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December 15, 2022                                              ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 5


        Northville Township firefighters took time to review emergency entry techniques last week to ensure rapid access to blocked or locked buildings.
        Township firefighters train for ‘forced’ entry emergencies

           They weren't “forced” into the  structure where normal means of  “through the lock” can be used to  require use. If urgent entry is  Whenever possible, destruction is
        training, but both the newest  access is locked, blocked or non-  limit damage to property, officials  required, it is typically for a struc-  limited.
        members of  the Northville     existent.  Entry could be a door,  added.                    ture fire or medical emergency   Northville Township fire
        Township Fire Department, along  window or wall, officials said, and  The importance of the forcible  with life safety implications, he  engines carry a spectrum of
        with a few of the oldest, attended  depending on the urgency and  entry techniques is clear when it  added.                forcible entry tools; light, medi-
        special training recently.     other factors in a response call,  becomes necessary, a spokesman  “When time is life, these skills  um, and heavy duty along with
           The firefighters completed  firefighters' often have to deter-  explained. Firefighters need to be  are essential,” he added.  smaller tools used to manipulate
        forcible entry (FE) training, the  mine the level of destruction  confident and proficient with  Conversely, he noted, property  locking and latching mechanisms,
        technique used by emergency    required. If more time is avail-  forcible entry techniques because  conservation is also a priority of  to aid entry in case of emergency
        responders to gain access to a  able, some techniques known as  of the nature of the incidents that  the responders, after life safety.  response.
                                                                                     Children’s Market set at Art House
           Library                            with them.  Any resident or property     Children can find something special  asked to accompany their children at the
                                              owner in the City or Township of
                                              Northville is eligible for a Library   for everyone on their holiday gift list at  Northville Art House. As shoppers wait
           FROM PAGE 1                        card at no charge. Non-residents who   the special Children's Holiday Shopping  for their purchases to be wrapped by vol-
                                              work or attend school in Northville    Day at the Northville Art House.      unteers, they can create their own holi-
           there were no fines, and it allowed  are also eligible for a card upon verifi-  The popular event will take place  day craft as well as enjoy cookies and
           our staff to focus on having friendly  cation of employment or school     from 10 a.m. until 1 p.m. at the Art House  hot cocoa.
           interactions with our patrons instead  enrollment in the district.        located at 215 W .Cady St. in Northville.  At noon, Northville High School
           of haggling about a $2 fine.”         For more information, visit the     During the free event, children can pur-  alumnus Jacob Maten, and fellow mem-
             Public library visits declined dur-  Northville District Library website at:  chase unique artwork and handcrafted  bers of the men's a cappella group from
           ing the COVID-19 pandemic, but as; or telephone the  gifts created by professional artists for  Miami University in Ohio, will entertain
           the world returns to normal the    Library at (248) 349-3020. The library  their family and friends.            visitors.
           Northville District Library leaders  is also on Facebook, Instagram,        The collection, while supplies last,   For more information on the
           want to encourage patrons to return -  Twitter, Spotify, Flickr, YouTube, and  includes a variety of artwork, jewelry,  Northville Art House, visit www.northvil-
           and to bring their long overdue items  TikTok.                            home décor, holiday gifts and other   learthouse. org or follow @Northville
                                                                                     items, all priced at $20 or less. Adults are  Art House on social media.
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