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October 29, 2020                                               ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 5

                                                       WAYNE - WESTLAND
                                                        WAYNE - WESTLAND

        Kiwanis Park home development is approved

           The grass and play structures  the road in Romulus - we've                                                              ment with Infinity Homes to
        at Kiwanis Park on John Street  probably built well over 350                             ”                                 develop Sue Winn Park,
        in Wayne will soon be replaced  homes in Romulus in the last                     We're really excited                      Vandenberg School and Angelo
        with 22 new homes.             seven or eight years.”                     to be bringing a new development                 Demario Parks in the city
           Members of the Wayne City     He said that the homes will                                                               although Soave said there are
        Council approved the plan of   be designed for both first-time             of housing to the City of Wayne.                no plans yet for that property.
        Infinity Homes to build the    and upgrading buyers and will                                                                  “It's a really big piece of land,
        homes on the property which is  be considered affordable hous-                                                             so you could do some kind of
        near Annapolis and Howe Road.    ing. The project will include                                                             combination between single-
           “This will actually be our  both one and two-story houses    “We're right on the I-275, I-94  or even a place like Westland,”  family and multi-family,” he
        first project in the City of   with full basements and be in  corridor. We kind of see Wayne  he told the council members.  said.  “We're really excited to be
        Wayne,” noted Infinity Homes   the less-than-$300,000 price   as being one of those communi-  Construction is expected to start  bringing a new development of
        owner Rino Soave at the Oct. 6  range.                        ties where a lot of people have  in the first quarter of 2021.   housing to the City of Wayne,”
        meeting of the council. “We do a  Soave said the project is   grown up there and like to stay  Members of the council also  Soave said. “I think the city has
        fair amount of work right across  “right in our wheelhouse.”  there. I'd compare it to Livonia  approved an 18-month agree-  been really welcoming to us.”
        New interim library director is named in Westland

           Jennifer Roth has been                                                                   she truly excelled at increasing
        appointed as the interim director                         ”                                 innovation and access to technol-
        of the William P. Faust Public             It has been an honor to be involved              ogy for library patrons and has
        Library of Westland.                          in the progress at the library                expanded programming geared
           Members of the Westland                                                                  towards adults of all ages.”
        Library Board unanimously                      over the past three years...                    Roth was highly recommend-
        appointed Roth to fill the posi-                                                            ed for the position by
        tion which became open when                                                                 Laxminarayan .
        Library    Director   Ishwar   the head of Information Services  member of the American Library  “I am excited to take on this
        Laxminarayan resigned last     for the Westland Public Library.  Association as well as the  new position,” commented Roth.
        month. Laximinarayan had       She has more than 17 years expe-  Michigan Library Association,  “It has been an honor to be
        served as the library director  rience in the field of library serv-  where she serves on the plan-  involved in the progress at the
        from June 2018 until his resigna-  ices, having formerly worked in  ning committee.         library over the past three years
        tion in September. Roth's      libraries in Flint and Hartland.  “I am excited for Jennifer as  and I look forward to continuing
        appointment became effective   Roth graduated from Wayne      she steps into her new role at the  that progress alongside our tal-
        Oct. 5.                        State University with a masters  Westland Library,” commented  ented staff as we continue to nav-
           Prior to her appointment,   degree in Library Information  Mayor William R. Wild.        igate through these challenging
        Roth served for three years as  Science (MILS) in 2003 and is a  “Throughout her employment  times.”                                        Jennifer Roth
        $40,000 recycling educational expense is approved by council

           Westland residents are about  tute the popular program in  produced many contaminated    increase volume and participa-  reflected by their incredible
        to get an education.           July after an additional sanita-  loads,  “which unfortunately  tion, reduce contamination, and  recycling participation, having
           Members of the city council  tion millage was approved by  dramatically increases costs to  enhance community awareness  previously diverted over 80 mil-
        have agreed to spend $40,000   Westland voters. Early results  the city.”                   of acceptable and unacceptable  lion pounds from the landfill,”
        for material to educate resi-  on participation have been very  The newly funded education-  recycling materials. Funds will  commented Mayor William R.
        dents about the newly-reinstat-  favorable, officials said at the  al outreach will focus on the  be used to purchase: magnets;  Wild. “Through active engage-
        ed curbside recycling program.  Oct. 19 meeting, as the city recy-  changes to the program, which  recycling container labels; dou-  ment and outreach, we can fur-
        The funding will come from the  cling tonnage is quickly return-  include the requirements for all  ble-sided educational post-  ther our shared goal of creating
        Sanitation Fund of the city.   ing to the previous weight.    materials to be clean, dry and  cards; single-sided educational  a sustainable community for
           The city was forced to sus-  However, officials noted,  the  loose. Glass is also no longer  postcards and clear doorknob  future generations.”
        pend the recycling program due  required methods of recycling  accepted under this new pro-  bags.                           Distribution of educational
        to increased costs at recycling  are not being adhered to by all  gram, officials said. The goals of  “Westland residents care  materials is expected to take
        plants but was able to reinsti-  residents and the results have  the education initiative are to  deeply about our city, which is  place in the upcoming weeks.
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