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December 1, 2022                                               ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 3

                                   BELLEVILLE - CANTON - SUMPTER
                                   BELLEVILLE - CANTON - SUMPTER

        New Sumpter Township

        treasurer thanks voters

           Newly-elected    Sumpter    bility of planning for the future,  community could use help with,
        Township Treasurer Bart        not just for ourselves, but for  and the first step is just saying
        Patterson was officially sworn  generations to come. I am hum-  'What can I do to help?' he con-
        into office recently by Township  bled by the opportunity to serve  tinued.
        Clerk Esther Hurst.            you as treasurer and I do not    Patterson, a Republican, was
           Patterson took the opportuni-  take the responsibility lightly,”  the choice of 1,712 or 65 percent
        ty to thank those who voted for  he said in a prepared statement.    of voters over his opponent,
        him Nov. 8 and said he wel-      “I'd like to encourage every-  Sheena Barns who received 35
        comed the opportunity to meet  one to get involved in the com-  percent or 923 votes in the elec-
        so many residents at the fire sta-  munity they live in. Most of the  tion.
        tion and the community center  time we are content with just    “My pledge is to work hard
        during the day. He said he was  focusing on ourselves, our fami-  for the citizens of Sumpter
        looking forward to his first offi-  ly, and our jobs, and forgetting  Township, to be honest and as
        cial township board meeting    about the responsibility to serve  forthright as possible,” he
        which took place last Tuesday.  others, myself included. And  added.
           “I'm reminded of the impor-  even though those things are the  Patterson concluded by urg-
        tance of not only the week-to-  most important in our lives, we  ing residents to contact him or
        week affairs in the business   shouldn't forget the need to   the treasurer's office at township
        management of Sumpter          serve each other. There are    hall with any concerns or      Newly-elected Sumpter Township Treasurer Bart Patterson is officially
        Township, but also the responsi-  many, many things that every  requests for information or help.  sworn into office by Township Clerk Esther Hurst.
        Wrong way driver results in 2 fatalities

           Police said a preliminary   Belleville reportedly entered M-  plaints, witnesses in the area  the 28-year-old was at fault as he  nounced dead at the scene by
        investigation indicates that alco-  14 near Beck Road at about 2:30  reported a head-on crash.  was driving the wrong way in the  emergency medical responders.
        hol may have been a factor in an  a.m. Thursday, Nov. 24 going the  The two vehicles involved col-  middle lane on the westbound  A passenger in the second vehi-
        early morning Thanksgiving Day  wrong way on the highway.     lided and left the Belleville driv-  side of the road.       cle, a 35-year-old man, was trans-
        crash that killed two area resi-  Michigan State Police reports  er dead at the scene, according to  The driver of the second vehi-  ported from the scene of the
        dents.                         said that as  troopers responded  police reports. Troopers said the  cle, a 44-year-old man from  crash to a local hospital. His con-
           A 28-year-old man from      to the wrong way driver com-   early investigation indicated that  Canton Township, was also pro-  dition was reported as critical.

        Canton offers mental health workshops                                                                                        Concert set

                                                                                                                                       The 16th annual Belleville
           Canton Township Leisure       “Our goal with these free      These workshops are free and  17 from 5:30-7:30 p.m. (Ages 16  Community Chorus holiday
        Services is currently offering a  workshops is to offer resources,  open to everyone meeting the age  and up); QPR Training for  concert, JOY-HOPE-LOVE will
        free series of mental health work-  as well as educational opportuni-  limit, with no residency require-  Suicide Prevention: Tuesday, Jan.  begin at 3 p.m. Dec. 11 at
        shops to help area residents   ties, so that individuals can find  ment. All sessions will take place  24 from 6-8 p.m. (Ages 16 and up)  Belleville United Methodist
        learn important self-care skills.  tools of support for themselves or  at the Summit on the Park  and  Understanding  and   Church. The concert will be
        Participants in the Family First  ways to help support others,” said  Banquet Center, located at 46000  Supporting Change: Monday, Feb.  directed by Mary Butler-Loring,
        and Social Services Workshops  Mortier. “These unique opportu-  Summit Parkway.             6 from 5:30-7:30 p.m.           accompanied by Judith Weed,
        will receive information and be  nities are designed to show and  Scheduled workshops include:  For additional information  and will feature traditional
        introduced to practices that sup-  help participants learn how to  Navigating  the  Mental  and to register for these and   songs of the season. As always,
        port mental well-being, according  nurture themselves and develop  Healthcare System: Monday, Dec.  other free workshops, visit  the concert is free, though
        to Laura Mortier, Canton recre-  mindful self-care plans on a vari-  5 from 5:30-7:30 p.m. (Ages 16 and or  donations are welcome.
        ation supervisor.              ety of topics.”                up); Suicide TALK: Tuesday, Jan.  call (734) 394-5460.
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