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PAGE 2                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                         December 1, 2022


        Best friends…

        Donations, adoptions continue to

        operate Romulus Animal Shelter

           Romulus City Councilman William     tions, a large contribution of much needed
        Wadsworth urged support for some “best  animal food and supplies from the
        friends” during the regular meeting of the  Romulus FedEx Van Buren office was
        council earlier this month.            recently delivered to the shelter. In addi-
           Wadsworth reminded the audience and  tion, students from the Summit Academy
        those viewing the meeting remotely that  recently contributed a large supply of
        Christmas was a time when many people  used and new blankets to the shelter and
        thought about a new pet as a gift or addi-  also donated funds the students earned
        tion to the family.                                  from the sale of a
           “Think about the                 ”                newsletter       they
        Romulus        Animal                                designed.
        Shelter,” he said. “If you     It's Christmas           Shelter officials said  Employees from the Van Buren FedEx office present donations of animal food and
        are thinking of a dog or      and a good time        they were very grateful  supplies to the Romulus Animal Shelter on Wayne Road. Shelter officials were grateful,
        cat, go the Romulus shel-                            for all the much-needed  they said, for the much-needed supplies.
        ter to look first. If you        to donate,          help from the community
        adopt a pet, have it                                 and stressed the contin-
        neutered, you will get                               ued need at the facility.
        money back,” he said.                                   Wadsworth      also
           He also urged people                              thanked the administra-
        to consider contributions to the shelter,  tion and Mayor Robert McCraight for the
        where he has was instrumental in       recent installation of signs directing
        fundraising for construction of the new  motorists and the public to the animal
        building and continues to raise funds for  shelter, something he had been advocating
        operational expenses including food and  and requesting for several years.
        medical care for the animals. He men-    “There were no signs to get to the ani-
        tioned that financial contributions to the  mal shelter and people would ask where it
        facility have decreased as the annual  was and how to get there. Now people can
        fundraisers have not taken place and   find it,” he said. “I also want to thank the
        urged people to consider donating. He  DPW workers for installing the signs and
        added that there were several good causes  everyone else involved,” he said.
        in the community to which residents could  “I appreciate it, and so do the dogs and
        donate such as the Helping Hand facility  cats.”
        and St. John's Lodge, all of which do a  The shelter is located at 12300 Wayne
        great deal of good work in the community.  Road in Romulus. For more information,
           “It's Christmas and a good time to  call (734) 942-7591. Photos of animals avail-  Students from the Summit Academy are all smiles as they hand over new and used
        donate,” Wadsworth urged.              able for adoption can be found on the  blankets to Romulus Animal Shelter employees along with a check for funds generat-
           In agreement with Wadsworth's sugges-  Romulus Animal Shelter Facebook page.  ed from the sale of a newsletter the students designed and sold.

           Holiday train will highlight tree lighting event tonight

             Tonight is the night for the Holiday Train and offi-  cials said. The local Girl Scouts will lead the crowd in  Santa will be on hand to help light the official
           cial tree lighting in Romulus.                   Christmas carols and the Romulus High School band  Romulus Christmas tree. Attendees should dress
             Festivities will begin at 6 p.m. in Romulus Historical  will perform.  There will also be concessions and ven-  warmly and bring a folding chair, organizers suggested.
           Park on Goddard Road to coincide with the arrival of  dors on hand during the event. While the event is free,  Since the Holiday Train program launched in 1999,
           the Canadian Pacific Holiday train, which will travel  audiences are asked to bring a non-perishable food  it has raised more than $21 million and collected 5 mil-
           east west on the nearby tracks.                  item for the Stuff the Bus event to benefit the Romulus  lion pounds of food for community food banks across
             The train is expected between 8 and 10 p.m., offi-  Helping Hands facility.                      North America.
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