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PAGE 2                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                          October 12, 2023


        Schools welcome new police resource officer

           Northville Township Police    McFadden officially assumed                                                               team has played a vital role in
        Ofc. Robert McFadden has been  his responsibilities as an SRO                           ”                                  supporting students' emotional
        appointed as the School        Sept. 25 and is now stationed at     This addition to the Northville Public Schools'        well-being and building trust
        Resource Officer (SRO) in part-  Meads Mill Middle School. He                                                              within the school community, offi-
        nership with the Northville    has the capacity to provide sup-          SRO team marks a significant step                 cials said.
        Public Schools district.       port and coverage to any of the     towards enhancing the positive presence of law            “Northville Public Schools
           McFadden served as a deputy  Northville Public Schools facili-                                                          looks forward to the positive con-
        sheriff in Washtenaw County for  ties within Northville Township,  enforcement within our educational institutions.        tributions Ofc. McFadden will
        more than five years before join-  according to a statement from the                                                       make to our educational commu-
        ing the Northville department.  school administration.                                                                     nity and welcomes him with open
        During his tenure there, “he     “This addition to the        Michael Brown, who has been      In addition to  McFadden and  arms.
        demonstrated a strong commit-  Northville Public Schools' SRO  serving as the SRO officer at  Brown, Ofc. Andrew Domzalski   'We are confident that his dedi-
        ment to youth programs, further  team marks a significant step  Northville High School since  will continue his role as the com-  cation, experience, and passion
        solidifying his qualifications for  towards enhancing the positive  2021, will work collaboratively to  munity service officer, partnering  will help us continue to build a
        this crucial position within our  presence of law enforcement  create safe and inclusive environ-  with his companion, Max, the  bright and secure future for our
        school community,” school offi-  within our educational institu-  ments for our students,” the state-  therapy dog affectionately known  students,” the prepared state-
        cials said.                    tions. McFadden, along with Ofc.  ment continued.            as “paw-ficer Max.” This dynamic  ment concluded.
        ‘Library of Things’ is now available in Northville

           The Northville District     kits for children were added.  binoculars and how-to books on  fondly remember as Discmans,  the king of your adversary.
        Library offers much more than  This summer fishing poles for  birding. The newly available Disc  do not require a WiFi connec-  Librarians said more items
        the traditional books, CDs, and  adults and children were added  Golf sets feature a set of discs to  tion. This player requires batter-  will be added to the Library of
        movies that most people might  and this month sees the addition  take along to a local course and  ies and headphones, which are  Things available at the
        expect.                        of even more items to this special  play.                    not included in the kit.       Northville location.
           The newest collection avail-  collection including: Birding  The library also has personal  The new Travel Chess Set      For more information, visit
        able in the Northville facility is  Kits, Disc Golf sets, Personal CD  CD players available for loan  allows borrowers to take the  Northville District Library on
        the Library of Things. The     Players, Portable CD players, a  which can be plugged into an  game wherever they find oppo-  Facebook:
        library has offered T-Mobile   Sony Blu-Ray Player, and a     outlet. Borrowers can play    nents in the classic game of strat-  NDLFacebook, visit: www.
        hotspots for years, as well as web-  Travel Chess Set, librarians said.  favorite CDs while on vacation or  egy. The library also offers sever-, email:
        cams, and more recently tabletop  The birding kits available for  doing  household  chores.  al books on chess, illustrating, or
        telescopes. In the last year STEM  loan include a backpack with  Portable CD players, which some  hundreds of tactics to checkmate  call 248-349-3020.

                                                                                        Voice of


                                                                                        Officer Erik Kaledas has joined the
                                                                                        Northville   Township    Police
                                                                                        Department. Kaledas has more
                                                                                        than a quarter century of law
                                                                                        enforcement experience as he
                                                                                        served for 25 years on the Canton
                                                                                        Township Police Department before
                                                                                        joining Northville. Prior to his serv-
                                                                                        ice in Canton, he served in the
                                                                                        Michigan Army National Guard, offi-
                                                                                        cials said.

        Heroes on Hines

        Northville Township Firefighters Pete Michalak and Kevin Pietrasinski laced up their
        running shoes and hit the pavement for the 2023 Heroes on Hines 5K last week. The
        annual charity run drew a large crowd of runners again this year, organizers said. The
        event highlights physical fitness and fees generated fund ongoing maintenance and
        preservation of the First Responders Memorial, located at the intersection of Hines
        Drive and Haggerty Road in Plymouth Township.


                                                                  TO PLACE YOUR CLASSIFIED AD CALL 734-467-1900
                              2010 LINCOLN          2014 INTERNATIONAL    2002 CHEVROLET        2004 MAZDA            that EZ Storage, Lessor,  Lessee(s)  described
                              2LMDJ8JC2ABJ28276     3HSDJAPT0EN789342     1GCDT13W12K172513     4F2YZ04154KM24988     will sell at Auction to the  below for storage costs
                              2010 FORD             1997 MERCURY          2011 CHEVROLET                              highest bidder, at its office  specified plus legal costs
        GARDEN CITY AUCTION   3FAHP0JA4AR366654     2MELM74W4VX741560     1G1ZC5E18BF258577                           at 14415 N. Sheldon Rd.  of sale, all as provided for
        THESE VEHICLES HAVE   2003 CHEVROLET        2014 NISSAN           2003 CHEVROLET            STORAGE           Plymouth, MI 48170 on the  by the terms of the lease.
        BEEN DEEMED ABAN-     1GNEK13Z33J213689     5N1AR2MMXEC629737     2G1WX12K539316393                           15th November 2023 at
        DONED AND WILL BE     2011 CHEVROLET        2002 FORD             2005 GMC               SALE NOTICE          04:00 PM, local time.  UNIT 1023
        SOLD AT PUBLIC AUC-   3GNBAAFW3BS580824     1FAFP55252A216409     1GKDT13S652240679                                                 Monica Bozenski
        TION.  THE AUCTION    2003 CHEVROLET        2008 JEEP             2002 CHEVROLET        NOTICE is hereby given  The  Property  of  its
        WILL BE HELD ON TUES-  2G1WW12E739252242    1J8GN28K48W244348     2G1WW12E229288693
        DAY, 17TH, 2023 AT 11:00  2003 CHRYSLER     2008 FORD             2012 DODGE
        AM AT 6345 HIX, WEST-  1C4GJ45363B184908    3FAHP08168R220479     1C3CDZAB0CN109916
        LAND, MI 48185.       2015 AMERICAN         1996 MERCURY          2006 PONTIAC
                              1A9US0814F1668237     2MELM74W1TX672503     1G2ZM551764157010
        THE VEHICLES WILL BE  2007 TOYOTA           2004 FORD             2000 MERCURY
        SOLD AS.  STARTING BID  JTMZK31V575014034   1FMYU93144KB61392     1MEFM53SXYG623586
        IS FOR TOWING AND     2004 BUICK            2004 CHEVROLET        2016 NISSAN
        STORAGE.              2G4WS52J541298638     1GNFK16Z14J185375     1N4AL3AP1GN328345
                              2002 HONDA            2015 FREIGHTLINER     2007 BUICK
        VEHICLES ARE SOLD AS  JHMCG56472C016082     1FUJGLD5XFLGB2597     3G5DAD3L57S590484
        IS   AND   MAY    BE  2013 HONDA            2001 HONDA            2004 BUICK
        REMOVED FROM AUC-     MLHPC441XD5002277     1HGCG16581A008586     3G5DA03E74S570069
        TION PRIOR TO BIDDING.   2009 DODGE         2011 FORD             2004 JEEP
        ALL BIDS START AT     2B3KA33V59H554594     1FMCU0EG3BKA37196     1J4GW48S14C108944
        AMOUNT SHOWN FOR      2011 KIA              1998 CHEVROLET        1998 FORD
        TOWING AND STORAGE    5XYKT3A15BG073421     1GCEC19W9WE234613     1FTNE24L4WHA22357
        FEES.                 2009 VOLKSWAGEN       2000 CHEVROLET        2002 MERCURY
                              3VWPG31CX9M502364     2G1WW12EXY9158010     1MEFM55S52G627954
        2010 FORD                                   1994 GMC              1994 PONTIAC
        3FAHP0JA9AR270857                           2GTFK29K1R1517300     2G2FV22P7R2247758
        1984 MERCEDES              J&M TOWING       1990 GMC              2005 FORD
        WDBBA45A7EA006540        8964 INKSTER RD    2GTEK19K4L1510161     1FAFP532X5A208720
        2014 FORD               ROMULUS MI 48174    1992 FORD             2004 FORD
        1FADP3F28EL246247        THE FOLLOWING      1FTDF15N9NKA64933     1FMCU94114KA79578
        2006 PONTIAC           VEHICLES HAVE BEEN   1998 CHEVROLET        2013 DODGE
        1G2ZG558864205196       DEEMED ABANDON      1GBKC34J2WF054088     1C3CDZAB2DN535057
        2011 FORD              AND WILL BE SOLD AT  2000 JEEP             2013 FORD
        3FAHP0HA6BR156015      PUBLIC AUCTION ON    1J4FF48S4YL187656     1FADP3F27DL123182
        2010 FORD             10/25/2023 AT 11:30 P.M.  1988 FORD         1998 FORD
        1FMCU9D70AKC11973                           1FABP45E4JF178529     2FMZA5140WBE07421
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