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PAGE 2                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                        December 26, 2019


        Northville Township names new managers

                                          Todd Mutchler has been      years of municipal experience  work at the township, she served
                                       named Northville Township      and has a master's degree in  as the assistant finance director
                                       Manager effective Dec. 14.     Interdisciplinary Technology.  for the City of Novi where she
                                          He will succeed Debbie      Mutchler has served the       was responsible for safeguarding
                                       Wilhelm who served in an inter-  Northville Township Public  the fiscal integrity of the city
                                       im capacity following the retire-  Safety Department at all leader-  through the development and
                                       ment of long-time Township     ship levels and has a breadth of  implementation of sound finan-
                                       Manager Chip Snyder in October.   perspective and experience, the  cial policies and practices,
                                          Mutchler  joined the Charter  statement noted.            according to the township state-
                                       Township of Northville in May of  Mutchler has named Marina  ment.
                                       2016 and has served as both    Neumaier, the current township   “Together, they have a broad
                                       deputy director of police servic-  finance manager, as the new  understanding of the current cul-
                                       es and director of public safety.  assistant township manager to  ture of the organization. They
                                       An official statement from the  close out the last of the succes-  will work together to continue to
                                       township noted that Mutchler,  sion planning for 2019.       lead Northville Township into
                                       “brings extensive experience     Neumaier is a Certified     the future by building and main-
                                       and will add the necessary lead-  Public Accountant with more  taining strong relationships with
                                       ership to cohesively manage the  than 30 years of combined pri-  the community and continuing to
                                       changes currently happening in  vate and public municipal    foster the values and principles
                                       the organization and the commu-  finance experience.  She joined  of the Charter Township of
                                       nity.”                         Northville   Township     in  Northville,” the statement from
                      Marina Neumaier     Mutchler has more than 30   December 2012 and prior to her  the township concluded.                      Todd Mutchler
        Teens charged with car theft, vehicle break-ins

           A pair of 17-year-olds from  keys inside from the parking lot  submitted a warrant request to
        Detroit have been charged with  and had fled the scene.       the office of the Wayne County
        vehicle theft and larceny from   The officer notified the loss  prosecutor.
        parked cars in Northville      prevention team at the store and  Michael Tolbert and Vantae
        Township.                      the officer and Meijer employees  Pitts, each 17, and both from
           As part of an increased holi-  reviewed surveillance video  Detroit were arraigned Dec. 15 in
        day shopping patrol effort, a  tapes and were able to identify  the 34th district Court in
        Northville Township officer was  the suspects leaving the parking  Romulus and have been charged
        driving through the parking lot at  lot in the stolen car.    with felony offenses. Tolbert is
        the Meijer store at Eight Mile   Meijer loss prevention officers  charged with motor vehicle theft,
        and Haggerty Road at about 5:45  notified other Meijer stores in  receiving and concealing stolen
        p.m. Dec. 7 when he was        the area and later in the week,  property, larceny from auto and
        approached by a shopper who    the pair was seen in the Meijer  breaking and entering of a vehi-
        claimed that their car had been  store in Livonia where one of the  cle.  Pitts is being charged with
        broken into and items stolen   loss prevention officers recog-  motor vehicle theft and receiving
        while they had been in the store.  nized the teens entering the  and concealing stolen property.            Michael Tolbert                  Vantae Pitts
        The officer discovered that sev-  building, explained Northville  Judge Michael Golematis   taken $1,700 worth of goods from  help deter thefts from vehicles
        eral other vehicles had also been  Township Detective Bureau  ordered Tolbert held on a $10,000  cars in addition to taking the  and homes, is currently under
        broken into in the lot and items  Supervisor Sgt. Doug Scoggins.  bond and Pitts on a $5,000 bond.  unlocked vehicle which was  way.
        such as cell phones, laptop com-  Livonia police wer notified and  The pair will appear in 35th  recovered by police and     For more information about
        puters and other valuables had  arrested the pair at the scene.  District Court Dec. 27 for a prob-  returned to the owner.    the program, contact Northville
        been stolen.  Another victim     Northville officers picked the  able cause hearing on the     The Northville Township     Township Police Chief Paul
        reported that that two men had  pair up and transported them to  charges.                   Police Department Lock it or   Tennies, at (248) 662-0455 or visit
        stolen an unlocked car with the  the police station and detectives  Police estimate the pair had  Lose it initiative, a program to
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