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At last
Beloved Karl’s Cabin is renovated and reopened
Another chapter in the history charm and atmosphere of the fami-
of the beloved Karl's Cabin began ly-owned and operated business
this week when the restaurant intact, including the cleaned and
reopened following a devastating freshly stained ceiling beams and
fire last February. the logs which comprise the outer
It has taken nine months and walls.
countless hours of labor to repair Those cabin walls were one of
the destroyed banquet room and the attractions when Karl Poulos
rear of the building and renovate discovered the abandoned tavern
and remodel the rest of the struc- on North Territorial Road. He and
ture, maintaining the atmosphere his wife, Sophia, along with their
associated with Karl's for decades. two sons, Peter and Louis, lived his
Remediation specialists concen- dream and opened the restaurant
trated their expertise to ensure the in 1982 serving some of his favorite
restaurant has been returned to recipes. Following his death, his
the character and atmosphere family has continued operating the
treasured by diners throughout the restaurant which has grown in
area since 1982. popularity for decades.
Karl's Cabin officially reopened The menu will include all the
Tuesday and reservations for din- comfort foods Karl's has become
ner are being accepted at the famous for over the decades, along
favorite mealtime destination on with some newer dishes and a
North Territorial Road in Salem changing menu of weekly specials,
Township. The entire interior of noted Peter Poulos. Karl's will be
the restaurant has been remodeled open daily from 11 a.m. until 10
and renovated with new furniture p.m. and from 11 a.m. until 9 p.m.
and carpet along with a state-of-the on Sundays. Reservations for
art fire alarm and suppression sys- lunch and dinner can be made
tem. All the repairs and restoration online at or by
were designed to keep the historic phone at (734) 455-8450. Owners Peter, Sophia and Louis Poulos celebrated the reopening of Karl's Cabin this week.
Canton Club 55+ wins national award, credentials
Canton Club 55+, a center for experience less difficult for per- ” said Jenni Galazka, Canton sen-
older adults located in Canton sons living with dementia and ior adult specialist. "Our staff
Township, has recently been rec- their care partners, who utilize Our staff remains committed to fostering remains committed to fostering a
ognized as a dementia-friendly their services and facility. This a supportive environment for all seniors. supportive environment for all
organization by Dementia staff training was provided by seniors." Canton Club 55+ is
Friendly America and is now Dementia Friendly Saline. located in the Summit on the
also a 2023 SAGECare Platinum In addition, Canton Club 55+ Park Parkview Room at 46000
credentialed provider for pro- is now a 2023 SAGECare and unique history of LGBTQ+ to have achieved this distinction. Summit Parkway in Canton.
gramming to LGBTQ+ older Platinum Credentialed provider older adults, as well as meaning- "Through these training and cre- Monthly free Blood Pressure
adults. for programming to LGBTQ+ ful steps that staff can take to dentialing opportunities, Canton screenings are available, which
To be acknowledged by older adults. To earn this cre- immediately improve the quality Club 55+ staff has demonstrated have alerted many seniors to
Dementia Friendly America, dential, a minimum of 80 percent of support and services they pro- their commitment to serving all underlying health concerns. For
Canton Club 55+ staff completed of Canton Club 55+ staff complet- vide. older adults in the community by more information, visit www.can-
special training, which provided ed training that provided an Canton Club 55+ is one of 19 creating an inclusive and non- or call (734) 394-
information on ways to make the overview of the needs, concerns, agencies in the state of Michigan discriminatory environment," 5485.