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PAGE 6                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                          October 29, 2020


        FROM PAGE 1                                                              SUMPTER
        team of Clerk Marjorie Banner,
        Treasurer Fred Shadko,
        Trustee Symantha Heath and     Trustee suggests adding local bike trails
        Trustee Christopher Roosen
        have spent working on this
        issue with me,” Nix said.         While the political campaign                           ”                                 concern that the trails would
           “There were 30 violations   and the effects of the coronavirus                                                          attract motorized vehicles and
        issued by EGLE to Advance      continue to affect all local com-           It would have to be a community                 bikes.
        over the last five years. In   munities, Sumpter Township                   project and it probably would                    LaPorte said he would gather
        December of 2018 I requested   Trustee Don LaPorte wants to get                                                            more information and bring it to
        the EGLE commence enforce-     back to community improve-                 increase property values around it.              the board members for considera-
        ment actions. After EGLE's     ments.                                                                                      tion.
        enforcement actions failed and    During a meeting of the mem-                                                               He reminded the trustees of
        was not able to negotiate a con-  bers of the township board of  departments involved, LaPorte  the possibility of linking the com-  the time the administration has
        sent order with ADS I said it  trustees earlier this month,   said, and Haidous said that the  munities with a trail from Willis to  spent in dealing with the political
        was time to take action. As a  LaPorte noted that the township  bridge project was on schedule  Hull Road but Haidous explained  accusations of candidates for
        result, Northville Township was  administration and the trustees  and is expected to be complete  that the entire state was currently  election and the delays caused by
        joined by Brian Turnbull,      have been embroiled in political  Nov. 15. While that was the pur-  being connected by trails. LaPorte  the pandemic.n
        mayor of the City of Northville  rhetoric and unfounded allega-  pose of the conversation, LaPorte  said there could be a possibility of  “It would have to be a commu-
        and Kurt Heise, supervisor of  tions, taking time and funding  said, the two ventured into a con-  using utility easements or link to  nity project and it probably would
        Plymouth Township in request-  from community projects.       versation about other amenities  the Huron Clinton Metroparks  increase property values around
        ing Attorney General Nessel to    “We need to start doing more  for the township, including the  bike trail.               it,” he said.
        file an enforcement lawsuit    for the community,” LaPorte said,  possibility of adding bike trails in  LaPorte was quick to explain  He said he felt the board had
        against ADS.”                  following his report regarding a  the community.             that the project, if pursued, would  been diverted by both the neces-
           Koleszar and Polehanki,     conversation with Wayne County   LaPorte said that he and    not take any private property.   sary response and safety meas-
        whose districts include the    Commissioner Al Haidous        Haidous discussed the viability of  LaPorte said that residents  ures caused by the COVID-19 pan-
        Arbor Hills Landfill, have also  regarding progress at the Huron  linking Belleville and Van Buren  with whom he had discussed the  demic and the unfounded claims
        been fielding resident calls   River Drive bridge. Haidous    Township to Sumpter by bike   project were in favor of the   being made by some candidates
        about the site.                made inquiries with the county  trails. LaPorte said he suggested  amenity but that there was some  for local township offices.
           “This progress is due to the
        tireless work of advocates in
        our community,” said Koleszar.                                                         Letters
        “Our friends and neighbors
        stood up to say corporate pol-  Incumbents are supported        The current board has       the people" incumbents and I   cial accountability.
        luters who willingly contami-                                 increased the General Fund $2.7  urge all the voters in our town-  Attend a meeting and see this
        nate Michigan's air, water and    Dear Sumpter Township       million dollars, has reduced pen-  ship to join me in supporting  for yourself, watch a meeting on
        land for the sake of profit must  Neighbors and Friends,      sion debt by $160,000, secured  them.                        the township web page or even
        be held accountable - and I       I have lived in Sumpter     over $400,000 in Block and Grant  Dick Harrison              read the community newsletter.
        stand with you. I want to thank  Township for close to 40 years  funds, upgraded our street light-  Sumpter Township       A summary of the accomplish-
        the Attorney General for joining  and have witnessed many elect-  ing which saves the residents                            ments of this board can be found
        us in this fight to protect our  ed official come go, some good  thousands each year and is Trustees receive  praise       on page 6 of the Spring 2020 edi-
        home.”                         and some bad.                  responsible for our township     Dear Sumpter Residents,     tion of the newsletter.  This board
           Koleszar was critical of those  I firmly believe that the per-  being the first township to be  November 3rd is a critical  has proven its effectiveness by its
        he characterized as attempting  formance of the incumbents    Storm Ready.  There are many  election for our country, but, also  actions and not political rhetoric.
        to use the situation as a political  John Morgan (Supervisor),  other accomplishments the   locally in our community.  The   My vote is with the current
        gambit.                        Esther Hurst (Clerk), Matt Oddy  board has achieved which have  choices you make in our local  board:    John    Morgan
           “Sadly, a lot of people in  (Trustee), Don Laporte (Trustee),  benefited us which I have not  election will have lasting effects  (Supervisor), Esther Hurst
        Western Wayne County are tak-  and Tim Rush (Trustee) over the  included.                   for years to come.             (Clerk), Matt Oddy (Trustee), Don
        ing credit for yesterday's law-  last 4 years has been excellent.  Please take your vote serious-  I attend board meetings on a  Laporte (Trustee), Tim Rush
        suit; ironically, it's the very  Based on the township meetings  ly and review the candidates and  regular basis and the current  (Trustee).  Please also consider
        same people who ignored the    I attend and watch, these incum-  their backgrounds as I have  board has done a fantastic job  Vincent Warren as a write-in can-
        residents of Northville when   bents have proven to me that   done.  Don't fall for the political  maintaining the stability of our  didate for treasurer.  Please con-
        they could have acted. That's  they are honest and that they  rhetoric and accusations      public issues over the last four  sider giving your vote to these
        politics as usual,” Koleszar said.  provide transparency and always  presently being made by disrup-  years and have kept our commu-  candidates.
        “I want you to remember that   make sound decisions which     tive groups we have in Sumpter.  nity safe during these trying  Antoinette Oddy
        the real heroes of the week are  support the residents of Sumpter.  I'm voting for these honest, "for  times while maintaining finan-  Sumpter Township
        the parents and citizens of
        Northville who organized and
        kept up the hope, despite being
        ignored by their electeds for
           “Northville Township resi-
        dents have suffered far too long
        due to the negligence of the
        operators of the Arbor Hills
        Landfill,” said Polehanki.
        “Their blatant disregard for air
        quality has been a nuisance to
        our community for years with-
        out meaningful improvement.
        Our community members and
        leaders persistently sounded
        the alarm about the landfill's
        continuous violations, and I am
        grateful for their fierce advoca-
           Following investigations by
        EGLE      and    the    U.S.
        Environmental Protection
        Agency, fugitive emissions were
        found to be the primary source
        of the odors. The state depart-
        ment issued multiple violation
        notices to the operator for its
        failures to properly operate the
        landfill and the gas collection
        and control system.
           However, Advanced Disposal
        Services' failure to address the
        concerns has resulted in the
        state filing this lawsuit.
           Plymouth        Township
        Supervisor Kurt Heise was also
        supportive of the legal action.
           “The negative impact of this
        landfill is one of the most
        important quality of life issues
        in Western Wayne County. We
        must be unified in controlling
        this hazard and make sure it
        never expands,” he said.
           Mark Abbo, candidate for
        Northville         Township
        Supervisor, issued an immedi-
        ate press release following the
           “I have relentlessly called for
        a lawsuit to address these con-
        cerns, and have focused atten-
        tion on the continuing problems
        with the landfill as a top issue
        in Northville Township,” Abbo
        stated. “It is gratifying that the
        AG's office is finally responding
        to this demand and the will of
        our long-suffering residents,”
        Abbo explained.
           “This lawsuit provides our
        residents with the most effec-
        tive vehicle for obtaining cor-
        rective actions to eliminate the
        odor nuisance,” Nix said.
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