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PAGE 6                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                           October 5, 2023


        Annual beautification awards are presented

           The 34th Annual Northville  Award.                                                    ”                                 of the revitalized living wall. The
        Beautification Awards were pre-  Beautification Commission                                                                 walking/biking path begins oppo-
        sented during the luncheon     Chair Diane Pittaway reminded                   The Lifetime Award from                     site the Downs at Seven Mile
        meeting of the Northville Rotary  the audience that group mem-            Northville Township was presented                near Sheldon and extends well
        Club Sept. 26.                 bers are active in the city and                                                             beyond Six Mile Road into the
           Northville Mayor Brian      complete and maintain many of               to Meadowbrook Country Club.                    woods where it loops back. She
        Turnbull presented the awards  the garden areas in the commu-                                                              also said the Arbor Day seedling
        to the city honorees and       nity, including the small garden                                                            give-away last spring went very
        Township Supervisor Mark Abbo  in front of Northville City Hall.  to the new garden that commis-  ronment.                 well and the next one is planned
        introduced the township win-   Pittaway told the assembled    sion members planted at          Township Beautification     for April 2025.
        ners. Thirty-two awards were   crowd that the Northville com-  Cabbagetown Park, with the help  Commission Chair Lynne       In addition to the city-award-
        given to city recipients and 24  mission recently received a cer-  of the Parks & Recreation staff.  Mosteller spoke about the work  ed lawn signs and window
        were given to township business-  tificate of recognition for 60  She said the commission will be  volunteers did at the Bennett  decals, winners received a cer-
        es and civic organizations. The  years of membership in the   working on new plantings      Arboretum Pathway where the    tificate presented during the
        Lifetime Award from Northville  Beautification Council of     around the new welcome signs  living wall had become over-   luncheon.
        Township was presented to      Southeastern Michigan. The     installed at main entrances to  grown and untamed. A group of  Volunteer Beautification
        Meadowbrook Country Club.,     Northville commission was      the city. The group uses native  volunteers replanted the pockets  Commission members are
        Deadwood Bar & Grill received  among the 24 communities that  plants whenever possible, she  in the wall with various plant  always welcome, officials said.
        the Best in Township Award and  met to establish the nonprofit  said, to ensure the plantings and  varieties to maintain a neater  The next city  project is the
        Home 2 Suites by Hilton gar-   organization, she said.        gardens are not only beautiful  passageway, she said, and dis-  cleaning of the VFW flag site
        nered the Corporate Pride        Pittaway also called attention  but also beneficial for the envi-  played before-and-after photos  Post 4012 at 438 S. Main.
        New Cricket patch now open at Millenium Park

           Northville Township may                                                                  our pitch because we expect it
        now host games of cricket at                              ”                                 to be used frequently,” Smith
        Millennium Park.                                Local players have been                     said.
           Northville Township Board                 requesting a pitch in Northville                  “This will require less main-
        of Trustees members and the                                                                 tenance over time and that will
        Northville Parks & Recreation                Township for about five years.                 help to contain costs.”
        Commission        separately                                                                   Northville    Parks     &
        approved the construction of a                                                              Recreation received three bids
        cricket pitch between fields 1  requesting a pitch in Northville  between the wickets. The field-  for the project and awarded the
        and 2 at Millennium Park.      Township for about five years,  ing team tries to prevent this by  $34,000 contract to the lowest
           The work was completed      said Derek O. Smith, director of  getting the ball to either wicket  bidder, JSS Macomb.
        this week, officials announced.   Northville Parks & Recreation.   to dismiss the batter (or get the  “This is another unique
           Northville Cricket Club,      “We have some devoted        player out). When 10 batters are  amenity we are excited to intro-
        under the umbrella of the      cricket fans in this area and  dismissed, the inning ends.   duce to our region,” said
        Michigan Cricket Association   Northville Parks & Recreation    Because of regular use, the  Northville        Township
        hosted a grand opening of the  is happy to bring the sport clos-  condition of the pitch changes  Supervisor Mark J. Abbo. “Not
        pitch Sept. 30 at followed by the  er to their homes,” he said.   over the course of a match, but  only does it show we are focus-
        opening game.                    Cricket is a bat-and-ball    the pitch cannot be repaired or  ing on improving the quality of
           Construction of the 10 feet  game often compared to base-  altered except in extreme cir-  life for our residents, but also  The new Millenium Park Cricket
        wide by 102 feet long pitch con-  ball. Two teams of 11 players  cumstances.                that we pay attention to the    patch is now open.
        sisted of excavation, and instal-  compete and at the center of  The changing conditions    wants and needs of our resi-
        lation of a concrete pad and   the field is a pitch that has a  impact the game and add to the  dents.                     creating something special at
        approved turf on an oval-      wicket at each end. The team at  excitement of the game, offi-  With this addition, along   Millennium Park.”
        shaped field.                  bat strikes the ball that's bowled  cials said.              with Unity Skatepark which       Millennium Park is located
           Local players have been     at one of the wickets and runs   “We used artificial turf on  opens in late fall, we are really  at 45769 Six Mile Road.

        FROM PAGE 1

           Siegel noted that firefighters
        were able to extinguish the
        flames more quickly because of
        the drone guidance.
           There are additional uses,
        too, noted Police Chief Scott
           "It will be an excellent
        resource to help find missing
        loved ones, safely monitor hos-
        tile situations and assist in a
        disaster response," he said.
           Previously,    Northville
        Township Police had to ask
        other departments or the
        Michigan State Police when
        searching for a missing person
        in large areas such as Maybury
        State Park.
            The drone is expected to
        speed up the search to locate
        the missing person.
           Five members of the police
        department have undergone
        training to use the aerial
        device and follow Federal
        Aviation Administration (FAA)
        regulations. This includes a
        sergeant, two police officers
        and two public safety officers
        who assist in dispatch.
           Officials said the police
        team will assist the fire depart-
        ment whenever the use of the
        device would be helpful in a
        fire-service incident.
            Several firefighter/para-
        medics who work on the HAZ-
        MAT (hazardous materials and
        safety training) team already
        have access to a HAZMAT
        drone and are certified to fly, so
        the police drone augments
        those capabilities.
           Northville Township offi-
        cials applied for and won a
        grant to pay half the bill for
        both the training and the
        drone. The MMRMA paid
        $4,381.50 of the total cost,
        according to a prepared state-
        ment from the township.
           "We are so grateful to
        MMRMA,"      Hilden    said.
        "Technology is a valuable tool
        in public safety and the drone
        lets us more effectively do our
        job and keep the residents and
        the public safety team of
        Northville Township safe."
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