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PAGE 6                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                           October 3, 2019

                                                                        Calendar of events

        Maybury Corn Maze to open        PARC is located at 650 Church  DHLLP, signed by an accredited  Walk from 1-3 p.m. Oct. 6 at  to borrow or rent.
           The 10-acre Maybury Farm    St. in Plymouth. To reach the  veterinarian, in order to attend  Glenwood Cemetery and will   For more information, visit
        Corn Maze is now open. This year,  Band/Music Room, guests should  this event.              highlight several Wayne families, or call (248)
        the farm will also offer a Kids  park behind the building off   For more information, call  and figures.                   398-3591.
        Maze that is approximately 1 acre  Adams Street and enter through  (734) 394-5460 or visit www.can-  This is an outdoor walking tour
        and will take an estimated 20 min-  the Activities Entrance. For more          so appropriate dress is suggested.  Craft Club members meet
        utes to complete.              information, call (734) 927-4090.                               Donations will be accepted.   The Craft Club for those 18 and
           The Maybury Farm corn maze                                 Mom 2 Mom Sale set                                           older will meet to create a
        is open until 10 p.m. on Fridays  Holiday Tea reservations available  St Edith and St. Collette  Garden club members meet  'Spooktacular' craft at 6 p.m. Oct.
        and Saturdays for those brave    The Canton Historical Society  Church will be the site of a   The Romulus Garden Club     10 at the Romulus Public Library.
        enough to attempt to find their  will presents "A Holiday Tea" from  Mom2Mom Sale from 8:30 a.m.  members will meet at 6:30 p.m.  The club is for adults interest-
        way through in the dark with just  1-3 p.m. Saturday Dec. 7 at the  until noon on Saturday, Oct. 5.  Oct. 7 at the Romuus Public  ed in socializing with fellow
        the moon to guide the way.     Bartlett-Travis House located at  The church is located at 15089  Library.                  crafters. Light refreshments will
           Admission to the Maybury    500 North Ridge Road.          Newburgh Road in Livonia.        The speaker for the evening  be served.
        Farm Corn Maze is $9 per person  An afternoon tea will be     Admission to the sale is $2,  will be Jennifer Braatz who will  The library is located at 11121
        and includes farm admission and  served in a historic Canton house                          discuss the Detroit River      Wayne Road in Romulus.
        a tractor-drawn wagon ride to and  decorated for Christmas accom-  Run, Rock & Roll planned  International Wildlife Refuge.  For information, call (734) 942-
        from the maze.  Children under 2  panied by live music. Tea will  The  National    Kidney      The meeting is open to the  7589
        are admitted free with an adult.  include sandwiches and small  Foundation of Michigan (NKFM)  public. The library is located at
        Accommodations for groups of 25  desserts and visitors can learn a  is asking the community to join  11121 Wayne Road in Romulus.  Financial scams are explained
        or more can be scheduled at (248)  bit about how Christmas in  the more than 300 runners and   For information, call (734) 942-  The Romulus Public Library
        374-0200. Maybury Farm also    Canton used to be spent.       walkers at their annual Trick or  7589.                      will host two free 60-minute class-
        offers bonfires that are available  Tickets are $25 each and avail-  Feet! 5k/10k Run, Walk & Roll on                      es regarding current financial
        during regular business hours or  able at the Summit on the Park,  Sunday, Oct. 6 at Maybury State  Blues at the Elks planned  scams on Oct. 11. The goal of the
        as part of a group reservation.  46000 Summit Parkway in Canton.   Park, 49575 Eight Mile Road in  Blues at The Elks takes place  class is to educate participants in
           Maybury Farm is located at    Seating is limited so early tick-  Northville. Participants can  from 7-10 p.m. the second  ways to protect themselves and
        50165 Eight Mile Road in       et reservations are encouraged,  choose a 5k or 10k course while  Tuesday of the month at the  respond should they become a
        Northville.                    organizers said.               children 12 and under can do a ¼  Plymouth Ann Arbor Elks Lodge  victim. Losses from these scams
           To learn more about all of the                             mile Mini-Monster Dash. The   #325 in partnership with the   have increased $63 million year-
        autumn activities at the farm, visit  Art House exhibit opens  race begins promptly at 10 a.m.  Detroit Blues Society. There is a  over-year according to statistics.
        <http://www.mayburyfarm          The Northville Art House will  and the ¼ Mile Mini-Monster  $5 donation requested at the door.   The first class is set for 11 a.m.
        .org/><htt  present POSE: Portrait and the  Dash begins at 11:30 a.m.      Chris Canas Band will appear  until noon and the second at 4
        p://>      Costumed Figure featuring por-  Registration is $35 for the 5k, $45  Oct. 8, which includes Canas on  until 5 p.m. on Oct. 11 at the
                                       traits and figurative work created  for the 10k, and $10 for the Mini-  guitar and vocals, Angela  library, 11121 Wayne Road in
        Church Craft show Saturday     in graphite, mixed-media, oil and  Monster Dash. Participants can  Cottingham on vocals and percus-  Romulus.
           St. John’s Episcopal Church  pastel by 12 female artists.   register before the event online at  sion, Chris Nordham on keys and  For more information, call
        Fall Festival and Craft Show is set  This free exhibition opens or on  vocals, Derek Washington on bass  (734) 942-7589.
        for 11 a.m. until 10 p.m. Saturday,  with a reception from 5:30 until  the day of the event from 9-10 a.m.   and vocals and marc Anthony
        Oct. 2. The craft show hours will  8:30 p.m. Oct. 4 and will continue  All race participants receive a  Guillory on drums.  Health and Wellness Fair planned
        be 11 a.m. until 4 p.m.        through Oct. 26 during regular  t-shirt and finishing medal. The  The Plymouth Ann Arbor Elks  Romulus will host the annual
           There will be a bounce house,  gallery hours, noon until 5 p.m.  top three male and female run-  Lodge 325 is located at 41700 Ann  Health  and Wellness Fair from 10
        a beer tent, food, a bake sale and  Tuesday through Friday and noon  ners in each age group will also  Arbor Road in Plymouth. For  a.m. until 2 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 9
        a silent auction along with live  until 4 p.m. on Saturday. Visit  receive awards. A recreational  more information, call (734)453-  at the Romulus Senior Center.
        entertainment from 2 until 10 p.m. for  passport is required to enter the  1780.                 The event is open to those of
           The church is located at 555 S.  more information.         state park. For more information,                            all ages and from surrounding
        Wayne Road in Westland.                                       visit  3D photographers to meet      communities. Offered will be flu
           For information, call (734) 721-  Howl at the Moon planned  ationpassport.                  Members of the only 3D pho-  shots with medical information
        5023                             The Canton Dog Park will be                                tography club in Michigan will  and identification card required.
                                       the site of a howlin' good time dur-  Church hosts Applefest  meet from 7-9:30 p.m. Wednesday,  There will be screenings for blood
        Free concerts begin            ing the Howl at the Moon event   St Paul's Lutheran Church will  Oct. 9 at the Livonia Civic Park  pressure; blood sugar; vision and
           A free concert series with live  set for 6-8 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 5.  host the New Boston Applefest  Senior Center, 15218 Farmington  hearing. Featured vendors
        musical performances will debut  The free event will take place at  from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. Saturday,  Road, just south of Five Mile  include: Blue Cross Blue Shield
        at noon tomorrow at the        the park located on Denton Road,  Oct. 5 and from 11 a.m. until 5 p.m.  Road.               of Michigan; Senior Alliance;
        Plymouth Arts and Recreation   just north of Cherry Hill Road in  Sunday, Oct. 6.              the featured program for the  Corpore Sano Health Care;
        Complex.                       Canton.                          Vendors applications are still  evening will be the winning  Beltone  Hearing   Center;
           The series of concerts will be  Dog owners along with their  being accepted.             images from the recent Ohio    Romulus Athletic Center and
        offered monthly at noon on     four-legged friends can enjoy live  The church is located at 19109  International Stereo Exhibition.  Rehab Center; D.M.C. Premiere
        Fridays and is presented by the  entertainment, purchase mer-  Craig St. in New Boston.For more  After a refreshment break, the  Care; AARP, MI café; Bridge;
        Wilcox Foundation.             chandise, and receive free give-  information, call (734)753-9048 or  monthly competition, with a  Veteran' Haven; Beaumont
           These free concerts will fea-  aways from local pet supply and  access  https://www.facebook  theme of "Architecture" will take  Health;  Visiting  Nurses
        ture professional musicians from  service vendors, while supplies  .com/St-Pauls-Lutheran-New-  place.                     Association and ER Drugs.
        the Eden Arts Cooperative, Main  last.                        Boston-649223168451449/          As always, the meetings are   The Romulus Senior Center is
        Street Opera Theatre, Michigan   No pre-registration required                               free to attend, and visitors are  located at 36525 Bibbins St, in
        Philharmonic Orchestra and     for this event. Non-dog park mem-  Annual Cemetery Walk set  always welcome. Stereo cameras,  Romulus.
        other performing arts organiza-  bers must show proof of up-to-  The Wayne Historical Society  3D movies, and educational    For more information call (734)
        tions located at PARC.         date vaccination for rabies and  will sponsor the Annual Cemetery  videos are available for members  955-4120.

        Fire                           City of Plymouth during Fire
                                       Prevention Week, contact the fire
                                       department at (734) 453-1234 exten-
        FROM PAGE 1                    sion 280 or via email at
        vide fire safety tips, a fire truck].
        exploration, tours of the fire sta-
        tion, fire hose demonstrations,  In ROMULUS:
        Safety Town photos, Smoke House  Firefighters planning open
        training and other booths.     house
           For more information, call (48)  The Romulus Fire Department
        348-5807       or       visit  will host an open house from 11          a.m. until 3 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 6 at
                                       Fire Department Headquarters,
        In PLYMOUTH TOWNSHIP:          28777 Eureka Road.
           Firefighters will help local fam-  The event will take place in
        ilies learn about fire safety while  conjunction with Fire Prevention
        enjoying several attractions during  Week
        the upcoming Fire Safety Open    Firepup will be on hand to
        House from 10 a.m. until noon on  meet visitors and there will be
        Saturday, Oct. 12.             vehicle displays, demonstrations
           Visitors can meet firefighters,  and fire safety handouts.
        see and touch the new township
        fire engine and ambulance, learn  In WAYNE:
        how to use a fire extinguisher, view  The Wayne firefighters will host
        fire safety demonstrations, spray  the 22nd Annual Breakfast with
        fire hoses in the squirt house, see a  your Firefighters from 9 a.m. until
        motor vehicle accident with the  noon Oct. 5.
        Jaws of Life demonstration, and  The firefighters will serve the
        other attractions.             meals which include all-you-can-
           Refreshments will be served  eat pancakes, three sausage links,
        and the Plymouth Township      coffee, juice or milk at the fire sta-
        Charity Pumpkin Patch will be  tion at 3300 South Wayne Road in
        open.                          Wayne
           The open house will take place  Tickets are priced at $5 for
        at Fire Station #1, 9911 North  adults and children, 10 and
        Haggerty Road in Plymouth      younger $3.
        Township.                        The fire department is also
                                       accepting donations of gently-used
        In the CITY OF PLYMOUTH:       wheelchairs and parking at the
           City of Plymouth firefighters  event is free.
        are offering free tours of the fire
        department 8 a,m until 8 p.m. from  In WESTLAND:
        Monday, Oct. 7 through Saturday,  The Westland Fire Department
        Oct. 12. Tours are now being sched-  will host the Fire Prevention Hot
        uled for school groups, neighbor-  Dog Lunch from 11 a.m. until 2
        hood groups and other organiza-  p.m. Saturday, Oct. 5 at the
        tions.                         Westland Fire Station 1, located at
           "Station tours are a great activi-  35701 Central City Parkway.
        ty for both adults and children," a  There will be food, Smoke
        spokesman noted.               House demonstrations, station
           Several interactive demonstra-  tours, sidewalk CPR, Fire Life
        tions will be on display and chil-  Safety, Jr. Firefighter Obstacle
        dren and adults can participate in  Course, Kids Fire Playhouse and
        emergency scenarios and learn  other attractions.
        about household fire hazards.    The annual event is open to the
           To schedule a tour group in the  public.
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