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December 3, 2020                                               ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 3

                                  BELLEVILLE - INKSTER - ROMULUS
                                  BELLEVILLE - INKSTER - ROMULUS

        Romulus Pubic Library offers limited access

           The Romulus Library is now in phase
        three of reopening to the public and serv-
        ices now include computer use by
        appointment and quick business tasks like
        faxing, copying and printing. Visitors can
        renew their library cards, apply for new
        cards and pick up items on hold inside the
        facility, noted Assistant Director Youth
        Services Librarian Jessica Wilhoite.
           Curbside services are still available for
        those who prefer them, she said.
           Browsing the collection, study tables,
        seating, and the meeting room are not
        available. The Children's Area is also
        closed at this time.
           “Our top priority is the health and safe-
        ty of the community, our patrons, and our
        staff. To help prevent the spread of
        COVID-19, the Library is providing servic-
        es with guidelines in place,” Wilhoite said  The 6-foot social distancing rule will be  Frequent cleaning of high touch points  Wilhoite said that the safety policies
        in a prepared statement: Those guidelines  in effect and capacity limits will be in  in the library are completed throughout  will help the library to expand in-person
        include a 60 minute limit on time in the  place.                             the day and public computers will be  services. Updates are available on the
        building to maintain limited occupancy   “Do not enter the building if you are  cleaned after each use.            library website and Facebook page.
        and face masks are required for all    sick or have been in contact with someone  Hand sanitizer is available at the  Patrons can make an appointment to
        patrons and staff at all times. Wilhoite said  who is sick. If you have been sick or have  entrance and throughout the library, she  use a library computer online at
        the staff could provide a mask to those  been in contact with someone who has  added.                    
        who do not have one and stressed that the  been diagnosed with COVID-19 in the past  Plexiglas barriers are in place at serv-  ppt/computer-appointment  or on the
        masks must be worn over the nose and   14 days, do not enter the library,” Wilhoite  ice points and no food or drinks are  library website, by phone at (734) 942-7589
        mouth.                                 cautioned.                            allowed in the library.               and by

        Michigan Mask up

        Fire department and Ministerial Alliance deliver 3,000 masks in city

           Fire Prevention Month       Health and Human Services      who also serves as the secretary  department is waiting on more
        became COVID prevention        and was able to secure a large  of the Romulus Ministerial   masks.
        month in Romulus this year as  shipment of face masks which   Alliance, the masks and infor-   Talley said that the firefight-
        members of the fire depart-    the firefighters distributed   mation were then delivered to  ers always help others in the
        ment, along with several local  throughout the community,     Living By Faith Ministries,   community and that there are
        churches, provided more than   along with fire prevention mate-  Living Rock Church, First  still six or seven churches
        3,000 masks to the community.  rials.                         Baptist Church of Romulus and  where the masks and informa-
           Fire Chief Kevin Krause       Bags containing two masks    Community United Methodist    tion could be distributed. She
        began the effort when usual    and fire safety information    Church.                       said the local pastors and the
        Fire Prevention Month activi-  were distributed by the fire-    Krause said these were high-  congregations were grateful for
        ties were limited by the pan-  fighters at the Romulus Senior  quality, well made masks and  the masks which are now
        demic.                         Center, Romulus Senior Towers  some are still available at the  required in every public build-
           His effort was prompted by  and Whispering Willows Co-op   fire department, Romulus      ing.
        the request of an elderly resi-  as part of the Michigan Mask  library, at city hall and in some  Krause said the department
        dent seeking a face mask at the  Up campaign.                 other municipal buildings.    is hoping to deliver another
        fire station. Krause contacted   With the help of Romulus       Krause said the effort is far  1,000 of the masks, as they
        the Michigan Department of     City Councilwoman Tina Talley,  from complete and that the   become available.                      Fire Chief Kevin Krause
        It’s official

        New Sumpter board takes oath

           At ceremonies Nov. 19 at the Sumpter  Treasurer Toni Clark and Trustee Peggy
        Community Center gymnasium, Judge      Morgan were all sworn into office.
        Tina Brooks Green of the 34th District   They will join trustees Matthew Oddy,
        Court, administered the oaths of office to  Donald LaPorte and Timothy Rush on
        the Sumpter Township Board of          the board. The three incumbent trustees
        Trustees.                              all took their oaths of office earlier in an
           Supervisor Timothy Bowman, Deputy   effort to maintain social distancing in
        Supervisor Kenneth Bednark, Clerk      light of the current pandemic regulations
        Esther Hurst, Deputy Clerk Anthony     imposed by the Michigan Department of
        Burdick, Treasurer James Clark, Deputy  Health and Human Services.
        Shooting death investigated

           It was an unhappy holiday for some  tim - who has not been identified - was
        Inkster residents last week when a man  shot by an unknown suspect in a vehi-
        was killed in a shooting on Meadow     cle, police said. The victim was trans-
        Lane in the city.                      ported by emergency responders to a
           Michigan State Police said late     local hospital, but died of his injuries,
        Thursday that police were dispatched   police said.
        around 6:30 p.m. to the 1500 block of    The investigation into the shooting
        Meadow Lane in Inkster in response to  remains ongoing, according to police
        a report of a shooting. A preliminary  who declined to release any additional
        police investigation found that the vic-  information.
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