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PAGE 4                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                        December 28, 2023


        Donations for planned pickleball project sought

           Local pickleball enthusiast  pen (and the courts will be built)
        Mark Malcolm is continuing his  only if the funding campaign
        efforts to construct public courts  makes it all the way to $50,000.
        for the game at the Plymouth   Including the value of the land
        Arts and Recreation Complex in  being provided free of charge by
        Plymouth (PARC).               non-profit PARC, plus the state's
           Malcolm, vice-president of  potential grant, Plus $50,000 of
        PARC, recently launched a      pledges by PARC and others to
        fundraising campaign to gener-  reduce the needed public fund-
        ate the matching funds necessary  ing, this is effectively a $500,000
        for a state grant to help fund the  project available at a cost of only
        construction of four outdoor   $50,000.
        courts on property already       “There will never be a better
        owned by PARC.                 opportunity for pickleball courts
           Land for the courts has     in Plymouth,” Malcolm posted.
        already been donated by PARC     He added that the project is at
        and by Dec. 16, $37,935 had been  a critical junction and thanked
        donated toward the $50,000 need-  all those who had already
        ed to match the state funding.  pledged to support the project
           In a recent social media post,  financially.
        Malcolm explained that only      He urged those individuals
        about $12,000 is still needed to  who play the sport to consider
        reach the $50,000 goal before the  making a pledge to ensure the  would be appreciated and that  “More details on the project  mouthpickleball. Questions can
        state deadline of Jan. 14.     recreational fields could be con-  pledges of $100 or more would be  are available - and a pledge can  be  directed  to  me
           “As a reminder, the state's  structed in the community.    recognized on a donor plaque  be made simply and quickly - by  (,”
        $50,000 matching grant will hap-  He added that any amount    installed at the proposed courts.   visiting  Malcolm concluded his post.

                                                                                                      Miracle workers

                                                                                                      Officers from both the Plymouth Township and Plymouth police
                                                                                                      departments again participated in their annual "No Shave
                                                                                                      November" Community Outreach Fundraiser this year. Each
                                                                                                      member of the department was given the opportunity to have a
                                                                                                      beard during November / December for a charitable donation.
                                                                                                      The donations were collected from officers and staff from both
                                                                                                      departments. Township Police Chief James Knittel, City Chief Al
                                                                                                      Cox and officers from each department presented the check to
                                                                                                      The Miracle League of Plymouth Executive Director Stacey
                                                                                                      Diefenbach for $2,150.  The donation will be used for field reno-
                                                                                                      vations, officials said. The Plymouth Township Police Department
                                                                                                      is also accepting gently used baseball equipment at the front
                                                                                                      desk of the station. The donated baseball equipment will be
                                                                                                      given to The Miracle League of Plymouth for use by players at
                                                                                                      the field.

        Church choir member suffers burns                                               To subscribe to The Eagle visit

           The final performance of “The Glory   Choir members surrounding the
        of Christmas” concert at NorthRidge    woman suffered some minor burns as
        Church earlier this month left a woman  she attempted to leave the crowded riser
        hospitalized with burns over 30 percent  as the robe erupted into flames. Church
        of her body, officials said.           security staff members responded to
           According to fire department reports,  extinguish the flames as the township
        first responders were called to the    fire department was enroute. The final
        church at about 9 p.m. Dec. 7 to treat a  show in the 31-year season of the event
        woman severely burned when her choir   continued after the woman was trans-
        robe caught fire during a performance.  ported by Plymouth Township fire per-
        Officials said a misplaced candle  ignited  sonnel.
        the choir robe when the woman brushed    The show, which required a permit
        against the flame. The victim remains  and inspection by fire officials, included
        hospitalized with “pretty significant burn  multiple special effects with the full
        injuries” after being transported to a  choir and orchestra, dancers, flying
        University of Michigan facility.       angels and live animals.

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