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PAGE 6                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                           October 1, 2020


        Police department promotes 2 and welcomes 3

           Two Westland police depart-
        ment veterans were promoted
        and three new officers wel-
        comed to the force last week.
           Sworn in was new Ofc. Corey
        Skulina who served as a
        Westland Police Service Aid
        (PSA) for four years and a PSA
        trainer for two and a half years.
        Skulina grew up in Livonia and
        graduated from Livonia Franklin
        High School. He obtained an
        associate's degree in Criminal
        Justice from Schoolcraft College
        and graduated from the Wayne
        County Police Academy in April.
        He is currently training in the
        Field Training Program.
           Also joining the department is
        Ofc. Margaret Kelly who was
        born in Detroit and raised in
        Clinton Township. Kelly graduat-
        ed from Ferris State University
        with a bachelor's degree in
        Criminal Justice and is currently
        pursuing her master's degree at
        Wayne State. She has 10 years of
        experience in the criminal jus-  Pictured left to right are newly-promoted Westland Police Sgt. Brandon Paris and Sgt. Cale Furney, along with newly hired officers Frank
        tice field having served in vari-  Opett, Corey Skulina and Margaret Kelly with Westland Chief of Police Jeff Jedrusik.
        ous law enforcement positions in
        jails as well as on road patrol.   tion, he attended Grand Valley  on to graduate from the Wayne  Academy and helped create the  tant part of our department's cul-
           The department also wel-    State University where he      County    Regional    Police  Department's charity Stuff a   ture so we wanted to continue on
        comed Ofc. Frank Opett, a      obtained his bachelors degree in  Academy. Paris worked full-time  Swat Truck event. Outside of the  while using safety precautions,”
        Westland resident and  graduate  Criminal Justice and then went  at the Taylor Police Department  department, Paris is a part-time  commented Westland Police
        of Franklin High School. After  on to attend the police academy.  as a Police Cadet prior to being  instructor at both the Wayne  Chief Jeff Jedrusik.
        graduation, Opett served in the  Furney worked for the South  hired by the Westland Police  County    Regional    Police     “I am very proud to stand up
        Marine Corps infantry for five  Haven Police Department and   Department in 2006. He  contin-  Academy and Washtenaw       and represent Westland Police
        years. After leaving the military,  also with the Hamtramck Police  ued his education and obtained  College Police Academy.  Department as this department
        he was hired by the Detroit    Department prior to joining    his bachelor's degree in Criminal  Promotions and new hires  continues build upon it's profes-
        Police Department, where he    Westland. He served as an offi-  Justice  from    Madonna    are typically recognized at a  sionalism and serves as a model
        served for four years. While with  cer in Westland for eight years  University in 2014. During his 13  swearing in ceremony attended  for other communities.”
        the Detroit department, Opett  prior to this promotion and is  year career, Paris has worked in  by elected officials, city depart-  “In a time where agencies are
        was assigned to patrol for two  currently serving as a day-shift  the traffic bureau, as a field  ment heads and friends and fam-  struggling to find quality candi-
        years and then spent the next  patrol supervisor.             training officer, evidence techni-  ily of the officers but attendees  dates we are still able to attract
        two years assigned to gang       Paris grew up in Dearborn    cian, on the traffic investigation  were limited due to the COVID-  them here in Westland which is
        enforcement.                   and is a graduate of Dearborn  team, an emergency vehicle    19 pandemic.                   a credit to the leadership of
           Officers Cale Furney and    High School.                   operations instructor, on the    “The COVID world has tem-   Chief Jeff Jedrusik and the
        Brandon Paris were each pro-     He obtained his associate's  awards committee, recruitment  porarily changed us to zoom   entire department's commitment
        moted to the rank of sergeant.  degree in Criminal Justice in  team, and on the motorcycle  meetings and small gatherings,  to law enforcement excellence,”
           Furney grew up in Climax, MI  2004  from   Henry    Ford   team.  He also created the    however, recognizing our new   commented Mayor William R.
        and after high school gradua-  Community College then went    Department Police Youth       and veteran officers is an impor-  Wild.


         30. Help Wanted

        NOW HIRING Penske Logistics expects
        to hire full-time warehouse workers to
        support our essential
        food  warehouse  operations  in
        Romulus, MI. Warehouse positions
        include order selectors for the 2nd
        shift. $16.55-$22.55 per hour with per-
        formance/ safety bonus opportunity.
        Interviews are being conducted via
        phone and following social distancing
        protocols. 1 year experience ware-
        housing or material-handling preferred.
        Apply Today!  855-759-7098
         59. Auctions

               PUBLIC AUCTION
               MARTIN'S TOWING
               17180 DIX TOLEDO
             BROWNSTOWN MI 48193
               OCTOBER 5, 2020
                   10:00 AM
        2014 FORD 1FADP3K27EL253356
        2004 FORD 1FTNE24W74HA65307
        2006 FORD 1FMEU73E96ZA08608
        2013 NISSAN 1N4AL3AP6DC264178
        2008 JEEP 1J8GN28K88W250086
        2004 CHEVROLET 1G1ZS52F54F244805
        2001 PONTIAC 1G2NW52E91C160361
        2004 FREIGHTLINER 1FUJA6AV14LM51014
        2007 AUDI WA1BY74L67D047982
        2006 HYUNDAI KM8JM12B36U258121
        2006 FORD 1FBSS31L96DA47692
        2006 BUICK 1G4HP57276U142717
        2012 MAZDA 1YVHZ8DH3C5M34454
        2008 SATURN 3GSCL53728S505783
        2007 CHEVROLET 2G1WT58K079318181

               Copart has vehicles
              up for public auction
             Tuesday 10/6/20 at 10 AM
        2014 CHRY 1C3CCBBGXEN171251
        2008 JEP  1J8HG48K48C132502
        2008 CADI 1G6DT57VX80212751
        2011 FORD 1FAHP3GN8BW130163
        2008 FORD 1FAHP35N28W225703
        2005 CHEV 1G1ZT64835F341570
        2015 CHEV KL8CD6S95FC758349
        2011 HYUN 5NPEC4AC9BH270671
        2011 CHEV 1G1PC5SH9B7212081
        2011 DODG  3D4PH1FG1BT502638
        2003 HOND 1HGCM66383A094747
        2016 FRHT 1FUJGLD50GLGR3048
        1999 JEP  1J4GW58S4XC517630
        2006 HOND JHLRD78566C063005
        2004 FORD 1FAHP56S04G102261
        2003 BUIC 3G5DB03E63S514815
        2004 CHEV 1G1ND52F64M662519
        2011 BMW WBAPK5C50BA810946
        2006 CHEV  1GNEC13Z86J118630
        2013 FORD 1FM5K8D85DGC08866
        2008 FORD  3FAHP081X8R237835
        2007 TOYT JTDKB20U077580174
        2014 HOND 5FNRL5H9XEB132223
        2018 GMC 3GTU2MEC2JG247443
        2013 LINC 2LMDJ6JK2DBL29868
        2006 TOYT 1NXBR32E76Z670554
        2007 CHRY 2A4GP44RX7R172394
        2013 KIA KNDJT2A56D7772677
        2010 CHRY 2A4RR5DX5AR441352
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