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October 3, 2019                                                ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 5

                           NORTHVILLE - PLYMOUTH

        All aboard

        Historic train depot to become

        new sweet shop in Old Village

                                 Don Howard    the old depot and his wife started a spe-
                                  Staff Writer  cially candy business in the nearby small-
                                               er building about two years ago. Craig
           The historic Plymouth railroad station  David Butler Studios has now been moved
        built in 1870 will soon see yet another  to the smaller building and will continue
        incarnation, this time as an ice-cream and  to remain open for business, the couple
        sweets shop in Old Village.            said.
           Craig and Bonnie Butler had been      “I've always been interested in baking--
        operating a formal photography studio in  things like, cupcakes and candy, but now  ment the seating area where the Butlers  down the planned opening date, now set
        the original and only train depot in the  we're taking the business to a new era,”  plan to have high-top tables. The couple  for late October, Butler said.
        city until they recently began a major  said Bonnie Craig.                   also plans to close the alleyway for cus-  “The first thing we did was to paint the
        remodeling effort at the building.       The Butlers have not yet named their  tomer parking and have an outside seating  station a bright red--called original red,”
           Five years ago, the Northville couple  new venture that will feature ice cream,  area in the summer season.     said Bonnie Butler.
        purchased the 150-year-old depot building  coffee and candy in a rustic, family-friend-  Construction is coming along as car-  Chesapeake and Ohio passenger train
        with the adjoining lots and a smaller  ly railroad motif.                    penters have finished restoring the foun-  service out of the Plymouth station ended
        building, and a narrow paved back street  “In addition we're going to offer spe-  dation which is built on a combination of  in the 1960s. Plymouth is still a busy main
        which is now used as an alley, and moved  cially shakes, vegan and non-dairy prod-  brick, fieldstones and trusses. After surviv-  line crossing for freight traffic and is
        their photo business from Northville to  ucts,” said Bonnie Butler.          ing 150 years of vibration and stresses  known as the Plymouth “Y” or Plymouth
        Plymouth. Craig Butler, a professional   The original ticket counter is in   from the constant trains, the foundation  “Diamond,” where the tracks run north,
        wedding photographer, ran the studio in  remarkable condition and will comple-  needed a lot of work, which has slowed  south, east and west.
        Added grants bring $808,000 in funding to fire department

           The Northville City Fire    Northville and Plymouth, both  expressed his appreciation for  power-lift technology, which  22,000 feet, and distributing the
        Department (NCFD), which       cities and townships.          the grant funding.            reduces stress on EMTs when    balance to other fire depart-
        serves the cities of Northville  The Assistance to Firefighters  “I want to thank our Fire  moving patients into and out of  ments in the grant. The project
        and Plymouth, has been awarded  Grants (AFG) “provide funding  Chief Steve Ott, and everyone  the vehicle. The vehicle will be  amount is $257,118, with the fed-
        $808,146 in three separate FEMA  for critically needed resources to  else who was instrumental in  housed at Station 1 (215 W. Main  eral share at $233,743.63, and the
        Assistance to Firefighters Grant  equip and train emergency per-  pursuing these grants. A grant of  St.). The project amount is  grantee's share at $23,374.37.
        (AFG) requests, which will be  sonnel to recognized standards,  this dollar amount will dramati-  $250,000. The federal share is  The radio grant will enable
        used to purchase a new ambu-   enhance operations efficiencies,  cally assist in updating our  $238,095, and the grantee share (5  the NCFD to replace its entire
        lance, new hoses and new radios.  foster interoperability, and sup-  department's equipment, and  percent of federal share) is  supply of radios (mobile,
        The latter two grants are regional  port community resilience,”  save taxpayer dollars. This is a  $11,905. The ambulance will  portable and base stations) with
        grants. The new hoses will be  according to the FEMA website.  great example of our department  replace an 18-year-old unit, and  newer, more reliable radios
        purchased for three fire depart-  “The AFG program is vitally  leveraging resources to improve  will handle an estimated 500  made specifically for fire depart-
        ments (NCFD, Northville        important to the health and wel-  our operations,” Roth said.  runs annually.               ment use. The NCFD is currently
        Township     and   Plymouth    fare of the fire service in this  The grants require the        For the hoses, approximately  using radios that are between 8-
        Township.) The radio grant was  country,” said Fire Chief Steve  grantees to pay a small percent-  44,600 feet will be purchased and  10 years old (end of their life
        submitted by the Dearborn      Ott. “Without these funds, we  age of the cost of the item being  much of it will replace older hose  cycle) and are no longer made.
        Heights Fire Department on     would not have been able to    purchased.                    that has been in use for 20 years  The NCFD share of the radio
        behalf of 16 departments within  obtain the needed equipment or  For the new rescue ambu-   or more, Ott said. As the host  grant is for $369,936 of which
        the Western Wayne Fire         would have had to divert       lance, the funds will cover the  agency for this grant application,  $336,309 will come from the fed-
        Department     Mutual    Aid   resources from other areas.”   cost of the vehicle and special-  the NCFD will purchase the new  eral government and $33,627 will
        Association, which includes      Northville Mayor Ken Roth    ized equipment, including     hoses, keeping approximately   be paid by the city.
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