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PAGE 2                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                        December 28, 2023


        Plan for ‘Gateway Project’ presented to council

           Representatives from OHM      Council members recom-                                                                    includes evergreens.
        Advisors presented the final con-  mended using a less expensive                         ”                                   Resident John Arrowsmith,
        cept plan for the Ford Field Park  gateway feature then the obelisk    Council members recommended using                   however, said he felt it was “fan-
        Accessible Gateway project to  which was priced at $75,000 and             a less expensive gateway feature                tastic to see the gateway plaza
        city council members during a  less expensive fencing. Council                                                             come to life - with the classy
        recent meeting.                members also noted that stadium      then the obelisk which was priced at $75,000.          design using wrought iron and
           The representatives request-  seating is buried under the plaza                                                         brick. It takes the beauty of
        ed input from the council mem-  location and helps stabilize the                                                           Northville and extends it fur-
        bers regarding the entrance    banked area. The next step in the  Gateway and Bank Stabilization  that the proposed pillars need  ther,” he said. Noting the park is
        which is proposed to be con-   process will be finalizing the  Project and up to $16,000 was  lights that cast down onto the  the start of the future riverwalk,
        structed north of the gateway  design and using engineering   allocated for subconsultant fees  sidewalk; multiple outlooks are  he said the look and feel of the
        plaza with brick pillars and   services to prepare a bid for proj-  for project engineering.  expensive to maintain; the   riverwalk is important and
        wrought-iron fencing along the  ect construction, officials said.    During the public comment  obelisk looks like “a bird cage -  should be consistent along the
        Hutton Street sidewalk. The      Council members approved a   segment of the agenda, resident  perhaps the clock from the park  route.
        Americans With Disabilities com-  Consultant Services Agreement  Nancy Darga told the council  could be used instead.” As a  He said drainage at the new
        pliant sidewalk will lead from  with OHM for $91,146 for engi-  members that she had worked  licensed landscape architect, she  walkway needs to be well man-
        the plaza overlook to the ramp  neering and bidding support for  with the Ford Field team for two  noted that the park must have  aged to prevent standing water in
        entrance.                      the Ford Field Accessible      years. She said her concerns are  four-season interest, which  the park below.

           Wet work

           The Department of Public Works in Northville
           Township was recently recognized by township
           officials during Water and Wastewater
           Professional Workforce Week earlier this month.
           The recognition was part of the statewide effort
           to acknowledge the crucial role of water in the
           well-being of all state residents. In a statement
           posted on social media, township officials said,
           "We acknowledge the crucial role of water in our
           lives and express our heartfelt gratitude to the
           dedicated professionals who ensure our water
           remains a precious resource for generations to
           come. Our DPW performs tasks such as water
           and sewer maintenance, water testing and edu-
           cation to ensure we have safe, reliable public
           water and sewer service."

                                       Taking the lead                               Park trail marking new under way

                                       Corey Nicoloff has been named as operations     Northville officials welcomed represen-  do not indicate that any trees will be
                                       leader for the Northville Township Public Works  tatives from the Rock Solid Trail  removed, officials said.
                                       Department. Nicoloff, who started with the    Contracting, LLC. team to Legacy Park ear-  Visitors have removed some flags from
                                       department in 2013, has earned an S-1 license  lier this month.                     trees which delays the trail planning effort.
                                       and is a  graduate of Michigan Public Service   The survey and mapping for the first  Officials have requested that visitors leave
                                       Institute. In this newly-defined role, Nicoloff will  phase of trail construction is now under  the flags in place as they are markers for
                                       spearhead the township public works team,
                                       overseeing the execution of assigned responsi-  way, officials said and as part of this  pathway development in the park.
                                       bilities. As operations leader, he will assist in  process, some trees may be marked with  Construction of the paths and trail is
                                       planning, coordinating and assigning duties for  orange and red/white striped flags. These  expected to begin this spring and be com-
                                       the day-to-day operations, ensuring a seamless  flags are for geographical reference and  plete in August, according to officials.
                                       and efficient workflow, according to township
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