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PAGE 6                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                        November 30, 2023

                                                    SUMPTER - WESTLAND
                                                    SUMPTER - WESTLAND

        New economic development director is named

           In one of his first acts as                                                              and passion for fostering busi-
        mayor of Westland, Kevin                                  ”                                 ness-friendly environments, cou-
        Coleman appointed former State      We are thrilled to welcome Alex Garza to our team       pled with his local and state leg-
        Rep. Alex Garza as the new               as the Economic Development Director.              islative experience, makes him
        Economic Development Director                                                               the ideal choice to lead Westland
        for the city.  Garza will play a piv-                                                       towards a prosperous future. I
        otal part in driving economic                                                               look forward to the positive
        growth, fostering community      During his four years on the  community leaders, and govern-  impact he will undoubtedly have
        partnerships, and enhancing the  Michigan     House      of   ment officials to implement   on the economic landscape of
        overall business environment in  Representatives committees on  strategic initiatives that align  our city,” said Coleman.
        Westland, according to an official  Regulatory Reform and Local  with the economic development  Garza expressed his enthusi-
        statement from Coleman's office.  Government and Municipal    goals of the city. His extensive  asm for the opportunity, stating,
           Garza holds degrees in      Finance,  Garza worked towards  knowledge of legislative process-  “I am honored to join the city of
        Business Management, Political  streamlining regulations and cre-  es and community engagement  Westland as the Economic
        Science, and Public Policy. Garza  ating an environment that makes  will be instrumental in attracting  Development Director under the
        served as both mayor pro-tem of  it easier for businesses to inter-  new businesses, fostering innova-  leadership of Mayor Coleman. I
        the city of Taylor and as a state  act with both state and local gov-  tion, and strengthening the city's  am committed to working collab-  Rep. Alex Garza
        representative, where he played  ernments. His efforts have direct-  economic foundation, the pre-  oratively with the community
        a pivotal role in shaping policies  ly contributed to the growth and  pared release said.   and stakeholders to create an  the community, we will build a
        that positively impacted busi-  success of businesses across the  “We are thrilled to welcome  environment that encourages  thriving and resilient economy
        nesses and local communities,  state, the statement noted.    Alex Garza to our team as the  entrepreneurship, investment,  for the benefit of all residents.”
        according to the prepared state-  In his new capacity, Garza will  Economic  Development    economic prosperity, and busi-   For more information, call
        ment.                          collaborate with local businesses,  Director. His proven track record  ness development. Together with  (734) 467-3200.
                                                                                                     Holiday help

                                                                        On the job

                                                                        The City of Westland cele-
                                                                        brated the inauguration of   Goodfellows help forms
                                                                        new     Mayor     Kevin
                                                                        Coleman last week, along
                                                                        with newly elected coun-
                                                                        cilmembers and City Clerk    available in township
                                                                        Richard LeBlanc who was
                                                                        unopposed in the election.
                                                                        The officials were sworn       Applications for Goodfellows  Department.
                                                                        into office in city council  food and presents for Sumpter   Deadline to turn in applica-
                                                                        chambers.     Coleman        Township residents are available  tions is Dec. 4, 2023. Pick-ups will
                                                                        became the first new elect-  at Sumpter Ace Hardware, the  be the week of Dec. 16, 2023.
                                                                        ed mayor in the city in 16   Sumpter Township supervisor's   For more information, contact
                                                                        years following the resig-   office and at the Sumpter Police  Cathy Sykes at (734) 740-6300.
                                                                        nation of William Wild. He
                                                                        was the choice of 8,144
                                                                        voters or 59.01 percent of
                                                                        the total votes cast.
                                                                        Former interim mayor
                                                                        Mike Londeau garnered
                                                                        5,630 votes or 40.79 per-
                                                                        cent of the total ballots
                                                                        cast. Administering the
                                                                        oath of office to Coleman
                                                                        was Michigan Supreme
                                                                        Court Justice Kyra Harris-
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