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December 26, 2019                                              ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 5

               INKSTER - WAYNE - WESTLAND

        Inkster sets citizens’ meeting

           The first meeting of the    islative changes.              Production and Information
        mayor's policy working groups in  “This is an effort to ensure  Technology.
        Inkster is set for 6-8 p.m.    that the residents, affected by the  “If we have citizens who are
        Wednesday, Jan. 15 at the Dozier  city policies, have input into  most passionate about specific
        Recreation Center.             those policies,” Black said. “The  topics, that is where they can
           According to Dennis Black, a  city policies will come from the  influence policy,” he said.
        senior advisor in the mayor's  citizens participating in these  We're   Moving     Inkster
        office, the meeting is part of the  workshops.”               Forward, Together is the working
        mayor's policy working effort to  This is the first such meeting  phrase for the groups, Black said.
        ensure transparency and public  and during the session chairmen  To register for the meeting,
        involvement in city government.  of the respective groups will be  call (313) 768-6071.
           Black, who will facilitate the  selected he said. Current groups  The Dozier Recreation Center
        meeting, said that the city posi-  include; Housing; Education;  is located at 2025 Middlebelt
        tion is that all city government  Workforce  Development;     Road in Inkster and the meeting
        affects citizens who should have  Economic   Development,     will take place in the multi-pur-
        input into any ordinances or leg-  Criminal Justice Reform; Energy  pose room.
        $16.5 million Regency nursing care                                                             Drawing a crowd

                                                                                                       Wayne-Westland Community School students were asked to
                                                                                                       make a poster with the theme “What an All American Winter
        facility celebrates grand opening                                                              Holiday Looks Like to Me”. All the entries were displayed
                                                                                                       inside of Westland City Hall and the winners chosen by votes
                                                                                                       from hundreds of residents attending the annual Deck the City
                                                                                                       Hall event. First Place winner was Gionna Catchingss from
           It took several years but the  and all we have here today is truly  semi-private rooms, physical ther-  Edison Elementary School who received congratulations from
        new $16.5 million Regency of   remarkable,” he said during the  apy, a spa and a private dining and  Mayor William R. Wild. Second place was awarded to Kristina
        Westland officially opened last  grand opening celebration at the  lounge area. Currently, the new  Panchava Marinova from Edison Elementary School while
        week and Mayor William R. Wild  Newburgh Road building. “One of  facility features 50 private suites,  third place went to Amber Joy Cummings from Walker-Winter
        has high hopes for the facility.  the things we're hoping for is that  22 semi-private suites and 10  Elementary School. Each winner received gift cards to the
           Wild said that while he was  this building here and the action  bariatric suites in the 76,000  MJR Cinemas.
        well aware of the difficulties  and all the energy around it is  square foot building.
        which faced the construction of  going help us kickstart develop-  Regency of Westland will
        the new nursing facility, he was  ment up and down Ford Road.”  replace  Ciena  Healthcare
        excited that the construction was  Ciena Healthcare President  Camelot Hall Convalescent Center
        complete.                      Mohammad Qazi also spoke to the  in Livonia. Camelot patients are
           Wild said that he hopes the  assembled crowd at the grand  expected to move to the new
        development at the former      opening noting that the company  building this week. The Camelot
        Moody's Landscape yard will    is “delighted to have it done.”  facility will be going to the Detroit
        prompt more development in the   Regency of Westland is a state-  Rescue Mission, according to Qazi.
        area.                          of-the-art nursing facility which  The new facility will bring
           “If you look at this property,  provides both short- and long-  about 200 new jobs to the city, offi-
        which used to be a landscape yard,  term care. It will offer private and  cials said.
        Candidates for Distinguished Young Woman of Wayne Westland sought

           The Distinguished Young     place March 6 at Wayne Memorial  Young women who are in the grad-  Throughout participation in the  case of achievements and help pay
        Women of Wayne-Westland schol-  High School and will name the  uation class of 2021 and involved in  event which has more than $1 bil-  for college, organizers said.
        arship program is offering some-  Distinguished Young Women of  school and/or community activities  lion in scholarships available  Candidates can register at
        thing more this year with the inclu-  Wayne-Westland and Wayne  can enter the competition which  nationally, candidates will make An ori-
        sion of candidates from throughout  County as part of a national pro-  also requires candidates to be out-  new friends, learn life skills such  entation meeting is set for 4 p.m.
        Wayne County.                  gram which awards scholarships  standing in academics, leadership,  as interviewing and public speak-  Jan. 26 at 32807 Manor Park in
           This year, the program will take  for young women's achievements.  athletics or the arts.  ing, have fun putting on a show-  Garden City.
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