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October 29, 2020                                               ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 3

                                                       INKSTER - ROMULUS
                                                       INKSTER - ROMULUS

        Inkster High alumni wins prestigious award

           A 1965 graduate of Inkster                                                               employees who feel they have
        High School has been awarded                              ”                                 been discriminated against in
        the highest honor of the Blacks in             I'm so excited. I'm not sure                 the workplace, according to
        Government Association (BIG).                                                               Stevens, who has retired from
           During    the    National                   it's fully sunk in with me that              government service but still vol-
        Delegates Assembly of the organ-        I actually was chosen for this recognition.         unteers with the group. He
        ization earlier this year, Calvin                                                           added that despite the name the
        Stevens, a former Inkster resi-                                                             organization is not open only to
        dent,   was   awarded    the                                                                Black government employees.
        Distinguished Service Hall of  economics from Davenport       Civil Engineer Squadron,      “Anyone who embraces the spirit
        Fame Award. He is one of only 43  University.  He has studied at  Dobbins Air Reserve Base, GA.  of our work is welcome to join
        members worldwide to have      numerous universities, including  The BIG Distinguished      us,” Stevens said.
        achieved the honor and is now  Georgia State University, George  Service Hall of Fame Award is  “I'm a living testimony to its
        referred to as “the honorable” in  Washington University and Fort  reserved for members who have  benefits,” said Stevens, noting
        his title. Stevens, who has    Valley State University. He com-  made “exceptional contribu-  that he has seen the organization
        worked with the organization   pleted the USDA Graduate       tions” at the national, regional,  make a difference in his career
        since joining in 1996, is  the  School Executive Potential    and local levels over a period of  and in the lives and careers of
        Region IV Council president, and  Program and Management      no less than 15 years. Nominees  other government employees.
        has worked at the local, regional  Development Seminar; the high-  for the honor must be recom-  “I've seen smart, capable people
        and national levels. He is a resi-  ly acclaimed Senior Executive  mended by their chapter and  who were able to live up to their
        dent of South DeKalb, GA.      Fellows Program at the John F.  regional councils and verified for  potential because BIG helped
           When he joined BIG, he was  Kennedy School of Government   eligibility by the National Board  them get the training and men-            Calvin Stevens
        working with the U.S. General  at Harvard University.         of Directors of BIG.          toring to move along the right
        Services Administration but      Stevens, a featured speaker,   The organization was founded  career path.”                Leadership Award. “But this is
        retired in 2009 as Supervisor  motivator and presenter, was the  in Washington, D.C., in 1975 by  During his years with BIG,  the major one,” he said of his
        Marketing Specialist.          keynote speaker at the 50th com-  Black female federal employees  Stevens has received many  recent honor. “I'm so excited. I'm
           While at Inkster High School,  mencement celebration at    who wanted to be sure they    recognitions, including the 2013  not sure it's fully sunk in with me
        he served as senior class presi-  Inkster High School. He is also  received their fair share of  Region  IV  Council  BIG  that I actually was chosen for this
        dent and was a drum major and  an author, publishing Four Steps  career opportunities. Today, the  President's Award, the 2006 BIG  recognition.”
        percussionist in the varsity band.  in Developing Your A.C.E.  now international organization  National Presidential Award, the  Stevens and his wife, Eleanor,
        He earned his Bachelor of      (Attitude, Commitment and      focuses on training and career  2005 Region IV Distinguished  are the parents of three adult
        Science degree in business     Enthusiasm). Stevens retired in  development while providing  Service Award, and the Atlanta  children and grandparents of
        administration with a minor in  2007 as a first sergeant for the 94  assistance to government  Metro Chapter 20th Anniversary  three.
        City officials offer traffic detour advice to voters

           As construction continues on  August 2021, with most of the  the Public Works Department.  detour routes. Construction and  inconvenience of the Wick Road
        Wick Road, the City of Romulus  road open to vehicles by the end  “We are thankful for residents'  detour signs will also be placed  construction. Together, we are at
        is working to provide informa-  of November 2020. As a result of  continued patience as work is  around the area on Election Day  work to limit the impact of the
        tion to voters, particularly as it  the construction project, the City  under way to complete this con-  to help residents navigate to and  commute  come  Nov.  3.
        relates to traffic flow on Election  of Romulus will receive 3.5 miles  struction project, which will  from the middle school.   Alternative routes and signage
        Day. The Wick Middle School    of new pavement estimated at $7  secure miles of brand-new pave-  “I want to reassure the resi-  are being put in place so that
        polling location will remain   million in value-at no additional  ment at no cost to taxpayers.”  dents in our wonderful city, that  anyone who chooses to vote, in-
        accessible to the three precincts  cost to the city or taxpayers-for a  Construction will pause on  the number one priority is main-  person, at a polling location will
        it serves via alternate routes that  road that was in poor condition  Election Day and temporary  taining election integrity which  have access to that location,” she
        are available.                 and in need of repairs.        pavement will be placed to allow  includes equitable access to  said.
           Construction is currently in  “We want to ensure all resi-  residents to safely enter and exit  polling locations,” said Romulus  For election information and
        the process to replace water   dents have the information they  Wick Middle School. Romulus  City Clerk Ellen Craig-Bragg.   inquiries,           email
        mains underneath 3.5 miles of  need to avoid the construction  has created and mailed a pam-   “The collaboration between or
        pavement on Wick Road. The     areas and have a seamless      phlet and post card to residents  the mayor, his administration  call the clerk's office, (734) 942-
        project began in April 2020 and is  Election Day experience,” said  that includes a map of the con-  and the clerk's office has been  7540, from 8 a.m. until 4 p.m.
        expected to be completed in    Roberto Scappaticci, director of  struction zone and multiple  tremendous in mitigating the  Monday through Friday.
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