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PAGE 4                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                         December 1, 2022


        Interim city manager starts in Northville this week

           Members of the Northville                                                                issued at the time. And he was
        City Council have approved the                            ”                                 responsible for what became the
        hiring of Mark Wollenweber, for-               He was expected to begin                     Nautical Mile, a commercial TIF
        mer city manager of Grosse                                                                  district and merchants' associa-
        Pointe Shores, as interim city               with the city this week and will               tion along Lake Saint Clair - the
        manager. Current City Manager                        continue until a                       first successful development in
        Pat Sullivan will retire on Jan. 6,                                                         that area after two failures,” the
        2023.                                         new city manager is named.                    article said of Wollenweber's pro-
           Council members interviewed                                                              fessional accomplishments.
        three candidates for the position                                                              He was expected to begin with
        before awarding the job to     Detroit Area Agency on Aging.   Michigan. It was one of the  the city this week and will contin-
        Wollenweber during a special     Among Wollenweber’s creden-  largest cable consortia in the  ue until a new city manager is
        meeting Nov. 17.               tials and accolades was an article  country at the time and contin-  named. During that time,
           Wollenweber said he is com-  in Public Management publica-  ues today. In St. Clair Shores, he  Wollenweber will assist Sullivan
        mitted to providing high quality  tion.                       was responsible for the develop-  in the administrative transition.
        leadership through his experi-   “He    spearheaded     the   ment of Lac Sainte Claire Park,  City council members have
        ence, education and involvement  Intergovernmental    Cable   which included a marina devel-  retained the services of Walsh
        in the public sector. He serves on  Communications Authority that  opment and a refurbished  Municipal Services to conduct
        the boards of the Grosse Pointe  provided cable service to nine  municipal pool. It was funded by  the permanent city manager
        Chamber of Commerce and the    communities in Oakland County,  the largest recreational bond  search.                                  Mark Wollenweber
        Downs development preliminary plan is ‘almost’ approved

           Members of the Northville   Northville         Planning    must approve a brownfield plan  portion of the new development.   09-19-22Z to rezone the subject
        City Council approved the pre-  Commission. Council members   and financing plan, before final  Council members also need  property to PUD during their
        liminary Planned Urban         also acknowledgement that      approval. Council members     to review and approve a PUD    regular meeting last week.
        Development (PUD) site plan    approval of several items by city  must also approve a tax abate-  agreement for the project con-  Mayor Brian Turnbull told
        for The Downs development last  officials and the Downtown    ment proposal regarding the   currently with the final site plan  the council members that
        week.                          Development Authority (DDA) is  proposed apartment building to  being submitted to the planning  Wayne County officials have
           Council members imposed 10  necessary.                     be constructed as part of the  commission.                   given him a commitment letter
        conditions on the approval,      The Northville Brownfield    project along with several other  Council members waived the  for $3.2 million to be used for
        however, adhering to contingen-  Redevelopment Authority and  items including the expansion  second reading and approved   infrastructure that supports the
        cies set by members of the     members of the city council    of the DDA boundary around a  the adoption of Ordinance No.  Downs development.
        It’s A Wonderful Life: A Live Radio Play at Tipping Point

           Tipping Point Theatre       unsettled times? We look to the  Detroit local actor Kevin      “What a gift to be able to tell  It's A Wonderful Life: A Live
        launched the 15th theatrical   people around us. Our family,  O'Callaghan), in this captivating  a story that so purely embraces  Radio Play will continue at the
        season this month with a pro-  friends, colleagues, neighbors  American holiday classic set  the redemptive power of love,  Tipping Point through Dec. 18.
        duction of Joe Landry's adapta-  and even the strangers we    over the WXYZ Radio airwaves  community, and connection,”    Tickets are on sale now and for
        tion of It's A Wonderful Life: A  meet. This story reminds us to  in 1946 Metro Detroit.    said Co-Producing Artistic     prices and availability, call (248)
        Live Radio Play.               take care of each other. Let's  Complete with on-stage Foley  Director Jamie Warrow, “con-  347-0003.
           “We begin our 15th season   celebrate and cherish our peo-  Artist sound effects, a strong  cepts that are necessarily    Following these performanc-
        with a classic,” said Co-      ple this holiday season, the 'true  acting ensemble, including  diminished in modern digital  es, the season continues with
        Producing Artistic Director    angels on earth,” she added.   Rico Bruce Wade, Kevin        dealings and virtual realities.  the Michigan premiere of Loy
        Julia Glander. “This story with-  Widely considered a hall-   O'Callaghan, Faith Berry,     We hope this story sparks joy.  A. Webb's The Light, followed
        in a story…within a story about  mark of the holiday season, It's  Patrick Loos, and Annabelle  We wish you a holiday season  by Robert Harling's modern
        love and redemption holds up   A Wonderful Life tells the tale  Young, embody 43 favorite holi-  that celebrates human connec-  classic Steel Magnolias, and
        remarkably well in our present,  of idealistic George Bailey, who  day characters in the beloved  tion, is bright with love and  concludes with the world pre-
        pandemic world.                is played by radio actor Jake  story on one fateful, life-affirm-  laughter, and presents infinite  miere of the Tracy L. Spada
           “How do we find joy in these  Laurents (who is played by   ing Christmas Eve.            possibility in the new year.”   comedy Game. Set. Match!

        It's A Wonderful Life: A Live Radio Play is onstage at The Tipping Point Theater.

                                                                  TO PLACE YOUR CLASSIFIED AD CALL 734-467-1900

                              BUICK RAINER
        On Thursday, December  The above vehicles are
        22, 2022 @ 1PM Frazier's  impounded through the
        Auto Service Towing locat-  cities of Romulus.  All
        ed at 35830 Van Born Rd  paperwork is to picked up
        Wayne, MI 48184 will con-  from the city within 48
        duct a public auction of  hours of the sale.
        Impounded        and  All vehicles are sold in "as
        Abandoned Vehicles.  The  is condition".  Bidding on
        following vehicles will be  all vehicles will start at the
        offered for sale to the  amount due for towing
        highest bidder.       and storage.  Vehicles
                              may be deleted from this
        FORD EDGE             list at any time prior to the
        1FMDK49C79BA41880     start of the auction.  This is
        CADILLAC              a cash only sale and all
        ESCALADE              vehicles must be paid in
        3GYEK63N73G194126     full at the time of the con-
        FORD FUSION           clusion of the auction.
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