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October 12 – 18, 2023                                   NEWS YOU CAN USE, NEWS YOU CAN TRUST                                                  75¢

         No. 41                                                                                    www

                                       Inkster mayor indicted on bribery charges

               Vol. 138, No. 41           Inkster  Mayor    Patrick                                Wimberly continued to accept
             The Sumpter Township      Wimberly, 49, has been indicted           ”                 $10,000 payments until April,
          Fall Vendors Market and      on federal bribery charges, and is   Elected public         prosecutors said, meeting at the
          Bake Sale will take place    accused of receiving $50,000 from                           mayor's office and in his car. The
          from 9 a.m. until 4 p.m.     a developer to guarantee the pur-  officials owe a duty     alleged bribes were paid from
          Friday Oct. 27 and Saturday,  chase of city-owned property.     to their community       September of 2022 through April
          Oct. 28                         Wimberly, who was elected to                             of this year.
                          See page 6.  his first term as mayor in 2019, is    to act in the           “Mr. Wimberly was elected to
                                       currently campaigning for re-     citizens' best interest.  serve the people of Inkster, yet he
                                       election. Wimberly previously                               prioritized his personal interests
                                       served on the Inkster City Council                          and greed over their needs,”
                                       and as mayor is $105,000 annually.                          Cheyvoryea Gibson, special agent
                                       If convicted of the felony charges,  council. The developer allegedly  in charge of the FBI in Michigan,
                Vol. 76, No. 41        he could face 10 years in prison  agreed to pay Wimberly $5,000 a  said in a statement.
             A cabaret of entertain-   and a $250,000 fine.          month, increasing the payments   Wimberly's Inkster home is fac-
          ment is planned Oct. 25 at      According to the federal indict-  to $10,000 monthly, the indictment  ing foreclosure, according to
          the Village Theatre in       ment, Wimberly first suggested on  claims. Wimberly is accused of  Wayne County records as he owes
          Canton to benefit the Relay  2022 to the unnamed developer  accepting $5,000 from the devel-  $6,966 in unpaid county property
          For Life of Canton and       that he could ensure the success-  oper at that 2022 meeting.  taxes. A Michigan state lien filed      Patrick Wimberly
          Plymouth event planned for   ful purchase of the city-owned   The indictment claims that  in 2018 for $2,979 in unpaid taxes
          next spring.                 property. The indictment claims  Wimberly received $5,000 in  was released in August. He has  Eastern District of Michigan, said
                          See page 5.  that in September of 2022,    November and another $5,000 in  been assigned a court-appointed  in a statement Tuesday.
                                       Wimberly demanded $100,000    early December. Wimberly      attorney, according to court docu-  Wimberly is currently cam-
                                       from the developer to guarantee  requested the January payment  ments.                    paigning for reelection against
                                       the sale of the unidentified site,  from the developer in advance  “Elected public officials owe a  attorney Byron Nolen who served
                                       telling the developer he could  and in February demanded the  duty to their community to act in  as mayor from 2015 until 2019.
                                       control the necessary approval  increased $10,000 amount,   the citizens' best interest,” Dawn  The mayoral election is set for
                Vol. 76, No. 41
                                       vote of the seven-member city  according to the court filings.  Ison, the U.S. Attorney for the  Nov. 7.
             Inkster police are search-
          ing for Yanko Romero, 40,
          who is considered a person      Courtroom canine
          of interest in the death of a
          34-year-old Inkster resident.
                          See page 6.     New county advocate offers support to victims, witnesses

                                            Witnesses and victims have a new    calm demeanor.                        Retriever. In February 2023, Mark
                                          advocate in the Wayne County            Jellybean, the first canine court advo-  Hindelang, the chief of information and
                                          Prosecutor's Office who offers a unique  cate in the county office, is described as  technology at the prosecutor's office,
                                          skill set along with her sweet nature and  half black Labrador and half Golden  along with his wife and three sons,
                Vol. 23, No. 41
                                                                                                                      adopted Jellybean. She rides to work
            The Northville District                                                                                   with Hindelang daily and reports to her
          Library offers much more                                                                                    “boss,” Child Advocate Jamie Buchholtz.
          than the traditional books,                                                                                 When her tail slows down to a manage-
          CDs, and movies that most                                                                                   able wag after greeting Buchholtz and
          people might expect.                                                                                        the other staff members, Jellybean dons
                          See page 2.                                                                                 her neckerchief and begins her work-
                                                                                                                      day. She meets with victims and walks
                                                                                                                      them to court. With a loving look and
                                                                                                                      maybe a small pat she helps to assuage
                                                                                                                      the anxiety of both child and adult vic-
                                                                                                                      tims and witnesses, Buchholtz said.
                Vol. 23, No. 41                                                                                          Prosecutor Kym Worthy had been
             Paving of the new munici-                                                                                hoping to add a special four-footed vic-
          pal parking lot on Ann Arbor                                                                                tim advocate to the Victims' Advocates
          Trail and Deer Street was                                                                                   Unit to serve child and adult victims and
          under way last week as                                                                                      witnesses when they participate in a
          crews installed the base coat                                                                               court case.  In Michigan all canine advo-
          of asphalt.                                                                                                 cates, including Jellybean, come from
                          See page 3.                                                                                 the Leader Dogs for the Blind in
                                                                                                                      Rochester. They go through two years of
                                                                                                                      intensive obedience and service train-
                                                                                                                      ing. Jellybean had a tendency to stop
                                                                                                                      while walking which led to her reassign-
                                                                                                                      ment to the Canine Advocacy Program
                Vol. 138, No. 41
                                                                                                                      (CAP) in Oakland County.
             Members of the Romulus                                                                                      Jellybean then successfully complet-
          High School Marching                                                                                        ed six weeks of intensive training to
          Eagles will participate in the                                                                              become “certified” as a canine advocate.
          97th America's Thanksgiving                                                                                 She must not react to courtroom distrac-
          Parade® presented by                                                                                        tions, needs to be able to walk on a lead
          Gardner White in downtown                                                                                   without pulling, and to remain in a
          Detroit.                                                                                                    “sit/stay” position while her handler
                          See page 6.                                                                                 moves out of her sight range. During her
                                                                                                                      training, Wayne County Court Services
                                                                                                                      provided an empty courtroom so that
                                                                                                                      mock trials could be conducted with
                                                                                                                      county volunteers to familiarize her with
                                          Jellybean provides a special level of comfort to victims and witnesses in her new job
                Vol. 76, No. 41           with the Wayne County Prosecutor's office.                                                  See Jellybean, page 4
             While Halloween pump-
          kins and decorations are
          appearing throughout the     Wayne, Westland awarded state development grants
          community, Wayne and
          Westland officials have         The cities of Wayne and       “Today's grants underscore  million in state funding to  according to a prepared
          Thanksgiving on their minds.  Westland were among those    our commitment to the people,  address the COVID-19 impacts  release from the state offices.
                          See page 4.  awarded Revitalization and    places, and projects that are  and community revitalization    Administered by MEDC, this
                                       Placemaking grants from the   integral to the growth of     needs in Michigan. The funding  program provides access to real
                                       State of Michigan last week.  Michigan's economy,” said     is awarded for investment in  estate and place-based infra-
                                          Governor Gretchen Whitmer  Whitmer. “These investments   projects that enable population  structure development gap
                                       and representatives from the  will help create vibrant places  and tax revenue growth     financing in the form of grants
                                       Michigan          Economic    that attract and retain talent,  through rehabilitation of  of up to $5 million per project
                Vol. 76, No. 41        Development Corporation       add new housing options,      vacant and blighted buildings  for real estate rehabilitation
             Westland Mayor Michael    (MDEC) announced the grant    enable business creation and  and historic structures, rehabil-  and development, grants of up
          P. Londeau used his first    awards last week. Grants to 10  attraction,  and  provide   itation and development of    to $1 million for public space
          State of the City address to  state communities totaled $99.2  resources for Michiganders  vacant properties, and develop-  place-based infrastructure per
          honor three residents for    million.                      and our communities. I will   ment of permanent place-      project, and grants of up to $20
          their commitment to improv-     The City of Wayne was      work with anyone and do any-  based infrastructure associated  million to local or regional part-
          ing the quality of life in the  awarded $458,990 and Westland  thing to continue getting things  with social zones and tradition-  ners who develop a subgrant
          city.                        will receive $1 million as part  done for our state.”       al downtowns, outdoor dining,  program, the statement contin-
                          See page 4.  of the program.                  The program is part of $100  and place-based public spaces,  ued.

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