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PAGE 4                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                          October 12, 2023

                                                       WAYNE - WESTLAND
                                                        WAYNE - WESTLAND

        Mayor stresses progress in State of the City

           Westland Mayor Michael P.                                                                the creation of the first emer-
        Londeau used his first State of                           ”                                 gency response team, as well as
        the City address to honor three                                                             a Citizen Emergency Response
        residents for their outstanding                  As you can see, we've                      Team to assist when the city
        commitment to improving the                   been taking care of business.                 encounters power outages,
        quality of life in the city.                                                                floods, and any other emer-
           Londeau honored former                    But…you ain't seen nothing yet!                gency.
        Mayor William R. Wild for his                                                                  Londeau noted the reopen-
        past work as the leader of the                                                              ing of the pond in Central City
        city and his continued involve-                                                             Park, with a brand new walking
        ment in community efforts. He                                                               path for residents and the open-
        also recognized the dedication  budget that preserves a “rainy  The    launch    of    the  ing of the Mission to Mars
        and accomplishments of City    day” fund balance of nearly $6.5  Neighborhood Makeover 2.0  playscape at Central City Park,
        Clerk Richard LeBlanc and the  million with no tax increases  Program which invested $5 mil-  a finalist for the coveted
        work of Senior Resources       and the saving of millions of  lion in replacement of deficient  Michigan Municipal League
        Director Barbara Marcum, not-  dollars in pension fund contri-  and hazardous sidewalks, at no  Community Excellence Award.
        ing that each of them has con-  butions with the receipt of a  additional cost to homeowners   He reminded the audience
        tributed greatly to the improve-  grant in the amount of $26 mil-  was also lauded by Londeau.  of the acceleration of the
        ment of the community.         lion from the State of Michigan  He   noted     that    the  Commercial Revitalization
           More than 350 individuals   Department of Treasury.        Neighborhood      Makeover    Program to demolish long                    Michael Londeau
        attended the address at the      In   addition,   Londeau     Program also includes the     blighted properties and encour-
        Senior Friendship Center last  reminded the audience of the   launch of a pilot speed bump  age new development at those     “As you can see, we've been
        week and applauded the com-    upgrades to the police station  program to confront the rise of  sites and the creation of a pub-  taking care of business,”
        munity honorees.               and fleet of vehicles and the  dangerous driving in city neigh-  lic green space and catalyst for  Londeau said in closing.
           Londeau spoke to the crowd  addition of firefighters to the  borhoods.                   redevelopment in the “Annex at  “But…you ain't seen nothing
        reminding them of the accom-   department. He said a $5.7 mil-  The popular leaf-pickup pro-  Nankin,” located  next to the  yet!'”
        plishments in the city during  lion SAFER grant would fund    gram was revived in the com-  Westland Shopping Center. That   For more information about
        the past year. He noted the    the increased department with  munity at no additional cost to  space is set to open next spring  any of the programs, call (734)
        approval of the balanced 3-year  no matching funds from the city.  residents, he said, along with  he told the assembled crowd.  467-3200.

        Jellybean                              who must come to court to discuss diffi-  Veterans holiday meals available

                                               cult facts,” Buchholtz said.
                                                 Jellybean is a service dog, she is not
        FROM PAGE 1
                                               an office therapy dog, Buchholtz           While Halloween pumpkins and
                                               stressed.                                decorations are appearing throughout  Registration is also available at
        the noises and movement associated       “The biggest difference is that a serv-  the community, Wayne and Westland  Rhaesa's office, (734) 722-2000 or email:
        with being in court.                   ice dog is present only for victims and  officials have Thanksgiving on their
           Buchholtz continues Jellybean's     witnesses of crime. She is a working dog,  minds.                            Registration forms are also available at
        training twice a week. Jellybean has not  and our staff is trained to respect her  Westland Mayor Michael Londeau,  the Westland City Hall greeter station.
        yet been involved in a trial but has   role in the office,” Buchholtz added.    Wayne Mayor John Rhaesa and Wayne     Applications must be submitted no
        attended several pretrial interviews     “I have wanted to have a canine advo-  Ford Civic League President Vic Barra  later than noon Wednesday, Nov. 15 to
        with victims of all ages. She has been  cate for years, but several things must  are already planning the 10th Annual  receive a complete holiday meal, "com-
        present in interviews with child victims,  come together for this to happen. I am  Holiday Meals for Wayne-Westland vet-  pliments of a grateful community," offi-
        adult victims of sexual assault, domestic  so pleased that Mark and Jamie have  erans, surviving spouses, and families  cials said.
        violence, and is requested for witnesses  shown such commitment and dedica-     of active duty service members.       Veterans and/or their families can
        of homicides. She does not need to be  tion to provide our crime victims with     Registration for the free meals is  pick up the free meals from 10 a.m.
        present in the courtroom to be a benefit  an exceptional new advocate.          already being accepted and suggested,  until 1 p.m.  Saturday, Nov. 18 at Wayne
        to victims and witnesses, Buchholtz    Jellybean's contribution has already     officials said. Registration is available  Ford Civic League 1645 N. Wayne Road
        explained.                             been invaluable. She is helping to       online                         at:  in Westland. Pre-registration for the
           “The effect Jellybean has on nervous  soothe children and adults who are  meals is required.
        or vulnerable victims really needs to be  faced with a difficult and unusual situa-  ay-Meals-for... or contact Londeau's  For more information, call (734) 728-
        seen to be believed.  She has a calming  tion. We look forward to her service for  office, (734) 467-3200 or email:  5010.
        effect on nervous children and adults  years to come,” Worthy said.
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