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PAGE 4                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                        December 15, 2022

                                                         ROMULUS - WAYNE
                                                         ROMULUS - WAYNE

        City water department plans random testing

           Several Romulus homes will  eliminate any potential lead   ered standard practice during  sewer department manages the
        receive a visit from city employ-  service lines at homes and busi-  time of installation.  reading and maintaining of
        ees during the next few weeks  nesses, he added. The DWAM       The city has a long-standing  approximately 8,000 services in
        in an effort to determine the  grant is offered by the Michigan  history of providing safe drink-  the city. The department is also
        quality of residential water.  Department of Environment,     ing water to the residents and  responsible for new meter
           City Department of Public   Great Lakes, and Energy        business owners of Romulus,   installations and maintains and
        Service Director Roberto       (EGLE), and requires a certain  and officials are committed to  repairs all the city-owned fire
        Scappaticci explained that this  number of randomly selected  continue this practice with the  hydrants.
        testing is a partnership with  properties to be inspected.    help of residents, according to  Randomly selected property
        property owners to inspect     Physical inspections of water  Scappaticci, who has been the  owners will be receiving a letter
        water service lines in front of  connections at the curb stop in  director of the department  explaining the program with
        and inside their homes. The    front of the property and at the  since 2014. A simple inspection  instructions for scheduling an
        proactive measure is part of a  meter located inside, will allow  of the water service line materi-  in-home inspection of the serv-
        Drinking     Water     Asset   inspectors to identify what    al will assist city employees in  ice line. It is required for the
        Management (DWAM) grant        materials were used during     determining if and where lead  property owner to be present
        received by the city to inventory  construction decades ago,  service lines exist in the system.  during this 5-to-10-minute
        materials used in the water    Scappaticci said. During a time  These inspections will help  inspection, Scappaticci said.
        service lines to homes and busi-  when a variety of materials  with planning for replacement  For more information, contact
        nesses, Scappaticci explained.  were used during construction  of any service lines that may  the Romulus Department of
           The work will help identify,  of water services lines in the  exist.                     Public Services at (734) 942-
        account for, and eventually    city, lead materials were consid-  Currently, the city water and  7579.                                Roberto Scappaticci
        Newly elected school

        board members seated

           Voters selected four candidate to serve  endorsed by both the Romulus Education
        on the controversy plagued Romulus     Association, the union which represents
        Community School District during voting  teachers in the district, and the Michigan
        Nov. 8.                                Education Association, which represents
           One incumbent, Ursula L. Wester, was  teachers throughout the state.
        returned to office by vot-                             The former board
        ers garnering 3,022 or 15           ”                members were targeted
        percent of the votes cast                            for recall following the
        on the school board por-    The top voter getter     abrupt    firing    of
        tion of the ballot.                                  Superintendent      of
           The top voter getter    was Paris McCarthy,       Schools     Benjamin
        was Paris McCarthy, a        a girls basketball      Edmondson.     School
        girls basketball coach                               board meetings became
        and    educator,  who      coach and educator.       raucous as parents,
        received 3,289 or 16 per-                            teachers and students
        cent of the votes. Porsche                           protested the board        Santa's helpers
        Laster won the favor of                              actions. Edmonson sub-
        3,058 or 15 percent of votes while Darcel C.  sequently filed a lawsuit against the dis-  The Romulus Police Officers Association and The Romulus Command Officers
        Davis was the choice of 2,6711 or 13 per-  trict claiming civil rights and whistleblow-  Association donated $1,000 and 10 bicycles to Grindline Training & Fitness
        cent of voters.                        er protection violations which has not yet  (GTF) this month. GTF has adopted 60 local families for Christmas and business
           All four of the winning candidates were  been adjudicated.                   owners, Mark and Lisa Cox, Romulus residents, will be distributing meals and
                                                                                        toys to local families this holiday season. A department spokesman said the
                                                                                        donation was a gesture of thanks to residents who support the police officers
           Holiday contest under way                                                    during the year.

             The twinkling lights, the blow-up  with  your phone number, along with  Wayne recount is completed
           Santa or even the Grinch can all be  the address of the home being nomi-
           nominated this year during the      nated. If possible, include a phone     Mathew Mulholland remains the win-  Wagner requested the recount of the 23
           Romulus Holiday Home Decorating     number connected to the home being    ner of the Wayne City Council seat for  vote difference. Upon completion of the
           Contest, organized by the Romulus   nominated. Upload the photos from     Ward Six in the city.                 recount, with all ballots counted,
           Recreation Department.              your          phone           to:       A recount of votes requested by losing  Mulholland received 2,087 and Wagner
             Homes can be nominated until      candidate Phillip Wagner was completed  2,061 a difference of two additional votes
           Friday, Jan. 6 and there will be prizes  or send a direct message to the City of  last week. Wagner lost his seat to  for Mulholland and one less vote for
           for the first, second and third place  Romulus Facebook page.             Mulholland during balloting Nov. 8.   Wagner.
           winners who will be chosen by voting  For more information, contact the   Wagner had served on the council since   Wagner will be responsible for the
           on the City of Romulus Facebook     Community Services Department at      2018.                                 expense of the recount procedure, accord-
           page.                               (734) 955-4504.                         The original vote count saw         ing to city officials.
             To enter, send in a photo of the    All nominations are due by Friday,  Mulholland with 2,085 votes and Wagner   The recount was open to the public and
           home, yours or a friend or neighbor's)  Dec. 16.                          with 2,062, each at 50 percent of the votes  took place in the Wayne City Council
                                                                                     cast for Ward Six during the election.  chambers at city hall.

                                                                  TO PLACE YOUR CLASSIFIED AD CALL 734-467-1900

                              2G1WT58K381344614        @ 10:00 AM AM AT   2011 MERCURY
                              2009 DODGE                6345 N HIX RD     3MEHM0JG4BR604347
                              3D4GH57V59T139548           WESTLAND        2014 FORD
           PUBLIC AUCTION     2007 HYUNDAI           THE VEHICLES WILL BE  1FM5K8D86EGB08809
          MARTINS’ TOWING     5NMSH13E97H101305       SOLD AS.  STARTING  2015 NISSAN
         17180 DIX TOLEDO RD  2008 FORD               BID IS FOR TOWING   3N1AB7AP8FL645481
            BROWNSTOWN,       1FAHP25W08G183299         AND STORAGE.       2007 SATURN
               MI 48193       1995 CHEVROLET                              1G8AN15F67Z112830
          DECEMBER 19, 2022   1GCGC29N2SE165957      VEHICLE ARE SOLD AS  2011 CHEVROLET
              10:00 AM        2011 LINCOLN              IS AND MAY BE     2CNALBEC1B6201731
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        1HGEJ854XXL008825     2016 CHEVROLET            AUCTION PRIOR     L9NTCBAE6M1304851
        2002 CHEVROLET        1G1PE5SB1G7106298          TO BIDDING.       2009 FORD
        1GNCS18W02K176163     2019 KEYS               ALL BIDS START AT   2FMDK38C59BA88577
        2004 CHRYSLER         4YDT18018KW152820        AMOUNT SHOWN       2005 LINCOLN
        3C4FY58B34T291365     2009 FORD                FOR TOWING AND     5LMFU28515L122598
        2010 CHEVROLET        3FAHP07Z19R188050         STORAGE FEES.      2004 JEEP
        3GNBAADB9AS611153     2019 FORD                                   1J4GL58K54W100973
        2008 FORD             MAJ6S3GL2KC293767                           2009 FORD
        1FAHP35N48W116983     2022 HYUNDAI          2010 CHEVROLET        3FAHP08Z89R174807
        2016 FORD             3H3V532K6NJ345789     1G1AD5F54A7240436     2008 PONTIAC
        2FMPK3J93GBC21507                           2012 YAMAHA           1G2ZG57N084291206
        2002 FORD                                   JYARJ16E3CA024090
        1FMYU03102KB15406        CANTON POLICE      2004 YAMAHA
        2009 FORD                 DEPARTMENT        JYAVM01E14A067996
        2FMDK52C29BA00959                           2010 LINCOLN              To advertise in
        2001 HONDA             THESE VEHICLES HAVE  1LNHL9DR8AG600793
        2HGES25781H533066      BEEN DEEMED ABAN-    2008 VOLVO                  The Eagle
        2002 SATURN             DONED AND WILL BE   YV4CN9827814669080
        1G8ZY12742Z238460         SOLD AT PUBLIC    2002 CHEVROLET                email
        2011 CHEVROLET            AUCTION.  THE      1G1JC524627103371
        1G1ZB5E14BF101552      AUCTION WILL BE HELD  2009 NISSAN 
        2006 CHRYSLER           ON WEDNESDAY DEC    JN8AZ18W39W147033
        2A4GP54L86R772685       21,22 @ 10:00 AM AT  2004 HONDA                   or call
        1995 FORD             6345 HIX, WESTLAND, MI  1HGCM56354A088870
        1FTEF25Y5SLB97652          48185. BE ON     2009 PONTIAC              (734) 467-1900
        2008 CHEVROLET         WEDNESDAY DEC 21,22  1G2ZJ57KX94247528
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