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October 5, 2023                                                ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 3

                                                     ROMULUS - SUMPTER
                                                     ROMULUS - SUMPTER

        Martinsville Cemetery renovations under way

           The restoration work and    Township are interred at the                              ”                                 members of the importance of
        upgrades    at   Martinsville  cemetery located on Willis Court.                                                           identifying and marking the
        Cemetery in Sumpter Township     The trustees had previously          Armatis said that all the identified veterans'       interment sites at the cemetery
        was the topic of a comprehensive  learned that accessibility to the        graves at the cemetery now have                 as most of the historic burial
        report to the members of the   graves was complicated by the                                                               records were destroyed in a fire
        board of trustees during their  current entry road, which has               flag holders installed at the site.            about 40 years ago.
        regular meeting last month.    only one egress and ends at a cul-                                                            Original costs for the upgrades
           Township Finance Director   de-sac. Visitors to the cemetery  overtaken by weather and vege-  of descendants of a passenger on  and preservation efforts were
        Scott Holtz and Deputy Clerk   were often forced to use drive-  tation. Following a trial use of the  the Mayflower had been discov-  estimated at $150,000 to $180,000
        Karen Armatis spoke to the     ways of private homes to turn  device, bids for a ground pene-  ered. One of the main concerns  by Township Manager Anthony
        trustees regarding the progress  around to exit the road if the  trating radar apparatus have  of the preservation and renova-  Burdick. The trustees opted to
        at the historic site. In July,  cemetery was closed. A more   been received, Holtz and Armatis  tion effort was the recognition  allocate more funding to the proj-
        trustees approved the use of up  convenient entrance and exit  said, and are now being evaluat-  and identification of veterans’  ect “in light of rising costs.”
        to $250,000 in American        from the cemetery was among    ed. Bids for the purchase of a  graves. Armatis said that all the  Burdick told the board members
        Recovery Plan Act (ARPA) fund-  the factors considered in the  lawn mower sized to maneuver  identified veterans' graves at the  in July that should the renova-
        ing to upgrade the deteriorating  upgrades.                   around the gravestones have also  cemetery now have flag holders  tions cost less than the allocated
        cemetery which includes graves   As part of renovation of the  been received, they said.    installed at the site. Flags can  amount, the balance can be
        from 1866. Many prominent his-  cemetery, ground penetrating    Holtz and Armatis told the  now be placed at the graves in a  transferred to another township
        toric figures and founders of the  radar has been used to locate his-  board that during the current  convenient manner.   project which meets the federal
        area which became Sumpter      toric gravesites that have been  work at the cemetery, the graves  They reminded the board  ARPA requirements.
                                                                                                     Batter up

                                                                                                     Mayor to serve pancakes

                                                                                                     at One Romulus meeting

                                                                                                       Romulus Mayor Robert
                                                                                                     McCraight will demonstrate his
                                                                                                     skill at the grill during the next
                                                                                                     One Romulus community meet-
                                                                                                     ing set for 9 until 11 a.m.
                                                                                                     Saturday, Oct. 7.
                                                                                                       McCraight will be flipping
                                                                                                     pancakes for everyone in atten-
                                                                                                     dance at the Romulus VFW Post
                                                                                                     #78 at 39270 Huron River Dr. He
                                                                                                     will step away from his grilling
                                                                                                     duties at 10 a.m. to provide
                                                                                                     updates on city news and
                                                                                                     announcements and then take
                                                                                                     questions from those in atten-
                                                                                                     dance about current events in
                                                                                                     the city.
           Game on                                                                                   istration is requested to ensure
                                                                                                       The event is free, but pre-reg-
           Romulus resident Dan Brown presented a pair of custom corn hole boards to the Romulus Police  enough pancakes and syrup are
           Department recently. Officers said the boards were appreciated and would be heavily used during  on hand.                            Robert McCraight
           the numerous community events the department hosts and participates in during the year.     To register, call McCraight's  online at vtoliver@romulusgov.
                                                                                                     office at (734) 942-7571 or register  com.
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