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November 23, 2023                                              ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 5

                                                       INKSTER - ROMULUS
                                                       INKSTER - ROMULUS

        Official city tree lighting set for tomorrow

           The traditional holiday tree  the switch to light the communi-                                                            The 2023 Holiday Train tours
        lighting in Romulus is set for 7  ty tree.                             Following the lighting of the tree, the city        Canada and the United States
        p.m. tomorrow, Nov. 24 at        Following the lighting of the                                                             Nov. 20 through Dec. 19, raising
        Romulus Historical Park and    tree, the city will host a number     will host a number of activities while visitors       money, food and awareness for
        will include a sighting of the  of activities while visitors await    await the Canadian Pacific Holiday Train.            the important work that food
        Canadian Pacific Holiday Train.  the Canadian Pacific Holiday                                                              banks do in their communities.
           During the official tree light-  Train as it passes through                                                             Since its inception in 1999, the
        ing, Mayor Robert McCraight    Romulus between 8 p.m. and     activities planned.           (Canadian Pacific and Kansas   Holiday Train has generated
        will present the "Key to the City"  midnight. There will be holiday  The Canadian Pacific   City Southern) spreading holi-  more than $22.5 million and
        to Santa as he arrives for the  vendors, crafts, live entertain-  Holiday Train is a beautiful hol-  day cheer and raising donations  more than 5 million pounds of
        celebration. A special guest   ment, pictures with Santa, food  iday illuminated train that trav-  to help those struggling with  food for community food banks
        helper is expected to help flip  trucks and more and other    els across two historic railways  food insecurity.           across North America.
                                                                                                     Brunch With Santa

                                                                                                     tickets are available

                                                                                                       The Romulus Recreation      Bibbins St.
                                                                                                     Department is offering a sweet  Tickets which organizers
                                                                                                     treat to help celebrate the holi-  said sell out very quickly must
                                                                                                     day season.                   be purchased by Monday, Nov.
                                                                                                       Brunch with Santa is        27 and are available at the
                                                                                                     planned for 10:30 a.m. until  Romulus          Recreation
                                                                                                     noon Saturday, Dec. 2. The    Department at the Romulus
                                                                                                     event includes breakfast      Athletic Center located at 35765
                                                                                                     brunch, story time, a photo with  Northline Road.
                                                                                                     Santa and a special holiday     Registration and tickets may
                                                                                                     craft. Tickets are $12 for each  be purchased online at
                                                                                                     child. Adults may enjoy brunch
                                                                                                     for $5 per person.            runch-with-Santa-2023-103
                                                                                                       Brunch will be served at the  For more information, call
                                                                                                     Romulus Senior Center, 36525  (734) 941-8665.
                                                                                                     Future Coffee with a Cop

                                                                                                     meeting dates planned

           Junior officer

           City of Romulus Police Sgt. Donnell Jackson was welcomed by students at Barth Elementary    The recent Coffee with a Cop  events are scheduled for the
           School recently when he stopped by to present a junior officers badge to one young student. The  event in Inkster drew a large  mornings of Dec. 7 and Jan. 11, a
           youngster, according to school officials, hopes to become a police officer "and help other people  crowd of residents to the Oak  department spokesman said,
           just like the Romulus Police Department." School officials said the student was inspired and thrilled  Street Health Clinic where police  with the time and place to be
           with Jackson's visit and thanked the sergeant and the police department for ensuring that the stu-  officers were on hand to answer  announced. Police officials
           dents are safe. "We always appreciate the Romulus Police Department stopping by Barth     questions and listen to concerns  issued a formal thank you to all
           Elementary to make sure everything is going well and that all of our Barth Bears are safe," school  of individuals over a cup of cof-  those who participated and
           officials said in a social media post.                                                    fee.                          helped sponsor the community
                                                                                                       The next Coffee with a Cop  effort.


        in threat

        to judge

           An Inkster man accused of
        making threats against 22nd
        District Court Judge Sabrina
        Johnson will face several criminal
           Wayne County Prosecutor Kym
        Worthy has charged Antonio
        Walter Clark, 33, of Inkster, with
        resisting and obstructing a police
        officer, stalking, and malicious use
        of telecommunication services.
           It is alleged that Clark made
        multiple threating phone calls to
        Johnson on Nov. 1.  An investiga-
        tion by the Inkster Police
        Department led to the arrest of
        Clark on Nov. 3, according to the
        office of the prosecutor. Once in
        custody, it is  alleged that at
        approximately 3:05 p.m., the
        defendant attempted to flee from
        the Inkster Police Department. He
        was apprehended by officers a
        short time later, according to
        police reports.
           Clark was arraigned last week
        in 29th District Court before Judge
        Breeda O'Leary and given a $1
        million bond.
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