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November 30 – December 6, 2023                          NEWS YOU CAN USE, NEWS YOU CAN TRUST                                                  75¢

         No. 48                                                                                    www

                                       Bells are ringing…

               Vol. 138, No. 48
             Applications       for    Salvation Army Red Kettle Campaign is now under way
          Goodfellows food and pres-
          ents for Sumpter Township
          residents are available at      The iconic Red Kettle
          several locations in the town-  Christmas Campaign of the
          ship.                        Salvation Army is now under
                          See page 6.  way and in need of both volun-
                                       teer bell ringers and contribu-
                                       tions, officials said. The 133rd
                                       Red Kettle Campaign is the
                                       largest and longest-running
                                       fundraiser of its kind and is
                Vol. 76, No. 48        especially needed now to meet
             Canton Club 55+, a center  the increasing needs of families
          for older adults located in  living in the United States, offi-
          Canton Township, has         cials said. Funds raised in 2022
          recently been recognized as  supported services for nearly 24
          a dementia-friendly organi-  million people.
          zation by Dementia Friendly     The goal this year has been
          America.                     set at $7.9 million. The campaign
                          See page 5.  provides vital funds to feed,
                                       clothe and shelter individuals
                                       and families in need of support
                                       this Christmas season and
                                       throughout the year. According
                                       to Salvation Army officers, dona-
                Vol. 76, No. 48        tions have been down in recent
             Both incoming Inkster     years. In 2019, the Red Kettle
          Mayor Byron H. Nolen and     Campaign raised $126 million,
          former Mayor Patrick         that number dropped to $102
          Wimberly issued statements   million in 2022. The drop is like-
          this week regarding the elec-  ly due to the pandemic, inflation
          tion results from Nov. 7.    and people no longer carry
                          See page 4.  much cash with them.
                                          The Salvation Army is the
                                       nation's largest private provider
                                       of social services and the Red
                                       Kettle   Campaign     funds
                                       Christmas gifts, food, shelter,
                Vol. 23, No. 48        and rent and utility assistance to
            Northville Township has    millions of people struggling
          made history. It has been    during the holiday season and
          awarded a Top Workplaces     beyond.
          2023 honor by the Detroit       “As we head into the holidays,
          Free Press.                  many of our neighbors have
                          See page 2.  faced increased challenges, but
                                       The Salvation Army is commit-
                                       ted to providing love and service  Red Kettle across the coun-  ones, too many families in metro  going hungry. During the holiday
                                       to all who seek it,” said        try.                       Detroit are struggling just to  season, he resolved to provide a
                                       Commissioner Kenneth Hodder,  • Provide Christmas gifts to  make ends meet and put food on  free Christmas dinner for the
                                       national commander of The        children of local families in  the table,” said Major Toni  destitute and poverty-stricken.
                Vol. 23, No. 48        Salvation Army.                  need through The Salvation  Dorrell, metro Detroit area com-  He only had one major hurdle to
             Another chapter in the       Across the nation, volunteers,  Army Angel Tree. You can  mander. “For our neighbors in  overcome -- funding the project.
          history of the beloved Karl's  donors, communities, and cor-  also contact your local    dire need that may be in the     Where would the money
          Cabin began this week when   porations have stepped up in     Salvation Army about volun-  position of choosing between  come from, he wondered. He lay
          the restaurant reopened fol-  remarkable ways:                teering to distribute donated  paying the bills and buying pres-  awake nights, worrying, think-
          lowing a devastating fire last  • The Dallas Cowboys played   Angel Tree gifts.          ents for their children this year -  ing, praying about how he could
          February.                       host to the 27th annual Red  • Contact your local Salvation  help is available through The  find the funds to fulfill his com-
                          See page 5.     Kettle Kickoff at the         Army to sign up to volunteer  Salvation Army.” Applicants  mitment to feed1,000 of the city's
                                          Thanksgiving Day game half-   at a Red Kettle.           must provide proof of all mem-  poorest  individuals   on
                                          time show, which featured an  • Sign up for a sustaining gift of  bers living in the household.  Christmas Day. He recalled his
                                          inspiring and highly antici-  $25    a    month      at  Adults must provide a form of  days as a sailor Liverpool,
                                          pated performance by Dolly  identification - which can    England and remembered that
                Vol. 138, No. 48          Parton. The event will also                                                            when boats came in at Stage
                                          feature the ceremonial Red                            ”                                Landing, there was a large, iron
             Romulus Mayor Robert         Kettle donation from the               The historic campaign began with                kettle called “Simpson's Pot”
          McCraight recently updated      Gene and Jerry Jones Family                                                            into which passers-by tossed a
          residents about the road con-   Foundation.                            the effort of one man to help feed              coin or two to help the poor.
          struction in the city noting  • On Dec. 9, The Salvation            his hungry neighbors in San Francisco.                The next day McFee placed a
          progress is being made at the   Army's national commander                                                              similar pot at the Oakland Ferry
          Wayne and Ecorse intersec-      is challenging bell ringers                                                            Landing at the foot of Market
          tion.                           across the country to raise $2  • Give any amount by texting  include a driver's license or  Street. Beside the pot, he placed
                          See page 3.     million in just four hours. An  “KETTLES” to 51555.      state ID - and proof that they live  a sign that read, “Keep the Pot
                                          interactive map with partici-  •  Donate cryptocurrency  in the zip code served by the  Boiling.” He soon had the
                                          pating Red Kettle teams will  such as Bitcoin or Ethereum.  corps at which they are applying  money to see that the needy peo-
                                          be      available      at     Every donation stays in the  (such as a recent utility bill or  ple were properly fed at
                                  community to provide help and  rent lease). Names and dates of  Christmas.
                Vol. 76, No. 48           ge for those who wish to   hope for those in need. To give  birth for children in the house-  Six years later, the kettle idea
             Members of the Wayne         donate in person or virtually  help or get help, please  hold are also required so that  spread from the west coast to
          Police Department are con-      in support of the goal.    visit?www.SalvationArmyUSA.o  assistance with toys may be pro-  the Boston area. That year, the
          tinuing to grow facial hair as  • Throughout the season, sup-  rg.                       vided.  Salvation Army locations  combined effort nationwide
          part of the national            porters can still donate to   The Salvation Army of Metro  are taking applications in a vari-  resulted in 150,000 Christmas
          Movember     Foundation         thousands of Red Kettles sta-  Detroit is now accepting appli-  ety of ways, including online and  dinners for the needy. In 1901,
          fundraising effort.             tioned outside storefronts at  cations for Christmas assistance  by phone. Applicants must sub-  kettle contributions in New York
                          See page 4.     Walmart, Sam's Club, Kroger  from residents of Wayne,    mit their application to the  City provided funds for the first
                                          Family of Stores, Bass Pro  Oakland and Macomb Counties  corps community center which  mammoth sit-down dinner in
                                          Shops    and    Cabela's,  at all metro Detroit Salvation  serves their zip code. To learn  Madison Square Garden, a cus-
                                          Walgreens, Boscov's, Big Lots,  Army corps community centers.  more about how to apply, con-  tom that continued for many
                                          Dillard's, Food Lion, Hobby  Families with children up to the  tact the nearest Salvation Army  years.
                                          Lobby/Mardel, JCPenney,    age of 14 can apply to receive  corps community center. For    Today in the U.S., The
                Vol. 76, No. 48           Redner's Markets, and count-  Christmas assistance from The  help finding the nearest center,  Salvation Army assists more
             In one of his first acts     less local partners.       Salvation Army corps communi-  visit    than four-and-a-half million peo-
             In one of his first acts
          as mayor of Westland,
          as mayor of Westland,        The following options are avail-  ty centers for assistance with  The historic campaign began  ple during the Thanksgiving and
          K Kevin Coleman appointed       able for those wishing to sup-  toys and holiday meals. Senior  with the effort of one man to  Christmas time periods.
            evin Coleman appointed
          former State Rep. Alex          port their neighbors in need:   citizens will receive grocery  help feed his hungry neighbors  To learn more about The
          former State Rep. Alex
          Garza    as   the    new     • Donate with cash, coins, and  store gift cards.           in San Francisco in 1891.     Salvation   Army's    Kettle
          Economic Development
          Economic Development            checks, or digitally with     “In a season traditionally  Salvation Army Captain Joseph  Campaign, visit www.salvation-
          Director for the city.
          Director for the city.          Apple Pay, Google Pay,     filled with festive dinners and  McFee was distraught because
                         See page 6.
                         See page 6.      PayPal, and Venmo, at any  exchanging presents with loved  so many poor individuals were  faq/.
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