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Roommate sought
in stabbing death
Inkster police are searching for Yanko with the deceased. He spoke with police
Romero, 40, who is considered a person of Sept. 23 after being transported to a near-
interest in the death of a 34-year-old by hospital suffering from an undisclosed
Inkster resident. medical condition. Police suspect the
Officers were dispatched to a home in stabbing death may have happened that
the 1400 block of Meadow Lane in Inkster day. Romero was discharged from the hos-
at about 9:45 p.m. Oct. 4 in response to a pital Sept. 26 and may have left for Fort
request for a welfare check by family Meyers, Florida area where it is believed
members who had not been able to reach he has a residence.
the resident for several days. When offi- Police said Romero is 6-feet, 4-inches
cers arrived at the home they discovered tall and weighs about 180-200 pounds and
the resident deceased in the garage, has long, dark hair. Anyone with informa-
apparently the victim of a stabbing, tion is asked to call the Inkster Police
according to police reports. Department at 313-563-9850 or Crime
Romero reportedly lived in the home Stoppers at 800-Speak Up.
Vendors Market and
Bake sale is planned March on
Members of the Romulus High School Marching Eagles will participate in the
Detroit. This year, the parade celebrates A Heart of History and all floats and
Some sweet bargains will await visi- 97th America's Thanksgiving Parade® presented by Gardner White in downtown
tors at the Sumpter Community Center ” marchers will promote the theme. The parade will be shown on Channel 4 WDIV
beginning at 8:45 Thanksgiving morning Nov. 23. At the end of the parade, view-
this month. ers can vote for the best marching ensemble.
The Sumpter Township Fall Vendors The center hosts
Market and Bake Sale will take place
from 9 a.m. until 4 p.m. Friday Oct. 27 regular activities
and Saturday, Oct. 28. Some table rentals, promoting health, Trunk or Treat event set
priced at $10 may still be available for
vendors. For table rental information, recreation, education Sumpter Township will again host the vation for a parking spot from which to
contact Maryann Watson at the Sumpter and socialization popular Trunk or Treat Halloween cele- hand out treats.
Senior Center, (734) 461-9373. bration in the parking lot of the To reserve a parking spot, call (734) 256-
The Community Center is located at for seniors. Community Center. 4406. The best decorated trunk at the
25301 Sumpter Road. The annual event is planned from 6 event will be awarded a prize, organizers
The mission of the Sumpter Township until 8 p.m. Monday, Oct. 30. Those who said.
Senior Center is to do all within the wish to take part in distributing candy to The community center is located at
restraints of time, funding and manpow- to the center mission statement. The cen- costumed children need to make a reser- 23501 Sumpter Road.
er to provide a safe and enjoyable envi- ter provides a nutrition program at 11:30
ronment where seniors may congregate, a.m. Monday through Friday with a sug-
according to the website. The center staff gested donation of $3. For information Construction closes Middlebelt
also acts as a liaison between area sen- about the nutrition program, or to regis-
iors, social service agencies, Wayne ter, call (734) 727-7357. Some drivers in Romulus received a sur- Northline and Eureka for about another
County and the Sumpter Township The center also provides access to prise last week as their regular route along month, officials said. The closure began Oct.
administration. free and low-cost transportation and Middlebelt Road was interrupted by con- 2 and will continue for an estimated 45 days.
The center hosts regular activities travel excursions and technology assis- struction work. Drivers are being rerouted to Inkster
promoting health, recreation, education tance, WIFI and multiple education Wayne County Road Commission offi- Road as an alternate route during the clo-
and socialization for seniors, according classes. cials have closed the roadway between sure of Middlebelt.