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October 5 – 11, 2023                                    NEWS YOU CAN USE, NEWS YOU CAN TRUST                                                  75¢

         No. 40                                                                                    www

                                       $400 million plant coming to Plymouth Township

               Vol. 138, No. 40           A Norwegian hydrogen manu-                                                                “Plymouth Charter Township
             The restoration work at   facturer will invest $400 million                        ”                                is an ideal location for Nel. Here,
          Martinsville Cemetery in     in a new Plymouth Township                  This $400 million investment by               we have access to a highly edu-
          Sumpter Township was the     facility and bring 517 new jobs to            Nel will bring over 500 new                 cated workforce, universities and
          topic of a comprehensive     the area.                                                                                 research institutions, and we are
          report to the members of the    Gov. Gretchen Whitmer                        jobs to our community.                    close to our collaborating part-
          board of trustees last month.  announced last week that Nel                                                            ner, General Motors. In addition,
                          See page 3.  Hydrogen will locate a new auto-                                                          the government and the authori-
                                       mated gigafactory in the town-  auto industry and beyond,” said  The project will be supported in  ties of Michigan have provided a
                                       ship. The factory produces elec-  Plymouth Township Supervisor  part by a $10 million Michigan  very attractive financial support
                                       trolyzer technology for green  Kurt Heise. “This $400 million  Business Development Program  package for us,” said Volldal.
                                       hydrogen production. Hydrogen  investment by Nel will bring over  grant. The project was also  “Nel Hydrogen's investment
                                       can be produced from water and  500 new jobs to our community  awarded a 15-year, 100-percent  in Plymouth Township is a testa-
                Vol. 76, No. 40        renewable energy. As the most  and will be the centerpiece of  State  Essential  Services  ment to Michigan's commitment
             As the calendar inches    abundant and lightest element in  our Michigan International  Assessment Exemption Request,  to advanced manufacturing and
          closer to Halloween, Canton  the universe, hydrogen can play  Technology        Center   valued at up to $6.25 million.   clean energy innovation,” said
          Leisure Services has organ-  a significant role in accelerating  Redevelopment Authority - con-  Nel CEO Håkon Volldal said  State Rep. Matt Koleszar (D-
          ized several events to help  a clean-energy transition away  verting vacant prison properties  the company chose Michigan  Plymouth). “Together, we are
          celebrate the 'spooky season'.  from fossil fuels, according to a  into engines for jobs and eco-  thanks to the engagement from  driving progress towards a sus-
                          See page 5.  state spokesman.              nomic development.,” Heise    Whitmer, in addition to what the  tainable future, where emerging
                                          “Plymouth Township is hon-  said.                        state could offer, from the highly  technology meets our state's rich
                                       ored to have been selected by    The new 507,000 square foot  skilled workforce and financial  manufacturing heritage. This
                                       Nel Hydrogen for this revolution-  Nel Hydrogen plant will be con-  incentives to the collaboration  investment not only bolsters our
                                       ary facility that will help bring a  structed at 15000 Road at a site  among the state universities,  economy but also solidifies
                                       new source of clean, sustainable  currently under development by  research institutions, and strate-  Michigan's role as a leader in the
                Vol. 76, No. 40        energy to power the future of the  Brookwood Capital Partners.  gic partners.             clean energy revolution.”
             Inkster officials and resi-
          dents celebrated the dedica-
          tion and grand opening of       Height of safety
          "The Alex A. Chapman
          Community Policing &            Sophisticated drone being used by fire, police departments
          Training Center" Sept. 21.
                          See page 4.
                                            Public safety in Northville
                                          Township has reached new
                                          heights of advancement using
                                          technology and innovation.
                                            The    Public     Safety
                Vol. 23, No. 40           Department has been using a
                                          sophisticated drone pur-
            The     34th    Annual
          Northville Beautification       chased earlier this summer
          Awards were presented dur-      with partial grant funding
          ing the luncheon meeting of     from the Michigan Municipal
          the Northville Rotary Club      Risk Management Authority
          Sept. 26.                       (MMRMA), officials said.
                          See page 6.       The advanced technology
                                          of the drone includes a cam-
                                          era, spotlight, infrared capa-
                                          bilities and a megaphone, all
                                          of which have already proven
                                          valuable, according to offi-
                Vol. 23, No. 40           cials.
             Restoration at one of the      The infrared camera
          oldest and most popular         recently located multiple
          spots in Plymouth is well       trespassers at Legacy Park
          under way and on schedule,      and completed night surveil-
          according to the Poulous        lance in areas where cars
          family, owners of Karl's        have been stolen or riffled  Northville Township police officers are trained to pilot the sophisticated drone being used in public
          Cabin.                          through, police said.        safety situations.
                          See page 4.       "Trying to locate suspects
                                          in the dark is difficult and   In addition, the equipment  drone using the infrared   Siegel.
                                          dangerous," said Deputy     has proven a benefit to the  capabilities to guide firefight-  "It allowed a birds-eye
                                          Police   Chief   Matthew    township fire department.    ers to areas where water     view to show us what we
                                          MacKenzie. "The drone has   During a 4:30 a.m. fire at an  would be most effectively  were unable to see and that's
                                          greatly increased the effi-  apartment complex in        sprayed.                     exactly where the hot spots
                Vol. 138, No. 40          ciency and safety aspect    August, Public Safety Ofc.      "It was a huge benefit to
             Romulus Mayor Robert         regarding this."            Laura Engebretson flew the   us," said Fire Chief Brent            See Drone, page 6
          McCraight will demonstrate
          his skill at the grill during
          the next One Romulus com-    Hazardous waste well license renewal approved by state
          munity meeting set for 9
          until 11 a.m. Saturday, Oct. 7.  Despite the continued objec-                                                          hazardous wastes in tanks.”
                          See page 3.  tions of city officials and public                       ”                                   The agency has deemed the
                                       criticism, a 10-year hazardous              The agency has deemed the                     Republic application “adminis-
                                       waste management license for                                                              tratively complete and techni-
                                       the deep-well waste injection           Republic application “administratively            cally accurate.”
                                       site in Romulus was approved             complete and technically accurate.                  “We can't deny a permit for
                Vol. 76, No. 40        by the state Department of                                                                this facility because it's unpop-
             The Wayne Memorial        Environment, Great Lakes, and                                                             ular, or because we had many
          High School Marching         Energy (EGLE).                facility for disposal, representa-  The approved permit does  more comments against it than
                                          According to a statement
                                                                                                                                 for it,” McDiarmid said. “That
          Zebras placed first in their  issued by EGLE representa-   tives of EGLE agreed to reopen  not expand the facility and  can't factor into it under the law
          flight at the Michigan       tives, all safety violations at the  the public comment period  doesn't allow Republic to bring  that we operate under.”
          Competing Band Association   hazardous waste disposal firm  regarding the re-licensing of  in any additional types of haz-  McDiarmid acknowledged
          competition at Lakeland      have been resolved by         the above-ground portion of the  ardous waste, according to  that the prospect of the East
          High School.                 Republic Industrial and       injection well.               McDiarmid.                    Palestine waste coming to the
                          See page 5.
                                       Energy Solutions, the current    The initial public comment    According to the EGLE      site put a larger spotlight on the
                                       operator of the facility.  Outrage  period ended with no com-  statement, “The draft License  facility and the issue of haz-
                                       erupted throughout several    ments from the public. EGLE   authorizes the storage of up to  ardous  waste    storage.
                                       communities earlier this year  spokesman Hugh McDiarmid     11,000 gallons of hazardous   Additionally, EGLE cited
                                       when hazardous material from  said the shipping of the toxic  wastes in containers in the con-  Republic for a number of envi-
                Vol. 76, No. 40        a train derailment in East    waste from Ohio raised con-   tainer storage area, up to 92,000  ronmental violations this past
             The   Westland    Fire    Palestine, Ohio was transport-  cerns about the facility.   gallons of hazardous waste in  summer.
          Department has been award-   ed to Michigan and disposed of   “It became pretty clear to us  rail tanker cars in the railcar  McDiarmid said that EGLE
          ed a Staffing for Adequate   at the site without notification  that people were clamoring for  storage and unloading area,  and Republic have agreed to a
          Fire   and    Emergency      to local officials or citizens.   more information about it, for  and up to 240,670 gallons of haz-  consent order that includes a
          Response grant (SAFER)          Following the public criti-  more opportunity to comment  ardous waste in tanks.       fine, and the violations “were
          through FEMA in the          cism of the transporting of toxic  on it, and this re-licensing was  In addition, the draft license  promptly resolved to our satis-
          amount of $5,709,867.        waste from the Ohio train     in process,” McDiarmid said.  authorizes the treatment of up  faction and they're [now] in
                          See page 2.  derailment to the Romulus     “So we heard those calls.”    to 400,000 gallons per day of  compliance.”

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