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PAGE 4                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                        November 30, 2023

                                                           INKSTER - WAYNE
                                                           INKSTER - WAYNE

        Terms of office

        New and former mayors thank supporters

           Both incoming Inkster Mayor   “Your commitment to the com-   “As a community we must real-  He thanked his family and his
        Byron H. Nolen and former      munity is loud and clear, and I  ize that the fight is not among our-  supporters for standing by him
        Mayor Patrick Wimberly issued  appreciate it. I am honored and  selves. A divided house will fall.  and supporting him “no matter
        statements this week regarding  humbled to again serve as your  We must come together and work  what.”
        the election results from Nov. 7.  mayor, and I am ready to use  towards the common goal of mak-  “I'm truly humbled and will
           Nolen received 59 percent of  every resource available to help  ing Inkster a wonderful place to  always be here for you,”
        the total vote with 1,662 ballots  us improve our city. We have  live, work, and play. That is the  Wimberly posted.
        cast for him. Wimberly, currently  work to do, and I am looking for-  goal, that is the standard, that is  He urged Inkster residents to
        under indictment on federal    ward to rolling up my sleeves and  our future,” posted on social  congratulate the incoming candi-
        charges of bribery, was the choice  working together. I want to also  media.                dates and “give them all the sup-             Byron H. Nolen
        of 1,153 voters or 41 percent of the  thank a team of many volunteers  Wimberly said that it had been  port they need to keep moving  spoken and urged everyone in
        total votes cast in the city.  that supported and believed in  his “highest honor thus far in my  Inkster forward. That should  the city to get involved and stay
           Nolen, who previously served  our mission and vision. Your con-  life to have served the people of  always be our number one priori-  involved. He reminded residents
        a term as mayor, thanked the   tributions played a crucial role in  my hometown of Inkster as the  ty,” he said.           that no elected title is necessary
        Inkster residents and voters.  getting us here.               mayor for the last four years.”  He added that the people had  to work for a better community.

                                                                                                                          Growing strong

                                                                                                                          Members of the Wayne Police
                                                                                                                          Department are continuing to grow facial
                                                                                                                          hair as part of the national Movember
                                                                                                                          Foundation fundraising effort. During the
                                                                                                                          month of November men are encour-
                                                                                                                          aged to grow mustaches and beards to
                                                                                                                          raise awareness for men's health. The
                                                                                                                          Movember Foundation on issues such as
                                                                                                                          prostate cancer, testicular cancer, suicide
                                                                                                                          prevention, and mental health. The
                                                                                                                          Movember campaign helps remind
                                                                                                                          police officers that just as they have a
                                                                                                                          duty to protect the community, they also
                                                                                                                          have a duty to protect their own health,
                                                                                                                          an organizer explained. Wayne officers
                                                                                                                          said any contributions would be appreci-
                                                                                                                          ated.    To     donate,     access
                                                                                                                , and click
                                                                                                                          on the blue Donate to Team button.

        Inkster, Romulus men arrested in warrant sweep

           Residents of Inkster and Romulus were  do their job or agreed to do work before  66, of Houghton Lake, for operating as an  against the UIA; Patrice Nolden, 51, of
        among nine people arrested last week and  being discovered as unlicensed, Nessel  unlicensed residential builder; Darrell  Eastpointe, for misdemeanor fraud
        charges against several unlicensed     said.                                 Kendrick, 65, of Detroit, for misdemeanor  against the UIA; Tanya Parker, 48, of
        builders who allegedly stole money       “I'm thankful to the many law enforce-  fraud against the UIA; Miroslav Matieska,  Detroit, for misdemeanor fraud against
        through the state unemployment agency.  ment agencies and officers who made this  49, of Hamtramck, for operating as an unli-  the UIA and Jimmie Turner, Jr., 69, of
           The police operation was coordinated  successful sweep possible, along with the  censed builder;Eddie Mosely, 54, of  Berkley, for operating as an unlicensed
        with Detroit police and other local law  special agents from my department,”  Auburn Hills, for misdemeanor fraud  builder, according to court documents.
        enforcement agencies throughout the    Nessel said
        state and included a statewide warrant    “When fraudsters and bad actors harm
        sweep resulting in the arrests. Michigan  consumers and Michigan residents, we
        Attorney General Dana Nessel said that  will pursue justice however and wherever
        some of suspects targeted in the warrant  needed,” she added.
        sweep have yet to be apprehended.        Arrested were Maurice Mills, 45, of
           According to Nessel, the unlicensed  Inkster, for misdemeanor fraud against
        builders came onto the attorney general's  the Unemployment Insurance Agency
        radar after complaints were filed through  (UIA) and Robert Mills, 50, of Romulus, for
        the state licensing agency. Typically, the  operating as an unlicensed builder.
        complaints alleged the contractor failed to  Others arrested included: Michael Hill,

                            TO PLACE YOUR CLASSIFIED AD CALL 734-467-1900

                                                                                                              SYNOPSIS REGULAR MEETING
           The Following Cars                                                                     CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF NORTHVILLE BOARD OF TRUSTEES
          Have Been Deemed
           Abandoned by The                                                           DATE:  Thursday, November 16, 2023
                                                                                             7:00 p.m.
          Inkster Police Dept.                                                        PLACE: 44405 Six Mile Road
           and Will Be Sold at                                                        CALL TO ORDER:  Supervisor Abbo called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
           Public Auction at                                                          PRESENT:      Mark Abbo, Supervisor  Scott Frush, Trustee
                                                                                                    Cynthia Jankowski, Clerk  Mindy Herrmann, Trustee
              Holt & Son                                                                            Jason Rhines, Treasurer  Roger Lundberg, Trustee
           Auto Wrecking LLC                                                                                              Christopher Roosen, Trustee
          at 27350 Princeton St                                                       PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE:
           Inkster, MI 48141                                                          1.   Agendas:
                                                                                           A. Regular Agenda and the Consent Agenda items - Approved
                On the
           Day of Dec 7, 2023                                                         CLOSED SESSION: Union Negotiation Discussion
               at 10AM                                                                As permitted under the Michigan Open Meetings Act (PA 267) of 1976 or MCL 15.268, Section 8 (C) for strategy and
                                                                                      negotiation sessions connected with the negotiation of a collective bargaining agreement if either negotiating party
        2008 CHRYSLER                                                                 requests a closed hearing. - Approved
        1C3LC66K88N271729                                                             2.   Appointments, Presentations, Resolutions & Announcements:
        2006 MERCURY                                                                       A. Presentation - DTE Representatives - Presented
        2MEHM75V96X615353                                                                  B. Landfill Working Committee Report - Presented
        2013 CHRYSLER                                                                 3.   Public Hearing: None
                                                                                           Brief Public Comments: None
        2C4RC1BG9DR696545                                                             5.   New Business:
        2001 BMW                                                                           A. Closed Session Decision - Approved
                                                                                           B. Supervisor - Consulting Contract - Capital Relations - Approved
        WBAFB33501LH07032                                                                  C. Public Svcs - Cunningham-Limp Contract Amendment - Approved
        2005 FORD                                                                          D. Finance - Budget Amendment #2023-5 - Approved
        1FMZU74W05ZA37230                                                                  E. Finance - Opengov - Approved
                                                                                           F. Human Resources - PA 152 - Approved
        2016 FORD                                                                          G. Supervisor - Proposed Real Estate Purchase Agreement - Approved
        3FA6P0G70GR295710                                                             6.   Unfinished Business: None
        2010 SUZUKI                                                                   7.   Ordinances: None
                                                                                           Check Registry:
        JS1VP55A5A2100031                                                                  A. In the amount of $ 5,579,060.25 for the period of October 7, 2023 to November 3, 2023. - Approved
        2018 FORD                                                                     9.   Board Communication & Reports:
                                                                                           A. Mark Abbo, Cynthia Jankowski, Jason Rhines, Scott Frush, Mindy Herrmann, Roger Lundberg, Christopher Roosen,
        3FA6P0H78JR179905                                                                  Todd Mutchler
                                                                                      10.  Any other business for the Board of Trustees: None
                                                                                      11.  ADJOURN: Meeting adjourned at 8:21 p.m.
                                                                                      A draft of the meeting minutes will be available November 24, 2023.
             To place your                                                            Respectfully submitted:
             classified ad                                                            Mark Abbo, Supervisor
           call 734-467-1900                                                          Cynthia L. Jankowski, Clerk                                  NT0236 - 113023  2.5 x 5.274
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