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PAGE 6                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                        November 23, 2023

                                                       WAYNE - WESTLAND
                                                        WAYNE - WESTLAND

        School district administrators are reassigned

           Recent transfers and reassign-  Chris Swanson, the principal at  previously  at  Hamilton  director at Wayne Memorial High  Elementary School in the dis-
        ments of administrators in the  Wildwood Elementary School    Elementary School in the dis-  School, according to district offi-  trict.
        Wayne-Westland Community       will become the assistant princi-  trict.                    cials. In another change, Angela  Superintendent of School Dr.
        Schools district have followed the  pal  at  Wayne-Westland     The current assistant princi-  Whateley will become the assis-  John Dignan expressed confi-
        surprise discovery by auditors of  Innovative Academy. Swanson  pal  at   Wayne-Westland    tant principal at Franklin Middle  dence and enthusiasm for the
        a $17.6 million budget deficit.  has been the principal at    Innovative Academy, Steve     School. She has been serving as  changes during the announce-
           In the recent reassignment,  Wildwood for four years and was  Barber, will become the athletic  the assistant principal and Hicks  ment of the transitions.
        Alumni veterans' wall planned at Wayne Memorial

           Wayne Memorial High         lation of the memorial are                                                                  “enthusiastic about the potential
        Schools may soon include a trib-  $40,000 and would include con-                         ”                                 impact of the memorial
        ute to servicemen who have     struction, artwork, plaques, an          Currently, donations are being sought              wall.”Nathan is planning to
        graduated from the school.     interactive display, a software        to build a memorial wall to be prominently           release a brief video about the
           Currently, donations are being  data package for digital storage                                                        project in the upcoming weeks,
        sought to build a memorial wall  and website viewing. The project      displayed at the entrance to the school.            according to the social media
        to be prominently displayed at  would also include the develop-                                                            post announcing the fund drive.
        the entrance to the school. The  ment of educational materials                                                               All donations to the Wall of
        display would include the name,  and contributions to support  Community Schools, has spear-   No proposed date  for the con-  Honor project are deductible,
        rank and brief information about  local veterans.             headed this initiative and is  struction has been announced.  according to organizers.
        the serviceman or woman who      Dr. Adrienne J. Nathan, direc-  seeking assistance to secure the  Supporters said details of the  To  contribute,  access
        served in the U.S. military.   tor of Community Partnerships  necessary funds, according to a  project have been thoroughly
           Estimated costs for the instal-  and Outreach at Wayne Westland  Facebook posting.       considered and that they are   and include graduation year.

                                                                                                            Sign of
                                                                                                            the season                   drive is

                                                                                                            Many of the bright red
                                                                                                            stands holding the kettles
                                                                                                            for the annual Salvation     planned
                                                                                                            Army      Red     Kettle
                                                                                                            Campaign are the work of       The annual Westland
                                                                                                            students at the Willilam D.  Community Foundation
                                                                                                            Ford Career-Technical
                                                                                                            Center. Auto collision stu-  and Salvation Army Toy
                                                                                                            dents accepted the chal-     Drive is planned for 6
                                                                                                            lenge when Salvation         until 8 p.m. Thursday, Nov.
                                                                                                            Army officials reached out   30 at Westland City Hall.
                                                                                                            to inquire if the stands       Organizers said the gift
                                                                                                            could be repaired and        of a new toy or book
                                                                                                            repainted. The students      brings   the   joy  of
                                                                                                            used their training and      Christmas and sends a
                                                                                                            expertise to freshen up the  message of hope to disad-
                                                                                                            stands. Officials at the cen-  vantaged   children.
                                                                                                            ter thanked the Salvation    Participants are urged to
                                                                                                            Army for "involving the stu-
                                                                                                            dents in such a meaning-     bring an unwrapped toy to
                                                                                                            ful project. What an incred-  donate. A $5 donation is
                                                                                                            ible way to give back to     also encouraged, organiz-
                                                                                                            the community and            ers said.
                                                                                                            spread holiday cheer.          Westland City Hall is
                                                                                                                                         located at 36300 Warren
                                                                                                                                         Road in Westland.
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