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PAGE 4                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                          October 29, 2020

                                                NORTHVILLE - PLYMOUTH
                                                NORTHVILLE - PLYMOUTH

        New industrial

        development is

        officially open

           Local and county officials gathered at  corner of Ridge Road and Five Mile
        the former site of the Detroit House of  Road, the project has nine custom, build-
        Corrections prison, (DeHoCo) last week  to-suit lots designed to house internation-
        for the official opening of the new Ridge 5  al high-tech, light industrial, and
        Corporate Park in Plymouth Township..   research and development corporations.
           The 60-acre Michigan International  Total capital investment for the project is
        Technology Center, (MITC) celebrated the  estimated at $100 million. Construction  Jaimey Roth, left, of Hillside Development, Plymouth Township Supervisor Kurt Heise,
                                                                                     Wayne County Executive Warren Evans and Northville Township Supervisor Robert Nix
        completion of the critical infrastructure  began in 2019 and is expected to be com-  cut the ribbon at Ridge 5 Corporate Park.
        at Ridge 5 Corporate Park in Plymouth  plete by 2026. Ridge 5 can support build-
        Township. The project is being prepared  ings from 20,000-250,000 square feet and  tions,” said Jaimey Roth, principal of  Robert Nix and Roth.
        for high-tech and research and develop-  is close to many of the region's technology  Hillside.                       The land was once part of the prison
        ment companies as part of a development  companies. It is bordered by the Johnson  Wayne County Executive Warren C.  farm at the Detroit House of Corrections
        collaborative. The park, a 60-acre indus-  Creek as well as woodlands and wet-  Evans was among the speakers helping to  from the 1920s through the 1980s. It later
        trial subdivision within 800 acres, is  lands. “Members of the Ridge 5 commu-  open the development along with     became a state correctional facility but
        developed and managed by Hillside      nity will find themselves in a serene set-  Plymouth Township Supervisor Kurt  closed permanently in 2004. It was rede-
        Investments. Located at the southwest  ting with beautiful views in all direc-  Heise; Northville Township Supervisor  veloped into the MITC in 2017.
        Volunteers needed for 3 new city task forces

           Northville residents interest-  to help make that vision a reali-  Volunteers serving on the  creating a plan to restore the  ter of interest indicating their
        ed in serving on any of three  ty, they added.                new Farmers' Market Task      ecological health of city water-  preferred task force and the
        newly approved task forces in    Members of the new Ford      Force will be responsible for  ways while improving public   background or expertise they
        the city have until Nov. 10 to sub-  Field Task Force will be  investigating options for future  access and recreation through  would bring to the group to
        mit a letter of interest to city offi-  charged with creating a plan to  Farmers' Market operations.  the implementation of a trail  Northville City Hall, 215 West
        cials.                         re-establish Ford Field as a cen-  Roles of the task force members  system referred to as “The  Main St., Northville, MI 48167 by
           The three task forces were  tral gathering space. Roles of the  will include establishing a vision  Riverwalk.” Roles of the mem-  Nov. 10. The letters of interest
        approved by members of the city  volunteers will include gaining  for the market, assessing the  bers will include creating a  will be reviewed by Mayor Brian
        council at their regular meeting  input from community stake-  needs of all stakeholders, identi-  framework plan from which a  Turnbull and another member
        earlier this month. The purpose,  holders, establishing a vision for  fying and evaluating potential  strategic plan will be developed,  of the city council and appoint-
        officials said, is to bring people  Ford Field as a central park,  locations, and identifying fund-  conducting a needs assessment,  ments will be made at the Nov.
        in the community together to   producing a needs assessment   ing opportunities such as grants  documenting current condi-  16 city council meeting.
        work toward the betterment of  and management plan, and       and partnerships.             tions, identifying grant sources,  Meeting dates and times for
        Ford Field, the Farmers' Market  identifying funding opportuni-  The newly-appointed mem-   and producing cost estimates   each of these task forces will be
        and Rouge River Restoration.   ties such as grants and partner-  bers of the Rouge Restoration  and concept drawing        determined by the new task
        The task forces need volunteers  ships.                       Task Force will be charged with  Volunteers can submit a let-  force members.
        Carl’s Golfland donation will aid Vietnam veterans

           The COVID-19 pandemic poses a seri-  people   who     supported     the   zation is based in Maryland.          our work and restore services and out-
        ous threat to a segment of the population  #ShankThisVirus campaign,” Rose said in  “This donation will help us to continue  reach to our members,” Rowan said.
        that is owed a debt of gratitude.      a prepared statement. “It is a testament to
           As Veterans' Day approaches, those  the golfing community that we were able
        who have already fought for their country  to help so much in this time of need.”
        are among those most susceptible to the  The effort to help veterans began in
        devastating effects of the virus. One  April when Carl's, like thousands of other
        Plymouth Township business recently    businesses, began to increase online sales.
        donated $625,000 to the Vietnam Veterans  Carl's announced a $100,000 donation dur-
        of America organization to help the fight  ing a May televised exhibition match fea-
        against the coronavirus.               turing Dustin Johnson, Rory McIlroy,
           Carl's Golfland, with locations in  Rickie Fowler and Matthew Wolff.
        Bloomfield Township and Plymouth, dis-    “When COVID-19 hit, our organization
        tributed the final contribution last week,  was forced to scale back our work even as
        raised from the sale of  #ShankThisVirus  we were studying the impact of the virus
        t-shirts, personal donations and a $100,000  on aging veterans,” John Rowan, national
        donation from owner Carl Rose Jr.      president for Vietnam Veterans of
           “We are grateful to the thousands of  America, said in a statement. The organi-


                                                                  TO PLACE YOUR CLASSIFIED AD CALL 734-467-1900
                              University of Toledo earn-                                        3GNFK16Z43G136445     2012 HOND CIVIC NATU   PUBLIC AUCTION AT
                              ing a Master's Degree in                                          2011 JEP LIBERTY SP   19XFB5F56CE003971         BISHOP AUTO
                              accounting. Mr. Johnson's                                         1J4PN2GK4BW558530     2015 FORD FUSION SE   WRECKING LLC AT 2780
                              business career in hospital  To whom it may concern  Copart has vehicles up  2014 GMC TERRAIN SL   3FA6P0H7XFR22518  SPRINGHILL
                              administration  covered  we are reporting a lost  for  public  auction  2GKFLXEK0E6340854  2005 CHRY SEBRING    INKSTER, MI 48141
                              more than 40 years, retiring  passport  number  Tuesday 11/3/20 at 10 AM  2005 DODG CARAVAN SX   1C3EL46X65N522042    ON
                              from Garden City Hospital  A00028075 from Uganda a  at  1D4GP45R25B117134  2008 FORD EXPLORER E    THURSDAY
                              in 2012. He enjoyed spend-  country in the continent of           2005 JAGU X-TYPE 3.0   1FMEU74E68UA46196     NOVEMBER 5TH 2020
                              ing time with his children  Africa in the name of  2000 TOYT CAMRY SOLA   SAJWA51C85WE26279  2012 FRHT M2 106 MED
                              and grandchildren. Loving  Navajo Safina if you come  2T1CF22P0YC408355  2008 DODG CHARGER R/   1FVACWDT2CHBR5678  2000 CHEVROLET
                              minor league baseball, Mr.  across it please give us a  2010 HOND ACCORD EXL   2B3LA53H78H185052  2010 MAZD 3 S   2G1WF55K2Y9221576
                              Johnson was a big Mud  call 734-444-7058 or 734-  1HGCP2F85AA144464  2006 BUIC LUCERNE CX   JM1BL1H65A1343896  2008 DODGE
                              Hens fan and visited many  629-6495         2016 NISS VERSA NOTE   1G4HP57276U142717                          1B3HB28B88D559185
                              minor league ball parks                     3N1CE2CP0GL356273     2010 CHEV AVEO LS                           2009 PONTIAC
                              where he collected over                     2002 FORD F-150       KL1TD6DE1AB113625     THE FOLLOWING CARS    1G2ZG57N594118489
                              125 team baseball caps.                     1FTYR44E92TA48944     2009 HYUN ACCENT GS    HAVE BEEN DEEMED
                                                                          2011 CHEV CRUZE LS    KMHCM36C19U113316      ABANDONED BY THE        PRICES START AT
                              Among his survivors are his                 1G1PC5SH3B7133053     2013 CHRY 200 LIMITE   INKSTER POLICE DEPT.     TOWING AND
              Frederick F.    daughter, Amy Askelson; a  NOW  HIRING  Penske  2008 MERZ R 350   1C3CCBCG9DN520381     AND WILL BE SOLD AT A  STORAGE CHARGES.
            "Fred" Johnson    son, Matthew Johnson;  Logistics expects to hire  4JGCB65E38A076067
                              grandchildren, Cole, Keller  full-time warehouse work-  2012 FORD TAURUS LIM
        Frederick F. "Fred" Johnson  and Delaney Askelson; a  ers to support our essential  1FAHP2FW6CG117590
        left this world on Thursday,  sister, Barbara Johnson,  food warehouse operations  2019 CHEV IMPALA LT
        Oct. 22, 2020 to be with his  and  a  brother,  Bob  in Romulus, MI.   2G11Z5S30K9112135
        Lord and Savior, Jesus  Johnson.                                  2007 GMC ACADIA SLT
        Christ.                                     Warehouse    positions  1GKER23747J149939
                              Services and visitation will  include order selectors for  2002 CHEV CAVALIER L
        He was born Oct. 15, 1948  be private.      the 2nd shift. $16.55-  1G1JF524927168741
        to Walter and Gladys                        $22.55 per hour with per-  2007 AUDI Q7 3.6 QUA
        Johnson and graduated  Memorial  contributions  formance/ safety bonus  WA1BY74L67D047982
        from Rosary Cathedral in  may be made to St.  opportunity. Interviews are  2005 CADI ESCALADE L
        1962 and Central Catholic  Thomas A. Becket, 555  being conducted via phone  1GYEK63N35R243390
        High School in 1966.  South Lilley Road, Canton,  and following social dis-  2007 CHEV TRAILBLAZE
        Majoring in accounting, Mr.  MI 48188 in Mr. Johnson's  tancing protocols.   1GNDS13S972240894
        Johnson graduated from  memory.                                   2006 HYUN TUCSON GL
        the University of Toledo  To leave a special message  1 year experience ware-  KM8JM12B36U258121
        with a Bachelor of Science  for Mr. Johnson's family,  housing or material-han-  2006 FORD ECONOLINE
        Degree in 1970. He contin-  please visit www.Newcomer  dling  preferred.  Apply  1FBSS31L96DA47692
        ued his education at the        Today!   855-759-7098  2003 CHEV SUBURBAN K
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