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November 23 – 29, 2023                                  NEWS YOU CAN USE, NEWS YOU CAN TRUST                                                  75¢

         No. 47                                                                                    www

               Vol. 138, No. 47
             A proposed new cemetery
          ordinance prompted discus-
          sion at the Oct. 24 workshop
          meeting of the Sumpter
          Township Board of Trustees.
                          See page 4.
                                                           Season of giving begins

                                          Again this year, local police  nied by a local police officer  tively impacted relationships  from local businesses and cor-
                Vol. 76, No. 47        departments are exercising    and is given a small amount of  between police departments  porations, although many of
             The Village Arts Factory  their "protect and serve" oaths  money to spend, normally $50-  and the residents they contin-  the department officers per-
          will be transformed into a   with the annual Shop with a   $100 depending on the size of  ue to serve.                 sonally donate to ensure that
          winter wonderland includ-    Cop and other charity donation  the child's immediate family.  Locally, however, officials  as many children as possible
          ing a petting zoo, caroling  opportunities throughout the  The children are escorted     agreed that these community   are involved in the program.
          musicians, children's crafts  area.                        through the store and helped to  programs like Coffee with a  Beginnings of the Shop with a
          and a Christmas Market.         The purpose of the events is  choose appropriate gifts for  Cop and food and clothing  Cop program vary, but all his-
                          See page 4.  to foster positive relationships  each family member. The chil-  drives along with visits to  torical accounts include the
                                       between youth and officers,   dren are told, and understand,  schools and day-care centers  passing around of a police hat
                                       according to law enforcement  that the money is not for per-  have a positive result with chil-  among officers who donated to
                                       professionals. The Shop with a  sonal use and must only be  dren, and parents who interact  help buy toys and gifts for fami-
                                       Cop program includes chil-    spent on gifts for family mem-  with them. The programs,    lies in the community.
                                       dren, usually kindergartners  bers. After shopping, police  according to national law        In addition to Shop with a
                                       through sixth grade students,  officers often treat the children  enforcement officials, help  Cop, many police departments
                Vol. 76, No. 47        who are selected during the   to lunch, help wrap their gifts,  develop a better and more  have organized winter clothing
                                       holiday season to shop at a   and continue to get to know the  trusting relationship with  donation drives and holiday
             An Inkster man accused    local store to purchase gifts for  children in the community  police and the community.   food drives and other efforts to
          of making threats against    members of their immediate    they serve.                      The shopping effort is pri-  help provide for those in the
          22nd District Court Judge    family. Each child is accompa-   National reports have nega-  marily funded by sponsorships  community.
          Sabrina Johnson will face
          several criminal charges.      IN CANTON TOWNSHIP:
                          See page 5.
                                          Canton Township Police
                                       officers will collect donations
                                       of new or gently-used coats and
                                       other winter wear from 9 a.m.
                                       until 1 p.m. this Sunday,  Nov.
                                       26 in front of the Meijer store at
                Vol. 23, No. 47
                                       45001 Ford Road in Canton. In
            The Northville Township    addition to coats and jackets,
          Fire Department welcomed     officers hope to collect dona-
          five new firefighters last   tions of scarves, hats, gloves
          week, including the first two  and other items for local chil-
          women to wear the uniform    dren and families in need. All
          full time.                   donated items will be shared
                          See page 2.  and distributed by local chari-
                                       table organizations throughout
                                       the community, organizers

                                               IN INKSTER:           Officers from the Northville Township Police Department spent a few hours last week participating in
                                                                     Crafting with a Cop at both Ridgewood and Winchester elementary schools. Officers helped students
                Vol. 23, No. 47           Inkster children have a    create paper Thanksgiving  turkeys, superhero masks, pumpkins, puppets and other artistic efforts.
             Following the official    chance again this year to Shop  Students were encouraged to interact with officers during the community outreach event designed to
          swearing in of the top vote  With A Cop.                   promote positive interaction between officers and students.
                                          Registration, limited to
          getters in the Nov. 7 election,  Inkster residents, is available  Department where they can be  receiving holiday assistance  will take place from 10 a.m.
          members of the commission    until 6 p.m. Nov. 30.         submitted when complete.      from another organization will  until 2 p.m. at the Meijer store
          chose Suzi Deal as the new   Applications for the event are  Only Romulus residents will be  not be eligible.          located at 37201 Warren Road.
          mayor.                       available at the Inkster Police  considered for participation in  Applications  can  be      There will be free photos
                          See page 3.
                                       Department, 26279 Michigan    the annual event. Organizers  obtained at the police depart-  with Santa with the donation of
                                       Ave. in Inkster and Inkster City  suggested that parents hoping  ment headquarters at 11165  a new unwrapped toy.
                                       Hall at 26215 Trowbridge St. or  to have their children partici-  Olive St, Romulus., MI 48174.  Also joining the effort this
                                       online                    at  pate this year complete the   Applications are available    year from 10 a.m. until noon
                               application and detail the rea-  online at  will be 100.3 WNIC to play
                Vol. 138, No. 47       pQLSd5L9ZAv4p.../viewform...  sons the child should shop with  withacop                   Christmas songs.
                                          The Shop With A Cop event  a cop this year.                 For more information, con-    From noon until 2 p.m.,
             The traditional holiday   will take place on Friday, Dec.  Applications will only be  tact Monique Talley (734)942-  106.7 WLLZ will be on site
          tree lighting in Romulus is  15.                           accepted until Nov. 27 and noti-  6843                  or  playing classic rock hits.
          set for 7 p.m. tomorrow, Nov.                              fications of those selected will       The Stuff a Squad Car event
          24 at Romulus Historical            IN ROMULUS:            begin Dec. 4. The shopping trip                             is a benefit for the Westland
          Park.                           The 2023 Shop with a Cop   is set for Dec. 15.                  IN WESTLAND:           Goodfellows “No Child Without
                          See page 5.  registration in Romulus is now   This is an annual event       The   Westland    Police   a Christmas” program, and
                                       under way.                    designed to help those in need  Department is sponsoring the  supplies local children with
                                          Applications are now avail-  during the holiday season, offi-  7th Annual Stuff a Squad Car  presents that they might other-
                                       able at the Romulus Police    cials said. Families already  tomorrow, Nov. 24. The event  wise not receive.

                Vol. 76, No. 47
             Wayne Memorial High
          School may soon include a
          tribute to servicemen and
          women who have graduated
          from the school.
                          See page 6.

                Vol. 76, No. 47
             Recent transfers and reas-
          signments of administrators
          in the Wayne-Westland
          Community Schools district   Students at the Candyland Learning Center participated in the annual Romulus Police Department
          have followed the discovery  Thanksgiving Food Drive and officers picked up the donations from the class last week. The annual
          of a $17.6 million budget    event provides help to those in need during the holiday. Officers distributed junior officer stickers to the
          deficit.                     children. School leaders said the students' families provided the generous contributions and the effort
                          See page 6.  helped teach students to give to others and to those in need.

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