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Reward being offered in hit and run death
Plymouth Township Police ”
investigators are not the only
ones searching for information There is currently a $1,000 reward
about the death of a man killed for information regarding the identity of the
by a hit and run driver last
month. driver of the vehicle offered by Sure Conveyors.
Warren Flagg, 79, was hit and
killed Oct. 30 as he raked leaves
outside his home on Beck Road
in Plymouth Township. near the road in front of his unknown to Flagg's grieving fami-
According to the Plymouth home at about 7 p.m. by a passing ly. In addition to his wife, Flagg is
Township Police Department, motorist who stopped to help. survived by three children and
preliminary investigation indi- The unknown motorist then several grandchildren and great-
cated the vehicle that struck and applied a tourniquet to Flagg's grandchildren.
killed Flagg may be a 2007-2010 severely injured leg and waited “Accidents happen 100 per-
Pontiac Solstice (unknown color) for an ambulance. The good cent. I understand that, but who-
with damage to the front passen- Samaritan then drove Flagg's ever it was, left, it becomes mur-
ger side. wife, Julia, to the hospital follow- der, and that's not fair,” said
There is currently a $1,000 ing the ambulance. Flagg died at Flagg's daughter Liz Crawford.
reward for information regarding 11:11 p.m. that night at the hospi- Anyone with information
the identity of the driver of the tal as a result of the injuries sus- about the incident is asked to
vehicle offered by Sure tained in the crash. contact the Plymouth Township
Conveyors. The identity of the individual Police Department at (734) 354- Warren Flagg, who was killed Oct. 30, left several beloved grandchil-
Flagg was discovered lying who stopped and helped is also 3232. dren.
Church continuing charitable clothing collection
With winter temperatures ple who are homeless or living in the lobby from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. guiding principles, which Civic Concern.
already here, Friends of Unity poverty. weekdays and from 9 a.m. until include serving the homeless, the Friends of Unity Church,
Church representatives are seek- Donors can drop off clothing noon Sundays. hungry, the illiterate and animal founded in 2010, is open to all
ing clothing for children 3 to 14 through Dec. 4 at the Plymouth The Special Youth Clothing shelters. Activities include spring faiths, offering tools and
years old, like socks, underwear Community Arts Council build- Collection is in collaboration and fall yard cleanup in partner- resources to help people apply
and warm pajamas. The clothing ing at 774 N, Sheldon Road, with Song and Spirit, a Royal ship with Plymouth Community positive spiritual principles in
will go to God's Storehouse, a Plymouth. Clothing can be Oak interfaith nonprofit. It is part Arts Council, serving families their lives, said a prepared
Detroit charity that assists peo- placed in a labeled drop box in of the Friends of Unity'broader and collecting food for Northville release.
Donations sought to help Inkster Goodfellows effort
Again this year, the Inkster annual “No Child Without A things happen when we unite
Goodfellows will be providing Christmas” Goodfellows cam- ” and work together for a common
meals and gifts to those in need paign. Recently, the organization We do not want to skip another goal,” explained Barbara J.
in the community. Originally sent letters to local companies, year in helping the children in our community. Cooper, president of the Inkster
founded as the old newsboys churches, and individuals who Goodfellows.
organization more than 80 years might be able to assist in raising Cooper thanked anyone who
ago in Detroit, the effort now funds to help the children in the could donate or contribute in
reaches across the country to Inkster community. past two years due to the effects for this year. advance for their help and sup-
help the less fortunate during the Organizers said that ongoing of the pandemic, organizers said, “We do not want to skip anoth- port of the effort to ensure there
holiday season. effects of the COVID 19 pandem- leaving many local families with- er year in helping the children in is No Child Without A Christmas
To help the effort this year, ic have severely impacted fund out resources they needed and our community. We are a 501-C3 in the city.
volunteers will assist in collect- donation for the effort. The depended on for help. organization and the Inkster For more information or vol-
ing donations at intersections Inkster Goodfellows were forced Applications for help from the Goodfellows have been in exis- unteer opportunities, contact
throughout Inkster during the to forgo their annual efforts the Inkster Goodfellows have closed tence for over 70 years. Great Cooper at (313) 505-1140.