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PAGE 2                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                        November 23, 2023


        5 new firefighters join township department

           The Northville Township Fire  medics joining the municipality.
        Department welcomed five new   With these five additions, it
        firefighters last week, including  brings the head count to 38,
        the first two women to wear the  which matches staffing with inci-
        uniform full time.             dent volume. Fire calls for serv-
           Township Clerk Cynthia L.   ice have increased by nearly 49
        Jankowski administered the offi-  percent since 2012 with the
        cial oath of office to Robert  township population growth,
        Casamatta, Jeremy Dochenetz,   which is just under 32,000 resi-
        Lacey Marcotte, Jacqueline     dents, officials said. The fire
        Przytulski and Aidan Gawura in  department responded to more
        front of friends and family.   than 3,500 incidents in 2022.
           The new recruits are expect-  “This is a significant day for
        ed to provide the highest level of  the Northville Township Fire
        fire, rescue and emergency med-  Department,” said Township
        ical services to the community,  Supervisor Mark J. Abbo.
        officials said. Each firefighter  “Northville Township has a lot to
        has several years of experience  offer, and we were able to recruit
        and is also a paramedic.       top candidates once again. We
           One of the new firefighters is  could not be more excited to
        a former U.S. Marine who took  attract this talent and we are
        U.S. Army Flight School training  thrilled to make history by
        and is a UH-60 Blackhawk       adding two female firefighters to
        medevac pilot. Another lever-  our department.”
        ages translation technologies to  More than 20 years ago,
        treat a global patient population  before Northville Township Fire  Five new firefighters, from left, Robert Casamatta, Jeremy Dochenetz, Chief Brent Siegel, Lacey Marcotte,
        while a third recruit is an ice  was a career department, it had  Jaqueline Przytulski and Aidan Gawura officially joined the Northville Township department last week.
        water rescue instructor. Among  a paid on-call female firefighter.
        the five is a rope rescue expert  Marcotte and Przytulski are  of Dearborn, who also worked at  and takes pride in the depart-  “This badge represents the
        and a logistic specialist.     looking forward to making histo-  the Wayne County Airport   ment cardiac arrest survival   trust that our community places
           “These historic additions   ry by being the first full-time  Authority and Aidan Gawura, of  rates, which are three times  in you,” Siegel told the candi-
        build on a tradition of excellence  female firefighters on staff.   Pinckney who was formerly with  greater than elsewhere in the  dates before they took their
        which have made Northville       The new firefighters are     the Bloomfield Township Fire  state and nation.              oaths of office. “It signifies the
        Township a destination for pro-  Robert Casamatta, of Fowlerville  Department.                 The Northville Township Fire  faith they have in your abilities
        fessional first responders seek-  who was formerly with the     Northville Township Fire    Department is also a member of  to respond to emergencies, to
        ing a career rather than just a  Garden City Fire Department;  Department is an all-hazard  the Western Wayne County Fire  provide comfort in times of cri-
        job,” said Fire Chief Brent    Jeremy Dochenetz, of Livonia, a  emergency response department  Department  Mutual    Aid   sis, and to be a beacon of hope
        Siegel.                        former Canton Township         which responds to fire suppres-  Association, the Western Wayne  when all seems lost. It also rep-
           In 2022, the fire department  Firefighter; Lacey Marcotte, of  sion, emergency medical service  County Hazardous Materials  resents the dedication and sacri-
        welcomed the largest class of  Belleville who formerly worked  (EMS) and rescues.           Response Team and the West     fice you are willing to make for
        firefighter recruits in a decade  with the Wayne County Airport  The department staff pro-  Wayne County Urban Search      the greater good. Welcome to
        with seven firefighters/para-  Authority; Jacqueline Przytulski,  vides Advanced Life Support  and Rescue Team.            Northville Township.”
        Tipping Point to present A Very Northville Christmas

           Tipping Point Theatre con-  priorities. Hot cocoa, light   Northville,” said Julia Glander,  the audience is seeing if the  vres, Christmas cookies, chai tea
        tinues its 16th theatrical season  parades and romance collide.  the Tipping Point Theatre pro-  actors can keep up with the  and wine will be provided free
        beginning Nov. 29, with the    This spoof is for every Hallmark  ducing artistic director. “I read  split-second costume changes  of charge to all patrons with
        Southeast Michigan premiere of  movie lover, hater and everyone  the play and laughed out loud.  while staying in character. You  tickets to the Dec. 2 perform-
        A Very Northville Christmas by  in between. It's full of small-  Yes, I was interested. I also  never know what might happen  ance.
        Robert Hawlmark and directed   town charm, big-city dreams,   knew that it had had a very suc-  on any given performance.”   Visit www.tippingpointthe-
        by John Lepard of the          romance and family life all set  cessful run at Williamston     Additionally, audiences can for exact performance
        Williamston Theatre.           in   charming     downtown     Theatre. I was sure Northville  expect some special surprise  dates and times and tickets are
           Audiences will meet a profes-  Northville; a Hawlmark origi-  audiences would love it.”   cameo appearances by local    available online. Tickets can be
        sional woman running in the    nal, organizer said.             “Audiences should expect to  businesses, their owners, and  purchased by phone at (248) 347-
        fast lane of the big city corporate  “Right after the holidays last  laugh uncontrollably,” stated  other local flair beloved by  0003. Discounts for seniors (62
        world who journeys back to her  year, I was intensely planning  Lepard. “This play is special  Northville residents.       and over), military and students
        hometown of Northville on a    Season 16, when I received a   because it blends the heart-     A special opening night pre-  are also available at the box
        mission for her boss. When she  message from playwright       warming spirit of Hallmark    glow reception is planned for 5  office window located inside
        runs into a handsome acquain-  Robert Hawlmark asking if I    movies with the ridiculous    p.m. Saturday, Dec. 2 in the   Tipping Point Theatre at 361
        tance from high school, she's  might be interested in his new  humor of plays like The 39 Steps  lobby preceding the 6 p.m. per-  East Cady St. Northville, MI
        forced to evaluate her life and  play that he just adapted for  and Irma Vep. Part of the fun for  formance. Holiday hors d'oeu-  48167.
        Safety seminar is set                                                           To subscribe to The Eagle visit

           Growing up is difficult. Add in the dan-  applications and their uses; online threats
        gers of social media and school safety, sud-  and parental involvement.                              CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF CANTON
        denly helping children navigate their ten-  Social Worker Susan O'Brien; School                         REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL
        der years is a challenge. Northville   Resource Ofc. Michael Brown; School    NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Charter Township of Canton, 1150 Canton Center S, Canton, Michigan will accept sealed
        Township Police Department and the     Resource Ofc. Robert McFadden; Internet  proposals at the Office of the Clerk up to 3:00 p.m. Thursday, December 7, 2023, for the following:
        embedded social worker are offering    Crimes Against Children Det. Justin                    PROVISION OF ELECTRIC VEHICLE CHARGING STATIONS
        help.                                  Norlock along with Community Service
           A Partners in Your Safety seminar has  Ofc. Andre Domzalski will be on hand to  Bid may be downloaded on the MITN Purchasing Group website at or you
                                                                                      may contact Mike Sheppard at: All bids must be submitted in a sealed envelope clearly marked
        been planned for 6 until 8 p.m. Nov. 28 at  offer information. Max, the department  with the proposal name, company name, address and telephone number and date and time of bid opening. The Township reserves
        the Northville High School auditorium.  therapy dog, will also attend, organizers  the right to accept or reject any or all proposals. The Township does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin,
                                                                                      sex, religion, age or disability in employment or the provision of services.
           Topics scheduled for discussion     said.
        include online enticement; cyberbullying;  Northville High School is located at                          MICHAEL SIEGRIST, CLERK
        sexting; phishing scams; social media  45700 Six Mile Road.                   Publish 11/23/2023                                             CN2518 - 112323  2.5 x 2.052

                                PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE                                                        PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE
                                    CITY OF ROMULUS                                                              CITY OF ROMULUS
                                    ALLEY VACATION                                                               ALLEY VACATION

         Notice is hereby given that the City Council of the City of Romulus has scheduled a Public Hearing to be held  Notice is hereby given that the City Council of the City of Romulus has scheduled a Public Hearing to be held
         in the Romulus City Hall Council Chambers, 11111 Wayne Road, Romulus, Michigan 48174 on   in the Romulus City Hall Council Chambers, 11111 Wayne Road, Romulus, Michigan 48174 on
         Monday, December 11, 2023, at 6:30 p.m. for the purpose of taking testimony on the proposed vacation of the  Monday, December 11, 2023, at 7:00 p.m. for the purpose of taking testimony on the proposed vacation of the
         following alley:                                                             following alley:
         The east-west alley, south of Ecorse Rd. between Craig Ave. and Elmview Ave. (Detroit Industrial Center  The entire north-south alley, west of Loraine Ave, and south of Lorman Ave. to terminus (Osberg Airport
         Subdivision) in the NW 1/4 Section 8:                                        Estates Subdivision)  in the SW 1/4 Section 13:

                                   THIS IS AN OPEN MEETING                                                     THIS IS AN OPEN MEETING

         This notice is posted in compliance with PA 167 of 1976 as amended (Open Meetings Act), MCLA 41.72a (2)  This notice is posted in compliance with PA 167 of 1976 as amended (Open Meetings Act), MCLA 41.72a (2)
         (3) and the Americans with Disabilities Act. (ADA).                          (3) and the Americans with Disabilities Act. (ADA).
         Individuals with disabilities requiring aids or services should contact the City of Romulus Clerk's office by writ-  Individuals with disabilities requiring aids or services should contact the City of Romulus Clerk's office by writ-
         ing or calling City Clerk Ellen L. Craig-Bragg, Clerk, 11111 Wayne Road, Romulus, MI 48174; 734-942-7540.  ing or calling City Clerk Ellen L. Craig-Bragg, Clerk, 11111 Wayne Road, Romulus, MI 48174; 734-942-7540.
         A copy of this notice is on file in the office of the City Clerk.            A copy of this notice is on file in the office of the City Clerk.

         Ellen L. Craig-Bragg, CMC, Clerk                                             Ellen L. Craig-Bragg, CMC, Clerk
         City of Romulus, Michigan                                                    City of Romulus, Michigan
         Publish:  November 23, 2023 and November 30, 2023              RM0770 - 112323  2.5 x 6  Publish:  November 23, 2023 and November 30, 2023  RM0769 - 112323  2.5 x 6
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