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November 1, 2018                                               ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 5


        Township seeking public safety millage OK

           Plymouth Township voters      If approved, homeowners                                                                   tion. He said he was aware of two
        will decide whether to fund the  would see a tax increase of $1.20  Clinton told the board of trustees that this millage   officers currently seeking work
        replacement of a nearly 30-year-  for every $1.000 of taxable value,                                                       with other departments that offer
        old fire truck and bring police  which is usually half of the mar-  is the bare minimum amount necessary to keep           more attractive pay and benefits.
        department staffing up to the lev-  ket value of the property. As an  the township “going in the right direction.”           Tiderington said his depart-
        els recommended as adequate    example, the owner of a $300,000                                                            ment must constantly repair and
        by the International Association  home would see an annual                                                                 replace vehicles and the life of a
        of Chiefs of Police with a millage  increase of about $180.                                                                squad car is only two to three
        question on the Nov. 6 ballot.   According to township offi-  three front-line vehicles, one fire  ing the township purchase a  years as they are in constant
           The millage question, asking  cials, there are only 21 firefight-  truck is almost 30-years-old and  needed pumper truck, but the  service and on the road.
        for 1.2 mills for 16 years will be  ers serving the community, three  the other is nearly 27-years old  other truck and a 13-year-old  Treasurer Mark Clinton sug-
        on the Plymouth Township Nov. 6  fewer than the minimum recom-  and the equipment needs     ambulance need replaced.       gested the millage explaining
        ballot. The millage, if approved  mended staffing. A federal grant  upgrading to provide basic serv-  Police Chief Tom Tiderington  that during the recession, prop-
        will generate $2.1 million for the  will allow the hiring of three fire-  ice to the community. Parts for  agreed with Phillips about  erty tax revenue in the township
        first year, allowing the township  fighters, although Fire Chief Dan  the vehicles are no longer made,  recruiting officers.  His police  fell by about 20 percent.
        to replace antiquated equip-   Phillips noted that he has lost  Phillips said.              force currently consists of only 29  Clinton told the board of
        ment, maintain the facilities, pay  three firefighters recently to  The township does not have a  officers, 20-30 fewer than the rec-  trustees that this millage is the
        retirement obligations and     communities that offer better  tower truck which allows fire-  ommended staffing of 50-60 rec-  bare minimum amount neces-
        increase staffing to adequate lev-  pay and benefits.         fighters to reach the upper floors  ommended by public safety  sary to keep the township “going
        els.                             Phillips added that of the   of buildings. A state grant is help-  experts for the township popula-  in the right direction.”
        ‘Murder He Wrote’

        Former publisher releases 2nd in series of novels

           W. Edward Wendover, the for-  book  of  The    Michigan    murder mystery, Murder By     newspaper for 26 years from an
        mer publisher of The Plymouth-  Prepositional Murders is “101  Lansing Kool-Aid, begins with  office on Penniman Street, said.
        Canton Community Crier, admits  percent alternative facts (lies).”   the fatal stabbing of the Michigan  “Several dozen former and
        that everything in his second    Wendover said this second    Speaker of the House in the   current Michigan politicians, lob-
                                                                      Capitol Dome. Next, the Speaker  byists, staffers, press corps mem-
                                                                      Heir apparent is found dead in  bers and friends will be sur-
                                                                      his office at the House Office  prised to see their names actual-
                                                                      Building.                     ly used in this historical fiction,”
                                                                        While the Michigan State    Wendover said. “It's all a fun
                                                                      Police are racing to solve the two  spoof-based on State House  The book also includes a sam-
                                                                      deaths, a well-meaning anony-  shenanigans and voters' oft-quot-  pling of the third book in the
                                                                      mous House staffer (known only  ed desire to kill the knuckle-  series, Murder of Crows, which
                                                                      as “Reply All”) keeps blasting out  heads in their Legislature.”   begins with a murderous discov-
                                                                      new clues, beating the police at  As in the first book in the mur-  ery detailed by a fictional
                                                                      every turn.                   der series, this novel contains 34  Cadillac newspaper.
                                                                        An attack on the term limited  recipes mixed with the clues. It  The e-book, Murder by
                                                                      next-in-line for the Speaker's job  also features, Wendover claims,  Lansing Kool-Aid, Wendover
                                                                      sets Lansing in a tizzy, as the plot  the most unique cause of death  said, is now available on Amazon
                                                                      progresses.                   in the last 138,326 published  Kindle.
                                                                        “Buy the book and LOL,”     English-language murder mys-     The former publisher and his
                                                                      Wendover, a former chief of staff  teries.                   wife, Sally, now reside in Cadillac
                                                                      at the Michigan House who pub-   The recipe, Wendover said, is  but have recently been on a
                                               Ed and Sally Wendover  lished the local Plymouth Canton  included.                  motor tour across the country.
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