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PAGE 4                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                           October 3, 2019


        Director of Wayne Main Street group resigns

           Wayne Main Street is searching  will continue to host the volunteer                   ”                                 and to offer help contact Rainey at
        for a new executive director follow-  lead events our community has      Again, thank you for your past support  
        ing the resignation of Maxwell  come to expect, such as the upcom-                                                         There are several events and time
        Cameron.                       ing Downtown Scarecrow Event,                 of Wayne Main Street, and we                  slots available and schedules are
           "It is with both sadness and grat-  Toast Wayne and Small Business                                                      flexible, Bradford noted..
        itude that we announce Maxwell  Saturday," according to a letter         look forward to your continued support.             For more information about
        Cameron's departure as executive  from Juan Bradford, the president                                                        Wayne   Main    Street,  visit
        director of Wayne Main Street.  of the Wayne Main Street Board of                                                
        Maxwell has played a critical role  Directors.       Bradford said.      administrative duties, assisted by  "Again, thank you for your past
        in the success of our organization.  The group will be conducting a  While the search continues,  volunteers, on a part-time basis  support of Wayne Main Street, and
        We will miss him, but we wish him  search to find a new executive  Samantha (Sam) Rainey has joined  while the organization looks for a  we look forward to your continued
        well in his new endeavor," the  director, which is required by the  the Wayne Main Street team.  A  new full-time leader, according to  support. Together we can make
        group said in a prepared press  Main Street program. Anyone inter-  graduate of Wayne Memorial High  Bradford.             downtown Wayne a vibrant place to
        release.                       ested in the job can contact the  School and Eastern Michigan   Volunteers are still being sought  live, work, and shop," Bradford con-
           "Rest assured our organization  group at hiring@downtown-  University, Rainey will be handling  by the group for community events  cluded.
        Westland council grants U.S. Farathane tax abatement

           Members of the Westland City  unanimously approved the site  William R. Wild.  “In essence, the  to produce 89 new full-time jobs  extremely grateful to the mayor
        Council approved a 12-year tax  plan for a 100,000 square foot  city agrees to compute the addi-  of both salaried and hourly  and his team for the exceptional-
        abatement program for U.S.     building expansion at U.S.     tional taxes at half of the local  employees once the project is  ly positive and professional way
        Farathane, a plastics manufac-  Farathane, located at 39200 Ford  property tax millage rate, in  complete,” commented Aubrey  this project has been handled by
        turing and automotive supplier  Road. The expansion will house  order to incentivize these types  Berman, economic development  the city and its council,” com-
        that has been operating in the  increased manufacturing capaci-  of projects, which result in eco-  director.  “The agreement also  mented Rodney Turton, vice
        city since 2007.               ty for injection molding and com-  nomic growth and job creation  includes a provision that the  president of purchasing for U.S.
           The Industrial Facilities   pression molding business lines.  for the community.  We sincerely  company will make good faith  Farathane.  “Throughout this
        Exemption PA-198 of 1974 pro-  The total project investment is  thank U.S. Farathane for their  efforts to hire Westland resi-  process we have continually
        vides a tax incentive to manufac-  anticipated to be in excess of $20  continued commitment to oper-  dents, which the city has already  been made to feel welcome and
        turers to renovate and expand  million, with approximately $12  ating within the City of    been working with U.S.         encouraged to make this next
        aging facilities, assist in the  million for real property and  Westland.”                  Farathane to ensure,” she      step in the expansion of our
        building of new facilities and to  building improvements.       “The expansion will generate  added.                       Westland operation. We look for-
        promote the establishment of     “This type of abatement is   an additional $372,000 in tax rev-  “U.S. Farathane is proud and  ward to many more years of
        high-tech facilities.          applied exclusively to the new  enues over the course of the 12-  excited to be expanding our  doing business in this vibrant
           Members of the city council  addition,” commented Mayor    year abatement and is expected  business in Westland and we are  and embracing community.”
        ‘MiMoz Clothez’ donations provide help to local students

                          Julie Brown  helps a child is a hero."                                 ”                                   Phillips explained laundering
                          Staff Writer   The women began to mend,                                                                  clothes is necessary and costly.
                                       clean and sort clothes in their  The Wayne residents provide the clothing for children      Money donations are their prefer-
           Dolores Hamrick and Tami    basements about seven years ago          and teens for free and then shoes if we            ence as they can shop sales.
        Phillips are into their seventh  and then Vic Barra of the Wayne                                                             Phillips said the bin for clothes,
        year with MiMoz Clothez, a non-  Ford Civic League offered a room    have them, We don't get a lot of good shoes.          "is full every time." She calls their
        profit organization which pro-  for MiMoz Clothez as well as                                                               nonprofit "frugal". It served 125
        vides clothing to Wayne-Westland  financial support.                                                                       families last year, added Phillips.
        Community Schools students.      "It's a wonderful organization.  Hamrick and Phillips recently  Center of the Wayne-Westland dis-  She said she is pleased some
           The Wayne residents provide  They do a great job," supporter  came to a Westland Rotary lunch,  trict, school social workers, and  laundering costs are dropping,
        the clothing for children and teens  Margaret Harlow, a Westland  also thanking Rotarians for finan-  agencies such as First Step and  saying "Somebody's praying."
        for free "and then shoes if we have  Rotarian, said of MiMoz and its  cial help.            Samaritas.                       MiMoz Clothez is a 501(c)3 non-
        them," said Hamrick. "We don't get  use of the Wayne Ford Civic  The Rotary donation provided  "The room has been such a   profit and more information about
        a lot of good shoes."          League building located on the  more than 200 shirts and 100 pairs  blessing," Hamrick noted of the  the group is available by emailing
           She quotes longtime children's  west side of Wayne Road south of  of pants.              Wayne Ford Civic League.
        television advocate/personality  Ford Road in Westland.         Hamrick and Phillips get refer-  Clothing sizes range from 1T (tod-  Hamrick can be reached at (734)
        Fred Rogers: "Any person who     A donation box is now there.  rals from the Family Resource  dler) through adult.         751-2379.
        Westland seeking public input as Recreation Master Plan is upgraded

           The opinions of city residents  they would most like to see  needs of Westland residents,  tions and gives residents a voice  and volunteers for programs pro-
        will be a major consideration in  resources deployed for improve-  according to a prepared state-  in the planning process of  vided by the recreation depart-
        the   updated    Parks   and   ments.”                        ment. Residents can take the  improving the city parks and   ment.  The board members also
        Recreation Master Plan, accord-  The department will take the  online survey on the homepage  recreational amenities. For ques-  advise the administration regard-
        ing to city officials.         information obtained through  Hard  tions, contact Mulligan at kmulli-  ing parks and recreation strate-
           “We would greatly appreciate  the survey into consideration  copies of the survey can also be  gies.  Meetings take place at 5:30
        all of our residents to take the  while updating the Parks and  retrieved from and submitted at:  Officials are also seeking  p.m. the second Tuesday of each
        time out to complete this parks  Recreation Master Plan, he said.   Westland City Hall, 36300 Warren  applicants to fill vacant positions  month at Westland City Hall.
        and recreation survey,” com-     The process of updating the  Road;    Jefferson   Barnes   on the Parks and Recreation      The primary purpose of the
        mented Kyle Mulligan, director  Parks and Recreation Master   Community Vitality Center, 32150  Advisory Council (PRAC).  The  PRAC is to provide advice from a
        of Parks and Recreation for the  Plan is currently under way and  Dorsey St.; The Friendship  PRAC is a seven-member board  citizen perspective.Interested
        city. “The survey aims to get a  Mulligan said the survey is an  Center, 1119 Newburgh Road  that is appointed by the mayor  applicants can submit an appli-
        more comprehensive under-      effort to better serve the commu-  and the William P. Faust  and confirmed by members of    cation through the city website or
        standing of the types of recre-  nity and gauge the interests of  Westland Public Library, 6123  the city council.  The PRAC  send a resume to Mayor William
        ational amenities Westland resi-  residents. The survey is focused  Central City Parkway.   reviews plans and specifications  R. Wild at mayor@cityofwest-
        dents currently utilize and where  on the recreational wants and  The survey is only 12 ques-  for work undertaken in city parks

        Well                                   report of safety concerns, photos, as well  report, Burcroff said. The state allowed a  Great Lakes, And Energy at (517) 230-8233
                                                                                     two-week deadline to file concerns.
                                                                                                                           or They can also
                                               as issues that are important to the commu-
                                               nity. One glimmer of hope, according to  “Our requests of the state would be to  send correspondence to Constitution Hall,
        FROM PAGE 1                            Burcroff, is that state officials' position is  look at our concerns, allow our residents  525 West Allegan St., P.O. Box 30256,
                                               that local government does have ordi-  to speak, have transparency and have a  Lansing, MI 48909-7756.
        heard and that the locals do have some  nances and laws applicable to the busi-  public forum so that our voices can be  Burcroff said it was important for resi-
        control. Our responsibility is to keep the  ness. Previously, city officials had been  heard,” Burcroff said. “That's the core fab-  dents and leaders to act together.
        public safe.                           informed they had no authority, because  ric of our government.”               “This isn't about individuals. This isn't
           “We believe there are serious things the  the project is governed by the state at the  Citizens can weigh in, too.   about personalities. This is about what I
        state should consider before approving an  above-ground portion and the federal gov-  Members of the public can contact  believe is doing the right thing,” he said. “I
        operating permit for that site,” he added.   ernment at the underground operations.  Mark Snow, environment manager at the  want to make sure that we're in harmony
           He said the city would formulate a  Those details will be added in to the  Michigan Department of Environment,  with this.”


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