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PAGE 4                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                        December 26, 2019

                              BELLEVILLE - ROMULUS

        Van Buren Township files suit against Visteon

           Van Buren Township has      not sue claiming a shortfall that                                                           edged the weakness of its inter-
        filed a lawsuit against Visteon  had not yet occurred. Both the                          ”                                 pretation of the agreement” and
        claiming the company has failed  Michigan Court of Appeals and        The township claims that Visteon agreed to           said that the calculation by the
        to honor an agreement regard-  the Michigan Supreme Court         cover any shortfall in tax revenue as payments are       township did not comply with
        ing $28 million in bonds the   agreed with that decision.                                                                  the agreement.
        township issued to help fund the  Now, the shortfall has taken    due on the bonds issued by the township in 2003.           Van Buren Township is ask-
        automotive supplier world head-  place, according to township                                                              ing the Wayne County Circuit
        quarters. Again.               officials who claim that the rev-                                                           Court to order Visteon to pay the
           The township claims that    enue shortfall of $618,736 was  bringing this shortfall to   turned out exactly as we project-  current shortfall in tax revenue
        Visteon agreed to cover any    experienced on Oct. 1. Attorney  Visteon's attention when we had  ed, and Visteon is still  and all other future shortfalls
        shortfall in tax revenue as pay-  Kaveh Kashef of Butzel Long  certainty of the shortfall amount  stonewalling us,” McNamara  along with attorney fees and
        ments are due on the bonds     notified Visteon of the situation  and the date of its occurrence,”  continued.             court costs. McNamara said the
        issued by the township in 2003.  at that time and requested pay-  stated township Supervisor   In the Oct. 8 letter rejecting  total shortfalls could amount to
        Visteon denies any such agree-  ment to the township for the  Kevin McNamara in a written   the demand for payment from    as much as $28 million.
        ment and asserts that the com-  shortfall.                    statement.                    the township, J. Benjamin        Kashef said that the shortfalls
        pany does not owe the township   Visteon responded through      “For years, the township told  Dolan, an attorney with     would now continue to occur
        any money.                     their corporate attorney stating  Visteon the shortfall would  Dickenson Wright, wrote, “under  every six months.
           The township first filed suit  that the claim was rejected and  occur in October 2019. For years,  the language of the agreement,  “Every dollar that the town-
        against Visteon in 2015 noting  that no money was due the town-  Visteon has been telling the  there is simply no money due  ship has to pay is a dollar that
        the anticipated shortfall. That  ship from the company.       township and the courts that the  from Visteon to the township.”  could be used to pay other liabil-
        suit was dismissed by the court  “We tried to responsibly man-  township's projections are hypo-  Dolan also said that the town-  ities such as pension liabilities
        which said the township could  age financial responsibilities by  thetical or speculative. Well, it's  ship has, “at times acknowl-  or to pay for services,” he said.

        Romulus mayor working to promote new city development

           As officials in the City of                            ”                                 shops into the downtown area,
        Romulus look forward to anoth-                    We've been building                       notably the former Romulus
        er year, they find themselves in                                                            Market, a small grocer that has
        an enviable position: a lot of land               a ton of momentum.                        been closed for years.
        to work from                                  We got people back to work.                      Burcroff, who will host his
           The city, which was recog-                                                               annual State of the City address
        nized by the Southeastern                                                                   next month, said he will touch on
        Michigan      Council      of  strides in bringing in develop-  ing out.”                   the many successes in the com-
        Governments (SEMCOG) as the    ment large and small, and with   Often, the prospect that wor-  munity over the past year. They
        largest area of growth in Wayne  building bridges with existing  ries business owners is talent.  all originated in the visioning
        County during the past two     businesses, he said. He and his  That's why Burcroff encourages  sessions he opened up to resi-
        years, is looking at ways to bring  staff go out on weekly meetings  them to work with the Romulus  dents following his election as
        development to the vacant land  where they talk with business  School District to help build that  mayor.
        near Metro Airport to capitalize  owners to get a sense of what  talent pool through education as  “We've been building a ton of
        on the nearby freeways and     they're worried about as well as  well as training in skilled trades.  momentum. We got people back
        other transportation hubs.     to uncover any issues they may   “It helps the schools, it helps  to work,” he said. “Our number      Mayor Leroy Burcroff
           “We've got a canvass to paint,”  have so they can help solve  us and it helps the businesses,  one objective that we heard from
        said Romulus Mayor Leroy       them.                          because they're looking for peo-  the residents was jobs, jobs, jobs.  ing. Jobs have been our focus
        Burcroff. “We want to make sure  “It's important to have a rela-  ple,” Burcroff said.      That's how we've been deliver-  and we're delivering on that.”
        we bring in development that   tionship before there's a prob-  City offi-
        fits, because it's got to go through  lem. It works to get out and talk  cials are also  MINUTES OF THE REGULAR ROMULUS CITY COUNCIL MEETING
        planning, through the city coun-  to people-then they know who to  working on                              December 9, 2019
        cil and we want to make sure   call,” he said. “It's better to have  ways to bring  Romulus City Hall Council Chambers, 11111 Wayne Rd, Romulus, MI 48174
        that process is smooth.”       the relationship up front, and  more brick-
           He and his team have made   then they're comfortable reach-  and-mortar    The Meeting was called to Order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Pro Tem John Barden.
                                                                                      Pledge of Allegiance
                                                                                      Roll Call:
                                                                                      Present: Kathy Abdo, John Barden, Celeste Roscoe, Tina Talley, William Wadsworth, Eva Webb, Virginia
                                  CITY OF ROMULUS                                     Williams
                                      CITY COUNCIL                                    Absent / Excused: None.
                                     PUBLIC HEARING                                   Administrative Officials in Attendance:  Leroy Burcroff, Mayor Ellen L. Craig-Bragg, Clerk Stacy Paige,
                                                                                      Administrative Staff: Steve Hitchcock, Attorney; Julie Wojtylko, Chief of Staff; Robin R. Underwood, Deputy
         Please be advised that the City of Romulus City Council has scheduled a Public Hearing to be held  Clerk
         Monday, January 13, 2020 at 6:00 p.m., Prevailing Eastern Time in the Romulus City Hall Council  Agenda
         Chambers, 11111 Wayne Road, Romulus, Michigan 48174-1485.  The purpose of the meeting is to  Moved by Tina Talley, seconded by Celeste Roscoe to accept the Agenda as presented. Motion Carried
         hear comments on the proposed special assessment district for the removal and replacement of  Unanimously
         pedestrian/street lighting on the WEST side of Wickham from Merriman south to Wick.  1.  Minutes
                                                                                         A. #19-376 Moved by William Wadsworth, seconded by Eva Webb to approve the Minutes from the
         In accordance with Public Act 64 of 1989, please be advised that this statement serves as notice that  Regular Meeting held December 2, 2019, as amended, to reflect the change under the Mayor’s Report,
         appearance and protest at the January 13, 2020 public hearing is required in order to appeal the spe-  5D – Resolution B. #19-370, Introduction of Budget Amendment 19/20-11 to pay for final construction
         cial assessment to the Michigan Tax Tribunal.                                     costs of Goddard Road. The correction should reflect under Fund/Dept. Account No. “Major Roads,” to
                                                                                           replace Library Fund. Motion Carried
                                                                                         B. #19-377 Moved by William Wadsworth, seconded by Kathy Abdo to approve the Minutes from the
         You must either appear in person at the public hearing or notify the City Clerk's Office by mail no  Special Meeting - Study Session held on December 2, 2019. Motion Carried
         later than 12:00 noon, Monday, January 13, 2020 in order to reserve you right to protest the special  2.   Petitioner - None.
         assessment.                                                                  Chairperson’s Report, John Barden, Mayor Pro-Tem
                                                                                           #19-378 Moved by Kathy Abdo, seconded by Virginia Williams to concur with the Administration and
         All interested citizens are encouraged to attend and will be given an opportunity to comment on said  the Human Resources Director’s recommendation to approve the Tentative Agreement for the successor
         request.                                                                          Collective Bargaining  Agreement between the City of Romulus and International  Association of
                                                                                           Firefighters Local 4126, to be effective from July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2023.  Motion Carried
         Ellen Craig-Bragg, CMC, Clerk                                                     Res. #19-379 Moved by Tina Talley, seconded by Celeste Roscoe to approve a Memorial Resolution for
         City of Romulus, Michigan                                                         the family of Shirley Ann Greene. Motion Carried Unanimously
                                                                                      3. Moved by Celeste Roscoe, seconded by Tina Talley to accept the Chairperson’s Report.
         PUBLISH:  December 26, 2019                                                       Motion Carried Unanimously
                                                                                      4.   Mayor’s Report – LeRoy D. Burcroff, Mayor
                                 THIS IS AN OPEN MEETING!                                A video showcasing community events was presented.
                                                                        RM0459 - 122619  2.5 x 4.0  A. Res. #19-380  Moved by  William Wadsworth, seconded by  Virginia Williams  to concur with
                                                                                           Administration and authorize the Sole Source  purchase and installation of a Polycom  Video
                                                                                           Conferencing System  at a total cost of $26,419.97 from J Ewing LLC.  Motion Carried Unanimously
                                  CITY OF ROMULUS                                        B. Res. #19-381 Moved by Eva Webb, seconded by Celeste Roscoe to concur with Administration and con-
                                  ORDINANCE NO. 19-386                                     sent to piggyback on the MiDeal Contract #071B7700181 with Gorno Ford to purchase three (3) 2020
                                                                                           Ford Police Utility Interceptors including options and delivery for a total amount of $106,095.00. Motion
                                                                                           Carried Unanimously
         AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 38 PARKS AND RECREATION, ARTICLE I,               C. Res. #19-382 Moved by Kathy Abdo, seconded by William Wadsworth to concur with Administration
         SECTION 38-10 of the CODE OF ORDINANCES FOR THE CITY OF ROMULUS.                  to extend the City’s current Services Agreement with BSB Communications Inc. for the useful life of the
                                                                                           hardware and software or until the agreement can no longer be budgeted for at a cost of $6,220.00 annu-
         THE CITY OF ROMULUS ORDAINS:                                                      ally with increases not to exceed the Consumer Price Index (CPI).     Motion Carried Unanimously
                                                                                         D. Res. #19-383 Moved by Celeste Roscoe, seconded by Eva Webb to concur with the Administration and
         Chapter 38 Section 38-10 is amended to read as follows:                           consent to piggyback on the Farmington Hills Contract #RFP-FH-18-2023 for the purchase and profes-
                                                                                           sional Installation of Furniture at the new/y constructed 34th District Court in the amount of $61,652.02
            Sec. 38-10. - Explosives.                                                      from the Office Supply Guys. Motion Carried Unanimously
                                                                                         E. Res. #19-384  Moved by  William Wadsworth, seconded by  Kathy Abdo  to concur with the
                                                                                           Administration and consent to piggyback on NCPA Contract 07-16 for the purchase of Cubical
            No person, except officers of the law, employees so authorized by the fire marshal or the  Workstations and professional installation at the newly constructed 34th District Court in the amount of
            approved law enforcement agency, shall carry any missile-propelling device of any description,  $64,330.52. Motion Carried Unanimously
            fireworks or explosive substances within the parks without a written permit from the city coun-  F. Res. #19-385 Moved by Celeste Roscoe, seconded by Tina Talley to concur with the administration and
            cil.                                                                           consent to Piggyback on the US General Services Administration (GSA) Contract GS-28F-0023W sched-
                                                                                           ule 711-18 for the purchase of Multi-purpose seating and professional installation at the at the newly con-
                ADOPTED, APPROVED, AND PASSED by the City Council of the City of Romulus this  structed 34th District Court in the amount of $14,427.54 from KFI Furniture.
         9th day of December 2019.                                                         Motion Carried Unanimously
                                                                                      5.   Clerk’s Report – Ellen L. Craig-Bragg, Clerk
                                                                                           Madam Clerk Craig-Bragg announced the newly installed Cemetery Gates, “Ribbon Cutting Ceremony,”
                I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of the Ordinance as passed by the City
                                                                                           to be held on Saturday, December 14th at 11:15 a.m.  All are encouraged to attend!
         Council of the City of Romulus at a regular Council Meeting held in the City Council Room in said  A. Res. #19-386 Moved by Eva Webb, seconded by Virginia Williams to approve the Second Reading, Final
         City on the 9th day of December, 2019.                                       Adoption of an Amendment to the Code of Ordinances, Chapter 38 Parks and Recreation, Article 1, Section
                                                                                      38-10, Firearms and Explosives. Motion Carried Unanimously
                I further certify that the foregoing was published in the Associated Newspapers, a newspa-  B. Res. #19-387 Moved by William Wadsworth, seconded by Kathy Abdo to approve the Second Reading,
         per of general circulation in the City of Romulus, on the 19th day of December, 2019.   Final Adoption of Budget Amendment 19/20-11 to pay for final construction costs of Goddard Road Streetscape.
                                                                                      Motion Carried Unanimously
                                                       ELLEN L. CRAIG-BRAGG, CMC,     6.   Treasurer’s Report – Stacy Paige, Treasurer - None.
                                                                   Romulus City Clerk  7.   Public Comment - Three (3) residents addressed the City Council.
                                                                                      8.   Unfinished Business – Councilman Wadsworth addressed Ordinance enforcement
                                                                                      9.   New Business -None.
                              11111 WAYNE ROAD, ROMULUS, MI.                               Res. #19-388 Moved by Kathy Abdo, seconded by Tina Talley to approve Warrant #19-23, Checks pre-
                                                                                           sented in the amount of $1,493,383.78. Motion Carried Unanimously
         Within forty-five (45) days after publication of any ordinance duly passed by the Council, a petition  11. Communication:
         may be presented to the Council protesting against such ordinance continuing in effect.  Said peti-  Councilpersons:  Abdo, Talley, Williams, and Mayor Burcroff spoke during Communications.
         tion shall contain the text of such ordinance and shall be signed by not less than six percent (6%) of  12. Adjournment
         the registered electors registered at the last preceding election at which a Mayor of the City was  Moved by William Wadsworth, seconded by Celeste Roscoe to adjourn the meeting at 8:16 p.m.
         elected.  Said ordinance shall thereupon and thereby be suspended from operation and the Council  Motion Carried Unanimously
         shall immediately reconsider such ordinance.                                 I, Ellen L. Craig-Bragg, Clerk for the City of Romulus, Michigan do hereby certify the foregoing to be a true
                                                                                      copy of the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Romulus City Council held on December 9, 2019.
         Introduced:          12-2-2019
         Adopted:             12-9-2019                                               Ellen L. Craig-Bragg, City Clerk
         Published Effective:  12-26-2019                              RM0460 - 122619  2.5 x 6.17  City of Romulus, Michigan                      RM0461 - 122619  2.5 x 11.332
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