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December 28, 2023                                              ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 3


        Ford Road reconstruction project set to begin

           Drivers using Ford Road next  186 percent in some areas. While                        ”                                 traffic signals will be added.
        year will find a long-sought con-  officials refused to set an exact        Canton Township officials have                   In addition, continuous ADA-
        struction effort under way in  date for construction to begin,                                                             certified sidewalks will be con-
        response to the exceptional num-  they announced the project                 been seeking a better traffic                 structed on both sides of the
        ber of reported vehicle crashes  would begin “in early 2024.”           solution along Ford Road since 2012 .              road.
        along the highly trafficked road-  “During peak driving times,                                                               Canton Township officials
        way.                           this heavily travelled road regis-                                                          have been seeking a better traffic
           Michigan Department of      ters some 40,000+ vehicles,    crashes at Lilley Road and Ford  traffic will be separated by a  solution along Ford Road since
        Transportation (MDOT) officials  entering and exiting businesses  at 262 percent over average and  boulevard with at least two  2012 when they hosted the first
        revealed the construction time-  along the corridor. All of this  at 186 percent over average at  through lanes in each direction.  public meeting for the communi-
        line of the recently approved  activity creates potential conflict  Ford and Canton Center Road.  The center turn lane will be elim-  ty to make the case for safety
        project which will include the  points that lead to crashes and  The data was prepared by the  inated and crossovers will be  improvements on the road. The
        temporary widening along Ford  significant travel delays,” MDOT  Southeast Michigan Council of  added. There will be no left turns  Traffic and Environmental Study
        Road. Officials said the construc-  officials said in a prepared  Governments (SEMCOG).     allowed off Ford Road when the  highlighted crash data, noise and
        tion was prompted by the num-  announcement of the plan.        State officials said the 2.27  reconstruction is complete.  other factors in the area bor-
        ber of crashes at Ford Road      Data for a three-year period  mile section of Ford Road will be  Rather, several dedicated pas-  dered by Sheldon, Warren, Lotz,
        intersections which exceed the  from July 1, 2016 to July 1, 2019, at  reconstructed and both east-  senger vehicle/truck turnarounds  and Cherry Hill roads, officials
        Michigan average by as much as  several intersections, reported  bound and westbound Ford Road  will be added, officials said, and  said.

           Kettle campaign

           Members of the Canton Police
           Department were on the job
           throughout the community recently
           as they volunteered to help the
           Salvation Army Red Kettle
           Campaign. The 2023 Red Kettle goal
           has been set at $7.9 million for Metro
           Detroit. The theme of the effort this
           year, Love Beyond Christmas, is a
           reminder, officials said, of the help
           needed by the most vulnerable all
           year long. The Christmas Red Kettle
           Campaign provides shelter, meals
           and gifts to the less fortunate during
           the holiday season through the vol-
           unteer efforts like those of the
           Canton Township officers, officials
           said. The bell ringing campaign
           ended on Christmas Eve.

        Warren Road ‘Underground Railroad’ house demolished

           The historic two-story, red   The 150-year-old home was a  ern states and attempting to get to  Curtis who believes the home  the 1,652-square-foot home and
        brick house at the corner of   popular topic with Civil War his-  Canada.                   was a stop for slaves but, even  the 3 acres of surrounding green
        Warren and Morton Taylor roads  tory fans who suggested the     Circumstantial evidence of the  after more than 200 hours of  space was sold in January. Ryan
        in Canton Township was demol-  house was a stop along the     home as part of the Underground  research, notes the claim cannot  said he does not know what the
        ished last week and the last of the  Underground Railroad used by  Railroad has been discovered by  be proven by hard evidence.  new owner plans to do with the
        remains hauled from the site.  runaway slaves fleeing the south-  Canton Township historian David  According to Realtor Pat Ryan,  property.
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