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PAGE 6                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                         December 3, 2020

                                                                                                    Pond                         install a limestone pathway to
                                                                                                                                 allow walkers, runners and
                                                                                                                                 bicyclists better access to the
                                                                                                    FROM PAGE 1                  creek and the entire park.
                                                                                                                                 Eventually the limestone path-
                                                                                                    with engineering support from  way will be completed with a
                                                                                                    Soil Materials and Engineers  full loop around the perimeter
                                                                                                    (SME). Northville Parks and  of the park. All parking is at
                                                                                                    Recreation Director Mark     the front of the park near the
                                                                                                    Gasche oversaw the project   tennis courts/pickleball courts.
                                                                                                    from grant submission to        By spring, new growth will
                                                                                                    implementation.              start to flourish - giving the
                                                                                                      Gasche noted, “All parties  park a whole new look and
                                                                                                    involved,  ECT, SME, Anglin  making the pond and creek a
                                                                                                    Civil, Inc., and the ARC,    cleaner habitat for fish,
                                                                                                    worked extremely well togeth-  insects, wildlife and plants,
                                                                                                    er to make this wonderful    officials said.
                                                                                                    project a reality.”             “The transformation of the
                                                                                                      The 1,050 foot creek bed   park is remarkable, Gasche
                                                                                                    borders the 17-acre park. A  said.”The    residents   of
                                                                                                    bonus of the environmental   Northville are going to really
                                                                                                    reconstruction project is a  enjoy being able to clearly see
                                                                                                    new pathway that parallels the  and get next to the pond and
                                                                                                    creek from the parking lot to  Johnson Creek.”
                                                                                                    the back ball field. A gravel   In addition, a newly-created
                                                                                                    road was put in to accommo-  sediment retention area
                                                                                                    date heavy construction equip-  between the pond and gravel
           Standing in front of the cleared banks of the Fish Hatchery pond is the team responsible for the trans-  ment during the five-month  parking lot will help prevent
           formation. From left, Mark Gasche, Northville Parks and Recreation; Bob Belair, Northville  project. Instead of removing  dirt and debris from entering
           Township/ARC; Shelby Dix, ECT; Joe Merolla, Anglin Civil; Marty Boote, ECT: Nathan Reilly, Northville  the gravel road and restoring  the pond, and filter rainwater
           Parks and Recreation; John O'Meara, ECT; and Lauren Edson, ECT. Photos by Liz Cezat      the grass, it was decided to  through vegetation.

        Priest                         described as a “months-long               ”                  well-run parish by a competent
                                       process that included interviews
                                                                                                    and able pastor are in play,”
                                       with current and former clergy,                              Thompson said.
        FROM PAGE 1                    staff, parishioners and others.”     Father knows               Citing “the questionable
                                         “As required by church law,                                nature of evidence” against the
        abuse and the removal of a     two letters were sent to him       - and knows well -        priest, Thompson said he
        whistleblower pastor.”         encouraging him to resign as pas-      why it was            believes archdiocese officials
           Archdiocese officials deny  tor for his own sake and for the                             were displeased Suhy eliminated
        that allegation and claim Suhy's  sake of the parish; but, he chose   necessary             the position of a church staffer
        removal was based on his poor  not to do so,” Battersby wrote.     to take this step.       who had potentially damaging
        performance had been under     McGrath said that “some two                                  information and would not back
        discussion since last spring.  dozen pages of documentation                                 down about the allegations
           “The discussions aimed at get-  and clarification” were present-                         involving the other official. “It's a
        ting Fr. Suhy to step aside volun-  ed to Suhy to explain the reasons                       situation where Father Suhy is
        tarily for his good and the good of  he was being removed. He said                          being sacrificed because he won't
        the parish started - with him -  that Suhy did not include any of  ing steady enrollment and that  keep quiet.”
        this past spring,” said Ned    that information in his statement  he “joyfully” served parishioners  Suhy will be provided a resi-
        McGrath, a spokesman for the   and that “In other words, Father  and that he had  earned “a good  dence, his medical benefits will
        archdiocese, in an email.      knows - and knows well -why it  reputation from Dearborn to  continue, and he will be support-           Rev. Michael Suhy
        “Ultimately and unfortunately,  was necessary to take this step.  Ypsilanti for his strong leader-  ed financially by the Archdiocese
        his intransigence triggered a  The removal is about him and his  ship.”                     of Detroit, Battersby said, until  Lady of Good Counsel to cele-
        canonical process for his      pastorate, not someone or some-  Thompson also said that Suhy  he is assigned a new parish.  brate Mass or sacraments or visit
        removal.”                      thing else.”                   maintained finances and that by  “There are no restrictions on his  the school.”
           Archbishop Allen Vigneron,    Thompson claims that Suhy    last week  the congregation was  priestly ministry. However, for  Monsignor Patrick Halfpenny
        informed Suhy Nov. 17 of his   oversaw a thriving congregation  $79,000 ahead of budget in week-  the good of everyone, he will no  has been assigned as the tempo-
        removal from the parish after fol-  with maximum attendance   ly offerings.                 longer live at this parish, nor will  rary administrator at Our Lady of
        lowing what the church         accompanied by a school boast-   “All the markers of a good,  he be permitted to return to Our  Good Counsel.

        FROM PAGE 1

        cognitive, physical or mental dis-
        abilities requiring help.
           Officials said that while every
        site allows a support person to
        escort a patient into the emer-
        gency center, there is site-to-site
        variation regarding whether the
        support person may stay after
        the patient is registered.
        Additionally, visitors who are
        permitted are required to wear a
        mask covering the nose and
        mouth at all times.  Ear loop
        masks will be provided at each
        entrance for those who do not
        have one or if the mask worn
        does not meet the safety require-

              A person visiting

              may be asked to
              leave a care area
              if safety or social
             distancing cannot
               be maintained.

        ments of the hospital.
           Those who enter the facility
        must practice social distancing,
        keeping 6 feet from others at all
        times. A person visiting may be
        asked to leave a care area if safe-
        ty or social distancing cannot be
        maintained.    Visitors  are
        required to clean their hands
        upon entry and exit to any
        patient care area and disposable
        gloves must be removed and
        thrown away.
           Each person will be screened
        for COVID-19 symptoms prior to
        entering the facility. Every per-
        son visiting must be free of
        COVID-19 symptoms, COVID-19
        diagnosis and must not be wait-
        ing for COVID-19 test results,
        hospital officials said. Anyone
        screening positive will not be
        allowed to visit and those screen-
        ing negative will be given a stick-
        er that must be worn in the hos-
        pital at all times.
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