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December 3, 2020                                               ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 5

                                                PLYMOUTH - NORTHVILLE
                                                PLYMOUTH - NORTHVILLE

        Schools respond to latest pandemic restrictions

           Despite the objections of   three-week shutdown of high                                                                 tion and virtual learning.
        some families who support in-  schools, Gallagher wants to                               ”                                 Students enrolled in
        person learning, Northville    keep the middle and high                 We anticipate that the current learning              self-contained special educa-
        Public Schools Superintendent  school virtual until Jan. 19.          plan options will remain in place throughout         tion classrooms (ASD/Cross
        Mary Kay Gallagher has pro-      Families will have the option                                                             Categorical) would attend full
        posed keeping both the middle  to either continue with their     the second semester unless there are any significant        time.
        and high schools in the district  current selection(s) of a full vir-  changes in health and safety guidelines.              “We anticipate that the cur-
        on a virtual learning basis until  tual or in-person scenario or                                                           rent learning plan options will
        Jan. 19.  Her proposal was met  elect to make a change for the                                                             remain in place throughout the
        with objections from several   second    semester,   noted                                                                 second semester, unless there
        parents during a meeting last  Gallagher in a recent letter to  or  in-person    learning.  day, rotating between in-person  are any significant changes in
        week. Some parents, medical    district parents, sent prior to  Elementary students who opt  core content courses and virtu-  health and safety guidelines or
        health care professionals,     the latest school shutdown and  for in-person learning will  al learning for elective courses.  risk levels that would allow for
        urged a return to in-person    recommendations from state     attend full time, Monday      Students enrolled in self-con-  a full return to school, or con-
        learning.                      and county health department   through Friday, in class group-  tained special education class-  versely, necessitate a shift to
           “Whatever happens it's not  officials.                     ings that may include rotating  rooms attend full time.      virtual learning for a period of
        going to please everyone,” said  Under than plan, families    teachers.                        High school students would  time,” Gallagher wrote.
        Gallagher, who laid out a rec-  across the district had the     Middle school students      also attend a hybrid schedule    More information is avail-
        ommendation for the district.   option of full virtual/distance  would attend school on a   every other day, rotating      able at (248) 344-3520, or email
           Following the mandatory     learning for a second semester  hybrid schedule every other     between in-person instruc-
        Plymouth City Hall offering no-contact services

           Plymouth City Hall is offering  District Library. There is a slot  Services,    visit  tance.
        no-contact services to help resi-  labeled City of Plymouth.  sitetransition=true   Officials urged residents to
        dents and staff avoid exposure to  These drop boxes can be used  To pay a parking ticket online,  questForAction/Submit?uid=293  utilize the new city website at
        COVID 19. The city website and  for all forms and payments.   visit     https://client.point   Residents can may request
        drop boxes are available.        In addition, many city services  overnight parking, a vacation  The website was described by
           Drop boxes are located inside  are available online.       ?method=prepare&webSiteId=    check or business keyholder at  officials as “user friendly and a
        the vestibule on the Church       For online property informa-  1644&ppid=22364     great source of information.”
        Street side of Plymouth City Hall  tion, tax payments, utility pay-  For a request for action  mouthmi.  This site also allows  Users can rate the efficacy of the
        at 201 S. Main and in the drive-  ments, or any other type of pay-  (including final water read) from  citizens to report incidents that  site by sending an email to
        through lane of the Plymouth   ment,                   visit  the Department of Municipal   don't require immediate assis-
        Northville Township closes all municipal buildings

           Northville Township officials                                                            continue by appointment only.
        have closed all public entrances  Building permits may be                                ”                                   "This action is to protect the
        to municipal buildings - except  dropped off in the Drive-Thru,     One key factor in this decision is Wayne County        public and keep our workforce
        by appointment until Dec. 8    emailed or completed online.                                                                safe. We understand this move
        because of the COVID-19 pan-   Residents may conduct business         has seen a 115 percent increase in cases,            will be disruptive for many. One
        demic and the Michigan         over the telephone or U.S. mail,          140 percent increase in deaths and                key factor in this decision is
        Department of Health and       too. Our main line is (248) 348-                                                            Wayne County has seen a 115
        Human Services Gatherings and  5800," noted an official statement      114 percent increase in hospitalizations            percent increase in cases, 140
        Face Mask Order.               from the township offices.                 in a 14-day period ending Nov. 13,               percent increase in deaths and
           "Our staff remains committed  Emergency crews and first                                                                 114 percent increase in hospital-
        to providing our residents with  responders will remain on duty                                                            izations in a 14-day period end-
        the most efficient services possi-  24/7, but both the police and fire  at Hillside are closed.   Youth Dance which will move to  ing Nov. 13," officials said.
        ble; we continue to work inside.  department headquarters are   Parks and Recreation pro-   a virtual format. Senior trans-  As the Dec. 8 deadline of the
        At Township Hall, you may use  closed to the public. The      gramming will be postponed    portation will continue. Liquid  latest order approaches, the situ-
        our Drive-Thru, Drop Box or    Community Center, Youth        except Senior Yoga, Toddler   nutrition pickup and the medical  ation will be monitored and any
        make a payment online at       Network and Recreation Center  Yoga, Kids Power Karate and   loan equipment program will    changes announced.
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