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October 3, 2019                                                ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 3

                              BELLEVILLE - ROMULUS


        Graduate develops bus safety campaign

                                  Julie Brown    Craig started the bus safety work for
                                   Staff Writer  his first project with the Family Career
                                               and Community Leaders of America
           While he may only be nearing his 18th  group, in which students appear before
        birthday, Romulus High School graduate  judges to give presentations. He has been
        Nashawn Craig is already a well-known  to several nationals for that organization,
        social media personality.              including trips to California and Georgia.
           Craig works as a bus aide for Romulus  In one video, a woman driver is shown
        Public Schools, which prompted his cur-  cutting off a bus and “the screen goes
        rent efforts on social media and YouTube  black. It's something that could happen,”
        to educate motorists about school bus  said Craig. “That's seen a lot around here,
        safety. He has worked with others “just to  too.”
        show this is a problem and needs to      One of the safety videos has almost
        stop.”                                 100,000 views on Facebook and shows
           Craig was a student passenger on a  cars passing stop signs. The Romulus
        Romulus school bus when he saw first-  teen shares his work on varied social
        hand a dangerous driver. “Definitely, def-  media, but finds nationwide Facebook is
        initely, definitely,” he said of his current  most often used by school bus drivers.  Nashawn Craig can be seen in several social media videos about bus safety. The
        work and what district drivers see. “You  Craig showed his work to classes at  Romulus High School graduate works as a bus aide in the school district.
        would be surprised at some of the things  Romulus High School “to see if the video
        we see.”                               was effective for all ages.”          gency evacuation and other safety proce-  “even if they are camera shy.”
           He recently witnessed a car being     He appreciates educators, including  dures which also addresses problems     Craig repeats the time-honored mes-
        driven the wrong way on Michigan       Romulus school administrators who gave  with students hanging out of windows.   sage on looking both ways to cross a
        Avenue, he said. Craig said he also appre-  the OK to post safety posters by school  “It's been a long process” of creating  street safely, adding of the work he does
        ciates the Romulus district bus drivers  doorways. Craig was a Barth Elementary  and editing footage,” he said     “I try to get it out to all ages. I try to target
        who have helped on his #Brake4Buses    student in Romulus and works with chil-  “It's friends, family, advisors, teachers.  everybody.”
        campaign, with several drivers even com-  dren and staff there in creating the safety  Definitely the Romulus Transportation
        ing in Saturday on off time to appear and  videos.                           Department has been fabulous,” said   craig0312 is a video link for more about
        drive in the campaign videos.            He's now at work on one for emer-   Craig. He likes the people who assist  Craig.

        Committee proposes use policy for new library meeting rooms

           Members of the Belleville Area District                                   left in order following the gathering. She  facility for informational purposes would
        Library Board are considering a new use                ”                     said the committee was not in favor of  be welcome, no political campaigning
        policy for the facility.                      Dawson stressed that           deposits by credit card as a refund would  would be an acceptable use.
           While homeowners associations, civic      the policy was still fluid      be difficult to process and would prefer the  Dawson stressed that the policy was still
        organizations and group will be welcome to                                   deposit be in cash or check. Another fee for  fluid and under discussion and that no
        use the meeting rooms, those promoting a      and under discussion           the set up of the room is also being consid-  final policy had been drafted as yet. She
        political viewpoint or platform will not.    and that no final policy        ered, she said and stressed that library  also said that a application for use form
        Members of the board met earlier this                                        events will always take precedence in  would need to be designed.
        month to discuss the new use policy         had been drafted as yet.         scheduling.                              Library Director Mary Jo Suchy suggest-
        according to report from Mary Jane                                             No political fundraisers would ever by  ed that the board would have to be flexible
        Dawson, chairperson of the library use pol-                                  allowed at the library, she said, and her  with the new policy and put it into use for
        icy subcommittee. She said that prelimi-                                     remarks were supported by members of  30 days or so to determine how well it was
        nary discussions would prohibit the use of  viewpoint but provide information, like the  the board in attendance, along with a pro-  working.
        the meeting rooms for political gatherings,  League of Women Voters.         hibition against alcohol in the building.  Dawson agreed noting that "nothing is
        the sale of products or private parties  Dawson explained that the committee  While it was agreed that an office holder,  set in stone" and that the proposed policy
        while communities groups and associa-  was considering requiring a financial  already elected, who wished to use the  "is all talk now."
        tions would be welcome along with groups  deposit for use of the rooms which would
        that do not promote a particular political  be returned to the user if the rooms were  MINUTES OF THE ROMULUS CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING
                                                                                                                  September 9, 2019
                                                                                           Romulus City Hall Council Chambers, 11111 Wayne Rd, Romulus, MI 48174
                           (Woodhaven-Brownstown School District)
                    NOTICE OF ELECTION AND REGISTRATION                               The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Pro Tem John Barden.
                       FOR THE SPECIAL ELECTION TO BE HELD ON                         Pledge of Allegiance
                                                                                      Roll Call: Kathy Abdo, John Barden, Celeste Roscoe, Tina Talley, William Wadsworth, Virginia Williams
                               TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 2019                              Absent/Excused: Councilwoman Webb
                                                                                      Officials in Attendance:
         TRICT   OF THE CITY OF ROMULUS, COUNTY OF WAYNE, STATE OF MICHIGAN:          Ellen L. Craig-Bragg, City Clerk
                                                                                      Stacy Paige, City Treasurer
         NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Special School Election will be held in the City of Romulus  Steve Hitchcock, City Attorney
         on Tuesday, November 5, 2019. The polls of said election will be open at 7 o'clock a.m. and will  1. Agenda
         remain open until 8 o'clock p.m. on Election Day at the following location:   A. Moved by Tina Talley, seconded by Kathy Abdo for Approval of the Agenda.   Motion Carried Unanimously.
                                                                                      2. Minutes
                                                                                      A. Res. #19-270 Moved by William Wadsworth, seconded by Kathy Abdo to approve the minutes from the reg-
                    Precinct 4 - Halecreek Elementary School, 16200 Harrison Road,       ular meeting held on 9-3-2019.  Motion Carried Unanimously.
                             (Woodhaven-Brownstown School District)                   B. There were no special meetings held on 9-3-2019.
                                                                                      3. Petitioner - None
         PLEASE TAKE  NOTICE that any qualified elector in the City of  Romulus,  Woodhaven-  FOR THE RECORD:  COUNCILWOMAN WEBB ENTERED THE MEETING
         Brownstown School District who is not already registered, may register to vote at the office of the  4. Chairperson's Report, John Barden, Mayor Pro-Tem
         City Clerk; the office of the County Clerk; a Secretary of State branch office, or other designated  Res. #19-271 Moved by William Wadsworth, seconded by Celeste Roscoe to approve a memorial resolu-
         state agency. Registration forms can be obtained at and mailed to the City Clerk.  tion for Rev. William Kren.  Motion Carried Unanimously.
         Voters who are already registered may update their registration a   A. Moved by Celeste Roscoe, seconded by Tina Talley to accept the Chairperson's Report.
                                                                                         Motion Carried Unanimously.
                                                                                      5. Mayor's Report - LeRoy D. Burcroff, Mayor
         The last day to register in any manner other than in-person with the local clerk is Monday, October  Mayor Burcroff announced that there will be a 911 Observance Ceremony at the Historical Park Pavilion
         21, 2019.                                                                       beginning at 8:30 a.m.; The Mayor presented a video of upcoming community events; Mayor Burcroff asked
                                                                                         members from St John's Lodge #44 to speak about their upcoming "Americanism Day March" event.
         After this date, anyone who qualifies as an elector may register to vote in-person with proof of res-  A. Res. #19-272 Moved by William Wadsworth, seconded by Kathy Abdo to authorize a no-fee permit and
         idency (MCL 168.492) at the Romulus City Clerk's office, located at 11111 Wayne Road, Romulus,  street closure to the members of St. John's Lodge #44 for the "Americanism Day March" on Sunday,
         MI  48174 at the following times:                                               September 15th from 1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.   Motion Carried Unanimously.
                                                                                      B. Res. #19-273 Moved by Kathy Abdo, seconded by Tina Talley to concur with the administration and author-
                                                                                         ize a no fee permit for the Romulus Housing Commission use of Fernandez Park on October 5, 2019, from
         •    Regular business hours: Monday through Friday from 8:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M.  1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. for a "Fun Day" at the park to meet Staff, Commissioners, Mayor and Elected
         •    Saturday, November 2nd from 8:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M.                         Officials.  Motion Carried Unanimously.
         •    Election Day, Tuesday, November 5th from 7:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M.         C. Res. #19-274 Moved by Celeste Roscoe, seconded by Tina Talley to concur with the administration and
                                                                                         authorize the DPW to dispose of the 2003 GMC Savanna Grounds Van, which was totaled in an accident on
         PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that the following proposal will appear on the ballot:  January 15, 2019, through Martin's Towing Service who has offered to accept it for $250.00 for scrap pur-
                                                                                         poses.  Motion Carried Unanimously.
                        SINKING FUND MILLAGE RENEWAL PROPOSAL                         D. Res. #19-275 Moved by Eva Webb, seconded by William Wadsworth to concur with administration and
                                                                                         introduce Budget Amendment 19/20-06 to purchase a used 2016 Marque Ford Ambulance for the Fire
              This proposal will allow the school district to continue to levy the building and site
              sinking fund millage that expires with the 2020 tax levy.
              Shall the currently authorized millage rate of .9778 mill ($0.9778 on each $1,000 of
              taxable valuation) which may be assessed against all property in  Woodhaven-
              Brownstown School District, Wayne County, Michigan, be renewed for a period of 10
              years, 2021 to 2030, inclusive, to continue to provide for a sinking fund for the pur-
              chase of real estate for sites for, and the construction or repair of, school buildings, and
              all other purposes authorized by law; the estimate of the revenue the school district will
              collect if the millage is approved and levied in 2021 is approximately $1,210,000 (this
              is a renewal of millage that will expire with the 2020 tax levy)?
                                                                                      Motion Carried Unanimously.
         Samples of the ballot proposal may be obtained at the City Clerk's office, located at 11111 Wayne  6. Clerk's Report - Ellen L. Craig Bragg, Clerk - No Report
         Road, Romulus, MI  48174. Sample ballots can also be viewed at U  or on the City's website:  7. Treasurer's Report - Stacy Paige, Treasurer                                                             The City Treasurer commented on the Quarterly Investment Report that was discussed at the 7:00 p.m. Study
                                                                                         Session and announced the summer and winter tax bill due dates.
                                                                                      8. Public Comment - 4 residents requested to speak
         To comply with the Help America vote Act (HAVA), voting instructions will be available in  9. Unfinished Business
         audio format and in Braille. Arrangements for obtaining the instructions in these alternative  10. New Business
         formats can be made by contacting the clerk's office in advance of the election. All polling loca-  Councilman Wadsworth mentioned that overgrown brush/weeds need cutting on Pennsylvania Road between
         tions are accessible for voters with disabilities.                              Middlebelt and Inkster roads.
                                                                                         Councilwoman Williams complimented the "Cops for Cutz" program.
         Absentee ballots are available for all elections; registered voters may contact the Clerk's office  11. Warrant
         to request an application for an absent voter ballot.                        A. Res. #19-276 Moved by Kathy Abdo, seconded by Tina Talley for Approval of Warrant #19-17 - Checks
                                                                                         presented in the amount of $1,643,635.42.  Motion Carried Unanimously.
                                                                                      12. Communication
                                                                                      13. Adjournment - Meeting adjourned at 8:33 p.m.
         Ellen L. Craig-Bragg, City of Romulus Clerk                                  I, Ellen L. Craig-Bragg, Clerk for the City of Romulus, Michigan do hereby certify the foregoing to be a true
         11111 Wayne Road, Romulus, MI 48174                                          copy of the minutes of the regular meeting of the Romulus City Council held on September 9, 2019.
         734-942-7540 /
         Publish: The Eagle Associated Newspapers                                     Ellen L. Craig Bragg, City Clerk
                October 3, 2019                                        RM0430 - 100319 2.5 x 9.98  City of Romulus, Michigan                       RM0429 - 100319 2.5 x 10.375
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