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PAGE 4                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                           October 5, 2023

                                                     PLYMOUTH - INKSTER
                                                     PLYMOUTH - INKSTER

        Historic ‘cabin’ restoration nears completion

           Restoration at one of the old-  "while keeping the original
        est and most popular spots in  ambiance thanks to our fire
        Plymouth is well under way and  restoration company 360 Fire &
        on schedule, according to the  Flood."
        Poulous family, owners of Karl's  The historic character of the
        Cabin which was damaged by     Gotfredson Road mainstay has
        fire in February.              been preserved with wood floor-
           Peter Poulous recently updat-  ing, he said, and new furniture
        ed the status of the 76-year-old  will be installed. "It was very
        restaurant where entertainment  important for us to maintain a
        legends performed and families  familiar atmosphere inside The
        celebrated multiple occasions.  Cabin while bringing in some
        He said "substantial progress"  fresh new materials and colors,"
        has been made and all the rough  Poulos said.
        mechanical, electrical, insulation  While there is no exact date
        and plumbing are complete and  for a reopening of the business,
        approved by inspectors.        Poulous said he and his family
           He added that the interior  are hoping for mid to late
        drywall is complete and the    November.
        kitchen wall tiles are being
           "Seeing the walls go up truly
        makes us feel like we are getting
        closer to reopening," he said in a
        recent post.
           The exterior backside of the
        building, where the fire did the
        most damage, is now fully
        repaired and covered with cedar
        logs, Poulos added.  He added
        that a new matte black metal roof
        is nearly complete and the park-
        ing lot has been repaved.
           All the smoke damage in the
        main dining room has been
        addressed, Poulous continued,
                                                                                     Pumpkin Palooza returns Oct. 22

                                                                                        The annual celebration of spooky sea-  the event for children. Costumes are
                                                                                     son is set for 11:30 a.m. until 2:30 p.m.  encouraged and several costume contests
                                                                                     Sunday, Oct. 22 in downtown Plymouth.  are planned, including a contest for pet
                                                                                        Pumpkin Palooza the traditional free  Halloween costumes.
                                                                                     Halloween themed event usually brings    The event includes music, dancing and
                                                                                     hundreds of children of all ages, including  family-friendly entertainment.
                                                                                     the young at heart, to downtown streets  The free event is organized by the
                                                                                     for a day filled with costumes, games and  Plymouth Chamber of Commerce.
                                                                                     trick-or-treating fun.                Sponsorships and vendor slots are still
                                                                                        Many downtown streets will be closed  available.  Learn     more     at
                                                                                     during the event to ensure the safety of

           Fitting tribute

           Inkster Mayor Patrick Wimberly and Police Chief William J. Ratliff were among the
           officials and residents  to officially celebrate the dedication and grand opening of
           "The Alex A. Chapman Community Policing & Training Center" Sept. 21. The
           building at 4310 Middlebelt Road had been vacant for many years prior to the
           renovation into a law enforcement training center, officials said. The totally reno-
           vated facility will also serve as a mini police station, officials noted during the dedi-
           cation. The building is named in memory of the late Deputy Auxiliary Police Chief
           Alex Chapman who served the city for more than two decades prior to his death
           last year.


                            TO PLACE YOUR CLASSIFIED AD CALL 734-467-1900                           To subscribe to The Eagle visit
                                  2013 FORD                must be picked up from the    
                                  1FMCU0GX9DUA46568        City of Southfeild Police
                                  2017 FORD                Department within 48 hours
           Copart has vehicles up   1FMCU0GD6HUD65258      of the sale.
          for public auction Tuesday  1996 FORD
            10/10/23 at 10 AM at  1FTJE34F3THA96234
         2012 CHEVORLET           All Vehicles are sold in "as is
                                  2G1FB1E34C9145039        condition". Bidding on all                        CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF CANTON
        11 FORD  F150 SUPER       FOURWINNS                vehicles will start at the                             INVITATION TO BID
        1FTFX1EF8BFB04857         4WNMG341H889             amount due for towing and  NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Charter Township of Canton, 1150 Canton Center S, Canton, Michigan will accept sealed
        14 LINC  MKS              2014 CHEVORLET           storage. Vehicles may be   bids at the Office of the Clerk up to 3:00 p.m. Thursday, October 19, 2023, for the following:
        1LNHL9DK5EG608682         1G1PC5SB9E7152500        deleted from this list at any
        14 CHRY  TOWN & COU                                time prior to the start of the                WINDOW GLAZING - ADMINISTRATION BUILDING
        2C4RC1BG6ER159892         The above vehicles are   auction. This is a cash only
        16 CHEV  MALIBU LT        impounded through the City  sale and all vehicles must be  Bid may be downloaded on the MITN Purchasing Group website at or you
        1G1ZE5ST5GF264733         of    Southfeild  Police  paid in full at the conclusion  may contact Mike Sheppard at: All bids must be submitted in a sealed envelope clearly marked
        18 CHEV  EQUINOX LT       Department. All paperwork  of the auction.          with the proposal name, company name, address and telephone number and date and time of bid opening. The Township reserves
                                                                                      the right to accept or reject any or all proposals. The Township does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin,
        2GNAXTEX1J6237247                                                             sex, religion, age or disability in employment or the provision of services.
        12 DODG  JOURNEY SE
        3C4PDCAB8CT199620                                                                                        MICHAEL SIEGRIST, CLERK
        12 TOYT  PRIUS V
        JTDZN3EU6C3150624                                                             Publish 10/5/2023                                              CN2511 - 100523  2.5 x 2.052
        20 CHEV  TRAX LS
        17 KIA   OPTIMA HYB                                                                                  CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF CANTON
        KNAGT4LEXH5010955                                                                                         INVITATION TO BID

                                                                                      NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Charter Township of Canton, 1150 Canton Center S, Canton, Michigan will accept sealed
        On Wednesday, October 11th,                                                   bids at the Office of the Clerk up to 3:00 p.m. Thursday, October 19, 2023, for the following:
        2023 at 10:30 am, Great Lakes
        Towing    Impound    and                                                                          CARDIOVASCULAR FITNESS EQUIPMENT 2023
        Recovery Division located at                                                  Bid may be downloaded on the MITN Purchasing Group website at or you
        42350 Van Born Rd, Belleville,                                                may contact Mike Sheppard at: All bids must be submitted in a sealed envelope clearly marked
        Mi, County of Wayne, will con-                                                with the proposal name, company name, address and telephone number and date and time of bid opening. The Township reserves
        duct a public auction of                                                      the right to accept or reject any or all proposals. The Township does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin,
        Impounded and Abandoned                                                       sex, religion, age or disability in employment or the provision of services.
        vehicles. The following vehi-
        cles will be offered for sale to                                                                         MICHAEL SIEGRIST, CLERK
        the highest bidder.
                                                                                      Publish 10/5/2023                                              CN2512 - 100523  2.5 x 2.052
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