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December 15, 2022                                              ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 3

                                                    PLYMOUTH - SUMPTER
                                                    PLYMOUTH - SUMPTER

           Day of infamy

           Plymouth veterans’ groups host remembrance of Pearl Harbor deaths

           The annual remembrance of those who lost their lives in the Dec. 7 attack at Pearl Harbor took place in Plymouth Township last week.  During the 1941 attack, 2,000
           American servicemen were killed, four battleships sunk and four others damaged, forcing the U.S. into World War II. Last week, members of Plymouth VFW Post 6695,
           Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 528 and American Legion Post 391, along with elected officials and community members gathered at the Plymouth Veterans
           Memorial Park on Main Street for the remembrance ceremony. This year, one guest of honor was 97-year-old World War II veteran Donald Vaughn, at right in photo above at
           left, who was in high school on Dec. 7, 1941 and later served in the Navy in the Pacific Theater from 1943 to 1945.

        Sumpter moving ahead on recreational project plans

           Plans for the renovation and  multiple amenities for public  plans for the fairgrounds project.  was a factor and that the board  upgrades to the fairgrounds and
        redesign of Banotai Park in    use, new entry and exit paths  Township Manager Tony Burdick  might be “putting the cart before  that the completed facilities
        Sumpter Township are moving    and several public recreational  explained during the study ses-  the horse” by proceeding too  could be a revenue source for the
        forward following a 5-2 vote of  features. Members of the board  sion preceding the regular meet-  soon with certain aspects of the  township with rentals of the facil-
        the members of the board of    heard preliminary suggestions  ing that this is a major project  project.                   ities. LaPorte suggested that per-
        trustees.                      and proposals for inclusion into  which could include tri-commu-  LaPorte also said he was con-  haps the township should be con-
           During the regular meeting of  the project at a meeting last fall.  nity involvement. He said this  cerned that the township is in  sidering the completion of the
        the board Nov. 22, the trustees  Trustee Don LaPorte suggest-  project, like the plans for Banotai  need of a new township hall  Banotai Park renovation and
        approved an agreement with     ed that exact numbers be associ-  Park, would be completed in sev-  while the board is considering  redesign or the fairgrounds proj-
        Hoppe Design to prepare a      ated with each phase of the plan  eral phases and will include mul-  funds for parks and recreational  ect before proceeding with the
        design and master plan for the  which includes major  and recon-  tiple community amenities.  projects.                    other major work.
        81.92      acre      Banotai   struction. Wayde Hoppe, who      Burdick said a full report on  Supervisor Tim Bowman, who    “Not in my mind,” Bowman
        Park/Sherwood Pond at a fee of  will prepare the plan, agreed  the project would come before  has been a major supporter of  responded.
        $28,000.  Plans for the park and  that each phase would include  the board members during the  the fairgrounds renovation proj-  No votes were cast by Trustee
        pond include a complete drain-  the associated costs.         Dec. 13 meeting.              ect, said the entire board was in  Peggy Morgan and Trustee Matt
        ing and construction at the pond,  The board also discussed the  LaPorte suggested that cost  favor and supportive of the  Oddy.
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