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Commissioners choose new mayor
The City of Plymouth has a ” missioner for a four-year term
new mayor. which will expire in November
Following the official swear- Members of the commission chose 2027. Filipczak garnered 16 per-
ing in of the top vote getters in Suzi Deal as the new mayor during cent of the voting total with 1,336
the Nov. 7 election, members of votes.
the commission chose Suzi Deal their first official meeting last week. Brock Minton, with a total of
as the new mayor during their 1,421 votes, or 17 percent of the
first official meeting last week. total, will serve a four-year term
Deal, who received the lowest on the commission which will
total of the top four vote getters incumbent, has served on the O'Donnell received 18 percent of expire in November of 2027.
during the Nov. 7 election, will commission for eight years. the votes with 1,533. Her four- The remaining commissioners
serve a two-year term which will The top vote getter, Kelly year term will expire in include Jennifer Kehoe whose Suzi Deal
expire in November of 2025. She O'Donnell, was chosen by her fel- November of 2027. term expires in 2025; Alanna
received 16 percent of the vote low commission members to Voters also chose Linda Maguire, whose term also Mayor Nick Moroz, whose term
with a total of 1,324. Deal, an serve as mayor pro tem. Filipczak to serve as a city com- expires in 2025 and former expires in 2025.
4 pickleball courts proposed for PARC site
Pickleball fans in Plymouth have a net on a badminton-sized court. It can be
chance to put their money where their pad- played in a singles or doubles format.
dles are with a new crowdfunding campaign The PARC property will be donated for
effort to fund courts in the community. the construction of the courts at no cost, offi-
Property at the Plymouth Arts and cials said.
Recreation Complex (PARC) would be used There are currently no public pickleball
for four new courts if the crowdfunding plat- courts in Plymouth. There are courts in
form Patronicity generates $50,000 by the Canton Township at Freedom Park and in
Jan. 14 deadline. If the fundraising effort the City of Westland.
meets the goal, the Michigan Economic "We are pleased to support and provide
Development Corporation (MEDC) will resources for this project, which offers
award the project a matching $50,000 grant accessible, low-cost space for public recre-
for the construction of the courts. ation through our Public Spaces Community
Pickleball is a paddle sport that com- Places Program, said MEDC Regional
bines elements of tennis, badminton, and Prosperity Managing Director Paula Holtz.
ping-pong using a paddle and plastic ball Plymouth residents Pete Lamoureux and
with holes. Enthusiasts claim it is a game Mark Malcolm are leading the effort to bring
that is appropriate for players of all ages four dedicated pickleball courts on the
and skill levels. Rules are simple, making it Theodore Street PARC property, next to the
a great introductory sport, according to a Miracle League field.
Pickleball website. Players use a perforated, For more information or to donate
plastic ball to send a ball over a tennis-type access:
Charity group seeking children's pajamas, clothing
Area residents have an oppor- God's Storehouse, a Detroit charity at 774 N, Sheldon Road, Plymouth. are subject to change: co-founder and volunteer for the
tunity to keep children in need that assists people who are home- Clothing can be placed in a group, works with several faith
warm this winter. less or living in poverty. Donors labeled drop box in the lobby from The annual children's clothing organizations including the
Friends of Unity is seeking can drop off clothing through Dec. noon until 4 p.m. Tuesdays drive is a collaborative effort start- Friends of Unity in
warm pajamas for children 4 to 14 3. Take donations to the Plymouth through Thursdays and from 9 ed by Song and Spirit, a Royal Oak Plymouth/Canton, Northville and
years old. The pajamas will go to Community Arts Council building a.m. until noon Sundays. Hours interfaith nonprofit. Mary Gilhuly, beyond.