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Wayne-Westland schools seeking bond issue
Voters in the Wayne-Westland Shelley Holt has stated that with- said. and 9-12 grade configuration. said. The district was forced to
Community Schools District will out the $158 million bond, neces- If approved, Holt said the bond The bond issue would also pay lease buses recently to accommo-
be asked to approve a school sary repairs impacting the safety funding would be used to pay for for a new field house at John date the number of students
bond for building/maintenance of students would still have to be crucially-needed paint and car- Glenn High School and the con- needing transportation. The bus
issues. funded. The new bond replaces peting in classrooms and the struction of a corridor to connect replacement would be a one-time
If approved by voters in Wayne, the current bond which expires installation of sally port entrances the auditorium to Wayne expense, Holt said, and then the
most of Westland, parts of Canton, this year. If approved, the propos- to the schools to prevent outsiders Memorial High School. The most buses would be replaced on an as-
Inkster and Romulus, owners of al would return the millage rate from gaining unauthorized crucial expense, however, is the needed basis.
homes valued at $100,000 would to less than the 5.56 mills resi- entrance to the buildings. needed purchase of buses to Holt stressed that the bond
pay an additional $88 per year dents paid in 2015, Holt said. The Upgrades to the district phone transport students. Eighty per- request would cover only the most
which would prevent several neg- bond will generate only about half system and necessary work at sev- cent of the fleet must be replaced basic needs of the district and
ative changes in the district. what the district needs in repairs eral school buildings is also need- and the vehicles each have more that approval was crucial to the
Superintendent of Schools Dr. and infrastructure work, Holt ed to accommodate the K-5, 6-8 than 200,000 miles on them, Holt well being of students.
Recalled councilman files as ballot write-in
Wayne City Councilman John by Sanders, claiming that Rhaesa announcing his candidacy, $48,000, none of the directions in
P. Rhaesa was unopposed in his had violated election law and Sanders said, “I have remained the report have been implement-
bid to become mayor Nov. 6 until had also owed fees to the county mostly quiet this election cycle, ed. A subsequent supplemental
last week. at the time of filing election as I am in litigation, still with report regarding conduct of a city
Recalled Councilman paperwork stating that all such Wayne County Candidate John hall official has also been
Christopher Sanders filed paper- fees were paid. Columbo found Rhaesa. Currently, our case is ignored by members of the city
work on Thursday, declaring his no merit with that suit and found pending in front of the Michigan council, according to several resi-
intent to become a write-in can- for Rhaesa. Sanders said that he Court of Appeals, awaiting a dents critical of the current city
didate for the two-year mayoral was appealing that ruling. hearing. manager.
term. Sanders originally chal- Sanders was recalled from his “I fully don't expect to win this For Wayne City Council/Ward
lenged Rhaesa for the office but council term during a special race, as I have done no cam- 4 (four-year term), neither Brian
was removed from the ballot by election in May based on his vote paigning. However, I had to regis- Ewanciw nor Anthony Wayne
order of Wayne County Circuit to reschedule city elections to ter as a candidate to secure my Miller answered the LWV ques-
Court Judge Robert Columbo. coincide with national dates, sav- right to move forward in the judi- tionnaire. For Wayne City
Rhaesa challenged Sanders' eli- ing the city about $40,000 each cial process. Council/Ward 5 (two-year term),
gibility to seek the office in court election cycle. Petitions to recall The city has been mired in neither Eric Cleeman nor Kelly
in light of about $4,000 in past the other elected officials who controversy since a claim of a Skiff responded to the LWV. For
campaign fees still owed to voted in favor of the change hostile work environment was Wayne City Council/Ward 6 (two- Christopher Sanders
Wayne County. Sanders altered failed for lack of signatures. filed by a city hall employee. year term), Philip A. Wagner
the affidavit of identity required Jacob Johnson, a one-year city That claim prompted an inde- answered the LWV question- print guides and online sources
by the Wayne County Clerk to employee, also filed paperwork pendent 105-page investigative naire while Christopher Gietzen (, its state website
state that the fees were not paid as a write-in mayoral candidate. report, followed by a supplemen- did not. and the LWV of Northwest
and Columbo ruled in favor of He announced his candidacy on tal report, performed by an out- Wayne City Council responses Wayne County website of
Rhaesa and determined that social media suggesting better side attorney who interviewed are also available through the
Sanders' candidacy was invalid marketing for the city. city hall employees and depart- League of Women Voters website The email address for the
and ordered his name to be Mayor Susan Rowe opted not ment heads. Despite the recom- . The League of Women Voters of
removed from the ballot. to seek re-election. mendations of the report, which League of Women Voters of Northwest Wayne County is lwv-
A subsequent court challenge In a social media post cost the cash-strapped city about Northwest Wayne County has .
Westland clerk expects large voter turnout
Westland City Clerk Richard expectation of a large turnout (PAVs). By Oct. 23, 9,744 AV bal-
LeBlanc expects a large turnout Tuesday is the absentee ballot ” lots had been issued in Westland,
next Tuesday and his office is returns. From what folks are saying to me, with 4,821 of those AVs returned.
prepared to handle the anticipat- “AV's are slow to return, and LeBlanc noted difficulty in com-
ed crowds. that seems odd. Though only the interest is more directed toward paring that to past general elec-
“From what folks are saying to slightly less than 50 percent of the candidates than to the proposals. tions. “When I assumed office as
me, the interest is more directed the AV ballots have been the Westland City Clerk on Jan. 1,
toward the candidates than to returned as of today (Oct. 23), I 2016, we had 61,003 voters, and of
the proposals. The Big Three: still believe total voter turnout those 4,600 were PAVs. Then I
governor, secretary of state, and will exceed prior mid-term elec- visiting websites hosted by to consider all options and in initiated an outreach effort. The
attorney general are getting the tion turnout in Westland. I'll say impartial entities such as the some instances, to cast a more results were incredible. In
most attention, but we also have 45 percent, give or take a few League of Women Voters. And of informed vote before submitting November 2016, we had 9,700
federal, state, county, school, and points.” course, our local libraries pro- their ballot. Applications to vote PAVs. Today we have 11,378
judge seats, proposed constitu- LeBlanc had some advice for vide access to information via by AV ballot, along with a sample PAVs.” LeBlanc said past general
tional amendments, a controlled voter, too, about learning the real multiple media.” ballot for every Westland voting election totals in Westland were:
substance proposal, and hefty merits and drawbacks to both He, like clerks throughout the precinct and other information 2016: 10,893 AV voters, 28,397
millage requests. Each of the candidates and issues. area urged voters to use the related to voting can be found voted at polls, 39,290 total voters.
ballot issues and questions have “First, turn the TV off, and I'm absentee voter option if possible. here: http://www.cityofwest- 2014: 6,165 AV voters, 15,700
a direct influence on all of us, only half-kidding when I say that. “I'll also offer a final comment voted at polls, 21,865 total voters.
and I hope voters consider and Secondly, seek local opportuni- to Westland's registered voters: clerk” 2012: 9,359 AV voters, 25,608
vote the entire ballot - both ties to hear candidates and to lis- please consider voting by absen- Westland has 61,517 regis- voted at polls, 34,967 total voters.
sides,” LeBlanc said. ten to presentations related to tee ballot. This allows the voter tered voters and of those, 11,378 2010: 4,657 AV voters, 16,001
LeBlanc noted that part of his the proposals. Thirdly, consider to take time at their kitchen table are Permanent Absentee Voters voted at polls, 20,658 total voters.
o tractors and residents via 16, 2018. Application and
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Sumpter Township is cur- mechanical permits.
rently accepting applica- This is a full time union Sumpter Township is an
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