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PAGE 6                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                        December 26, 2019

                                         Calendar of events

        Wayne County Lightfest returns  legendary feud with one another  perform Tuesday, Jan. 28.  Siers
           The Wayne County Annual     in tow. Everything seems to be in  will be on drums, Duncan
        Lightfest has returned for the  order for their wartime perform-  MacMillan on organ, Steve Wood
        holiday season and will be open  ance until they are somehow  on sax, and Matt LaRusso on gui-
        through Tuesday, Dec. 31. The 5-  assigned to the same suite.  tar.
        mile lightfest drive offers color-  Mistaken identities, overblown  The Plymouth Ann Arbor Elks
        ful displays and at the end, visi-  egos, double entendres, and a  Lodge 325 is located at 41700
        tors can stop and visit Santa's  lap dog named Mr. Boodles    Ann Arbor Road. For more infor-
        Shelter for refreshments and   round out this love note to the  mation, call (734) 453-1780 or visit
        photos.                        classic farces of the 30s and 40s. or email
           For more information, call  The play is not suitable for all
        (734) 261-1990.                ages.  For tickets and more infor-  Daddy Daughter Dances
           The fee to drive through the  mation visit https://inspirethe-  planned in Plymouth
        spectacular display is $5 per           The City of Plymouth Recreation
        vehicle.                                                      Department will host the 9th
                                       Garden Club to meet            Annual Daddy Daughter Dance
        Hockey lessons offered           Members of the Country       at the Cultural Center Reception
           Registration for the next   Garden Club of Northville will  Room from 6:30 until 8:30 p.m.
        Learn to Play Hockey sessions at  meet at 11 a.m. Jan. 8 at Ward  Friday, Jan. 31 and again
        the Plymouth Cultural Center is  Church, 40000 Six Mile Road in  Saturday, Feb. 1.
        now under way. The classes,    Northville.                      Light refreshments and
        which are an introduction to     The speaker for the meeting  snacks will be served.  Semi-for-
        hockey programs intended for   will be Cheryl English who will  mal, dressy-casual attire recom-
        players 4 to 9 years of age, will  discuss the Autumn Jewels.  mended. Advance ticket pur-
        begin Jan. 4.                  Light snacks will be served.   chase is required because space
           The program includes seven    For more information, call   is limited. Sorry, no Walk-ins will
        skating sessions and will contin-  (248) 202-1518.            be accepted.
        ue through Feb. 23. The cost per                                The cost for the dance is $12
        student is $85.                Elks host Blues performance    and registration is now available
           All sessions take place at the  Blues @ The Elks takes place  online                 at
        Plymouth Cultural Center 525   from 7 until 10 p.m. the second
        Farmer, Plymouth.              Tuesday of the month at the      The Cultural Center is located
           Full equipment is required..   Plymouth Ann Arbor Elks Lodge  at 525 Farmer St. in Plymouth.
           A limited number of gear sets  #325 in partnership with the  For more information call (734)
        are available to borrow from the  Detroit  Blues    Society   455-6620
        Recreation Department for use  (
        during the program and can be  There is a $5 donation at the  Butterfly Ball returns to Canton
        reserved on-line when register-  door and dancing is encouraged.  A Valentine's Day tradition
        ing.                             The Kathleen Murray Band     returns to Canton Township Feb.
           On-line registration is avail-  will perform Jan. 14. Joining  7 and 8 with the Butterfly Ball at
        able at https://plymouthweb-   Murray with vocals is Mike     the Summit on the Park. The    Ferencz on guitar, Craig Scott on  event offers a unique experience
        trac.wsc/splash.html.          bass, Bob Bowman on drums      and  dads and daughters can
           Walk-in registration will be  and Evan Mercer on keyboard.     enjoy an evening of dancing,
        taken at the City of Plymouth    The Plymouth Ann Arbor Elks  refreshments, a special butterfly
        Recreation Department located  Lodge 325 is located at 41700  souvenir, and the highly antici-
        in the Plymouth Cultural Center  Ann Arbor Road in Plymouth.  pated- balloon drop that caps off
        Recreation office.             For more information, call (734)  the festivities. Choose from three
                                                                      dances: 6 p.m. Feb. 7  or 2 or 6
           For more information call   453-1780       or       visit  p.m.  Feb. 8. All three dances will Celebrate
        (734) 455-6620 x 0.   or email jaz-
                                        again be held in the Summit
        Township hosts blood drive                                    gymnasium this year. Ticket      Detroit Circus New Year's
           Plymouth Township will host  Bowling fundraiser planned    sales will end Feb. 1.
        a blood drive from 1-7 p.m. Jan. 8  The Romulus Chamber of      Tickets are $11 for residents  Eve performance planned
        in the board meeting room at   Commerce and Friends of the    and $14 for non-residents. Dads
        township hall, 9955 N.Haggerty  Romulus Library have planned  and daughters, regardless of age,
        Road in Plymouth.              a bowling fundraiser from begin-  are required to purchase a ticket  Canton Village Theater will  with activities suitable for all
           The need for blood is con-  ning with registration at 7 p.m.  to attend. For more information,  celebrate New Year's Eve with  ages. The pre-show reception
        stant and only volunteer donors  Jan. 18 at Romulus Lanes, 37452  call (734) 394-5460.         a performance by the Detroit  will start at 6 p.m. Following
        can fulfill that need for patients  West Huron River Dr. in                                    Circus.                     the performance, there will
        in our community, noted Fire   Romulus                        Students host record show          Strolling entertainers, high-  also be an early kid-friendly
        Chief Daniel Phillips who is     Bowling will begin at 8 p.m..  The annual 88.1 record show    flying aerial performers, acro-  countdown to 2020.
        coordinating the effort.       Tickets are $25 per person or $50  will bring thousands of vinyl  bats, and fire performers will  This is an animal-free cir-
           Nationwide, someone needs a  per couple which includes three  records, CDs, import only releas-  create magic on the Main  cus.
        unit of blood every 2 to 3 seconds  games of bowling, shoe rental,  es, t-shirts, posters and other col-  Stage at The Village Theater  Tickets for this event are
        and most of us will need blood in  pizza and a soft drink. There will  lectables to the Salem High  at Cherry Hill in Canton  $22 per person and can be
        our lifetime, he added         be a 50/50 raffle and a cash bar.  School Cafeteria.            beginning at 7 p.m. on New  purchased online at www.can-
           For more information, contact  Organizers said that the event  The record show is set for 10  Year's Eve.       or by
        Phillips at (734) 354-3221     is usually a sell out and urged  a.m. until 4 p.m. Saturday, Feb.  Performers include high-  calling (734) 394-5300 x 2 or in
                                       early ticket purchase. The event  22 and proceeds will benefit the  flying aerial acrobats on fabric  person at the Village Theater
        Suite Surrender on stage       is limited to the first 72 bowlers.   student radio station operated  and trapeze, fire dancing, stilt  Box Office from 10 a.m. until 2
           Inspire Theater will be pre-  For tickets or information,  by   the  Plymouth-Canton        walking and feats of mind-  p.m. Monday through Friday.
        senting Suite Surrender: a farce  call (734)893-0694.         Community Schools.               bending strength.  Adagio   Any unsold tickets will be
        by Michael McKeever at 7:30                                     Admission to the record show   Acrobatic members will also  available for purchase at the
        p.m. Jan. 10, 11, 17, 18, 24 and 25,  Jazz performance scheduled  is $3. Collectors wanting an early  amaze viewers with their chal-  box office one hour prior to
        and at 3 p.m. Jan. 12, 19 and 26.  Jazz @ The Elks take place from  start can purchase early admis-  lenging body balancing, yoga,  show time.
        Westland Center for the Arts is  7 until 9:30 p.m. the last Tuesday  sion between 9 and 10 a.m. for  and flexible maneuvers  The Village Theater at
        located at 33455 Warren Road.  of the month at the Plymouth   $5.  Students in the district high  requiring two partners, who  Cherry Hill is located at 50400
           The story takes place in 1942  Ann Arbor Elks Lodge 325.   schools will be admitted free.   appear to push the limits of  Cherry Hill Road, Canton, MI,
        and two of Hollywood's biggest  There is a $10 donation at the  Interested dealers or those    physics.  Participants can  49187. For more information,
        divas have descended upon the  door which includes hors d'oeu-  wanting more information can   enjoy a pre-show sparkling  visit www.cantonvillagethe-
        luxurious Palm Beach Royale    vres.                          contact (734) 416-7732 or email  grape juice toast in the lobby, or call (734) 394-5300.
        Hotel -- assistants, luggage, and  Pete Siers Organic Roots will
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