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PAGE 6                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                        December 15, 2022

                                                     INKSTER - WESTLAND
                                                     INKSTER - WESTLAND

        Suspect is arrested in hit and run incident

           Westland police have arrest-                                                             when a dark-colored compact    findings would be turned over
        ed the driver who is suspected                            ”                                 SUV drove through a red light  to the office of the Wayne
        of seriously injuring a 15-year-       Administrators from the Wayne-Westland               and struck her. The incident   County Prosecutor for a deter-
        old John Glenn High School                                                                  took place, police said, at about  mination of charges.
        student in a hit and run acci-        Community Schools said that a crisis team             6:46 a.m. Dec. 8 on Newburgh     Administrators from the
        dent.                                  was available at John Glenn High School.             Road near the intersection of  Wayne-Westland Community
           Gianna Mariah Harris, 28, of                                                             Marquette. The driver of the   Schools said that a crisis team
        Ypsilanti was arraigned before                                                              vehicle did not stop, but contin-  was available at John Glenn
        Judge Mark McConnell in 18th                                                                ued southbound on Newburgh     High School to offer emotional
        District Court on a charge of                                                               Road, according to police      support to students.
        failure to stop at the scene of a  bond and that Harris wear an  hospitalized at St. Mary   reports.                         Police are still requesting
        personal injury accident.      electronic monitor.            Hospital in Livonia, police said,  In a prepared statement,  anyone with information call
        McConnell ordered a $1,000       The injured teen remains     with serious injuries sustained  police said the investigation  investigators at (734) 722-9600.
        Inkster seeks public input on recreation plan

           City of Inkster officials want  began Dec. 1. Inkster officials                                                         their comments in writing to the
        to hear what residents of the  are preparing the Five-Year                               ”                                 attention of the City of Inkster
        community would like to see as  Recreation Plan in accordance           When completed, this plan will serve               Planning Department, 26215
        recreational opportunities.    with the Michigan Department                as a guide for the development                  Trowbridge, Inkster, Michigan,
           Officials are currently com-  of Natural Resources (MDNR)                                                               48141. Persons may also e-mail
        piling data for preparation of  requirements. When completed,             of community recreation facilities.              comments to Brigitte Smith,
        the Five-Year Parks and        this plan will serve as a guide                                                             planner at
        Recreation Master Plan and     for the development of commu-                                                               Comments will be received
        have scheduled a public review  nity recreation facilities and                                                             through noon, Monday, Jan. 2,
        period which will continue     programs during the next five  available for review during nor-  be accessed at   2023.  Responders should refer-
        through Dec. 30.               years, officials said.         mal business hours at City Hall,             ence "Parks and Recreation
           The required 30-day public    Copies of the draft Five-Year  located at 26215 Trowbridge,   Inkster residents and stake-  Master Plan" in all correspon-
        review and comment period      Parks and Recreation Plan are  Inkster. The draft plan may also  holders are asked to submit  dence.

           Death                               2429 Bristol Pike, Bensalem, PA       Library services available
                                                 Holy Ghost Preparatory School,
                                               19020, Phone: (215) 639-2102
           FROM PAGE 1               ; St.     They are turning over a new leaf at the  including loaning of books and materials
                                               Michael the Archangel Church, 11441   William Faust Public Library in Westland.  will be available at nearby libraries
           Collegeville, PA and their three chil-  Hubbard Livonia, MI, 48150 Phone:   A planned $5.3 million renovation and  include Canton Township, Garden City
           dren, Andrew, Alex and Matthew, and  (734) 261-1455; Bed Bark & Beyond    expansion of the facility is now under way  and Wayne. Officials said those facilities
           a host of family members.           Animal Rescue https://bbbanimalres-   and will include the addition of 7,000  will honor a Westland library card during
              In a special remembrance, the; Romulus Animal Shelter      square feet to the building. The current  the project. Books can be checked out and
           quilt covering Dr. Hermann's coffin   Taylor     Animal      Shelter      location will remain closed to the public  computers used at those sites.
           was one he commissioned of St.  until a potential reopening of the remod-  Among the planned improvements are
           Francis of Assisi appearing with ani-  mal-Shelter; Monroe Animal Shelter;  eled facility next fall. While the library  gathering or meeting rooms. While the
           mals. The quilt was blessed with holy  Woodhaven Trenton Animal; Shelter  will remain closed at the current Central  current library has two, the renovated
           water from Assisi. Dr. Hermann had    City Parkway location, services will be  building will have 11 gathering or meeting
           planned to display the work in his  ments/animal_control/animal_shel-     available beginning in late January at the  rooms. Those rooms will be open to the
           office.                             ter_-_adoptable_pets.php              former Marshall Upper Elementary      public use and will include video confer-
              In lieu of flowers, Dr. Hermann    Funeral arrangements were           School building on Bayview Street as con-  ence capabilities.
           had several charities he supported,  entrusted to the Griffin Funeral     struction continues.                     A new open layout, a programming
           including: :                        Home.                                   While online services will continue  room, new carpet and paint are all
                                                                                     without interruption, other services  planned for the building.
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