satisfactory Performance Bond and Payment Bonds
        retirement in 1997. He came out of retire-                                    9.   each in the full amount of the Contract.
                                                                                           The City reserves the right to postpone the opening without notification and also reserves the right to
        ment to again serve as township police                                             reject all bids and proposals and to waive any minor informality or irregularity in proposals received.
        chief from 2003 until 2004.                                                        Ultimately, a contract may be awarded to the lowest most responsive and responsible company, as
           Mr. Brown studied at William Penn                                               determined in the sole discretion of the City of Romulus or otherwise in a manner deemed by the City
                                                                                           to be in its own best interest.
        University after attending high school in                                     10.  For additional information contact Gary Harris, City of Romulus, Purchasing Director by calling (734)
        Inkster. He was a long-time resident of                                            955-4568 or by emailing
        Belleville, according to data in his biogra-                                  11.  The City of Romulus strictly prohibits the reproduction or publishing of any published document or
                                                                                           solicitation without the express written consent of the City of Romulus.  Unauthorized posting of any
        phy.                                                                               notice of these documents or reference to said documents or solicitations is strictly prohibited.
           No funeral or interment information
        was available.                                 Chief of Police Clinton Brown, Jr  Please Publish:  December 28, 2023                       RM0779 - 122823  2.5 x 6.094
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