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PAGE 2                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                           October 1, 2020

                                                     CANTON - VAN BUREN
                                                     CANTON - VAN BUREN

        Van Buren Township to pay postage on ballots

           In an effort to ensure that all  voting accessible for all residents.  front of the building. We want to  Hall, as soon as possible.   er results can be made available.
        absentee ballots in the township  Our goal is to make voting as easy  make voting accessible for all res-  “During the August primary  When voters wait until the last
        are returned, Van Buren        as possible for all voters in Van  idents,” said Wright.     election, we had thousands of  minute, it delays our counting
        Township officials have paid all  Buren Township.               Absentee ballots were mailed  absentee ballots dropped off the  efforts.”
        2020 General Election Absentee   “If you decide to mail your bal-  last week and Wright's office staff  day prior to and day of the elec-  For more information about
        ballot postage fees.           lot, you don't need to put a stamp  is requesting that all residents fill  tion,” said Wright. “The sooner we  absentee ballots, call the clerk's
           According to Township Clerk  on it, however, we encourage vot-  out their ballot and mail it or drop  have the ballots, the faster our  office at (734) 699-8909 or email
        Leon Wright, "We want to make  ers to utilize the drop box in the  it in the drop box at Township  counting will take place and soon-
        Canton board members address leaky roof, internet access

                                  Julie Brown  or Plymouth.                          protection as well as how this agreement  “Sixty years should be the minimum
                                Special Writer   “Wayne County Health will be defin-  differs from an earlier partnership on  on a copper roof. We've been battling
                                               ing the what and who,” said Williams of a  wireless with local schools.     with that roof since I came to the town-
           Canton Township first responders    question about the number of cases from  The Cherry Hill Village Theatre also  ship, 17 years ago. We've tried a number
        have seen no significant increase in calls  Trustee Anne Marie Graham-Hudak.  has internet connectivity issues, officials  of fixes, patches.”
        for service during the pandemic, accord-  In other action, trustees approved a  noted.                                Legal action was considered in the
        ing to Christopher Stoecklein, who heads  Comcast contract at a rate of  $25,470 a  Some $963,500 of the Capital   past for the work done improperly, he
        up fire services for the municipality. He  year, for five years, for Ethernet/WiFi  Improvement Fund was allocated to Cass  noted.
        told members of the board of trustees  services. Trustee John Anthony and    Sheetmetal of Detroit to replace the     He added that current financial con-
        during the Sept. 22 online regular meet-  Treasurer Dian Slavens were absent for  aquatic center roof of the Summit on the  siderations do not favor a once-consid-
        ing that there had been no significant  the 5-0 approval vote.               Park. Officials noted it was improperly  ered solar roof at the facility.
        increase in runs recently associated with  That pact will connect wireless serv-  installed and leaks.                During the meeting, staff member
        COVID-19.                              ice to three remote locations, including  Canton Leisure Services Director  Robert Varner outlined copper roof
           “There is no huge jump in numbers of  Fire Station No. 2. explained Finance  Greg Hohenberger said the leaky roof  longevity benefits, and trustees voted to
        coronavirus patients here,” commented  and Budget Director Wendy Trumbull,   was an ongoing problem.               proceed with legal action by a 5-0 vote.
        Township Supervisor Pat Williams who   “It's really time we upgrade those.”
        added that he had recently learned from  Trustee Steven Sneideman, who
        Wayne County Commissioner Melissa      works in telecom agreed.
        Daub that a long-term testing site was   “I'm glad we're getting into the 21st
        being considered, quite likely in Canton  century.” He asked about VPN security
        Summit                                 • Fitness equipment stations will have
                                                 short-term closures for cleaning and
                                                 disinfecting throughout the day.
        FROM PAGE 1                            • Members must respect six feet of dis-
                                                 tance between other guests outside
        business hours Monday through Friday     their party.
        from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. and Saturday and  • All indoor fitness classes will have a
        Sunday from 7 a.m. to 2 p.m.             limit of 10 participants at this time.
           As part of the Summit on the Park re-  • Locker rooms will not be available for
        opening guidelines, the following proto-  changing or showering at this time.
        cols have been put in place:             Patrons are encouraged to arrive
        • All visitors and staff entering the    wearing their workout attire.
           recreation center are required to   • Patrons are asked to minimize the
           wear a mask at all times.             number of belongings that they bring
        • Entry into the facility will only be   into the facility; however, individual
           allowed through the Main Entrance.    cell phone storage lockers will be
        • All visitors must check-in and check-  available for use to hold wallets, keys,
           out at the Summit front desk.         and phones.
           Members are encouraged to use the   • No water fountains will be available;
           Summit Mobile App to scan in and      however, a water bottle refill station
           scan out at each visit.               will remain open. Guests are encour-
        • All members are required to wipe       aged to bring a water bottle.
           down equipment regularly before and   To learn more about Summit on the
           after each use.  Sanitation stations  Park memberships and safety protocols,
           will be provided in several areas   visit or call
           throughout the facility.            (734) 394-5460.

                                      NOTICE OF ELECTION                              AT THE FOLLOWING POLLING LOCATIONS:
                                   CANTON TOWNSHIP, MICHIGAN                          Bentley Elementary School      Canton High School
                                    NOVEMBER 3, 2020 ELECTION                         1100 Sheldon Rd, Canton, MI 48188  8415 N Canton Center Rd, Canton, MI 48187
                                                                                      (Precinct 16 and 17)           (Precinct 11 and 24)
                                                                                      Connection Church              Crescent Academy
         3, 2020. THE POLLS WILL BE OPEN FROM 7:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M. FOR THE PURPOSES OF NOMINATING OR ELECT-  (Precinct 2 and 28)  (Precinct 5 and 31)
                                                                                      Discovery Middle School        Dodson Elementary School
         PARTISAN                                                                     45083 Hanford Rd, Canton, MI 48187  205 S Beck Rd, Canton, MI 48187
            •  Presidential                                                           (Precinct 1 and 23)            (Precinct 33 and 37)
              • President & Vice President
            •  Congressional                                                          Field Elementary School        Hulsing Elementary School
              • United States Senator                                                 1000 Haggerty Rd, Canton, MI 48188  8055 Fleet St, Canton, MI 48187
              • Representative in Congress 11th District                              (Precinct 18 and 29)           (Precinct 12 and 32)
            •  Legislative                                                            Liberty Middle School          Life Church
              • Representative in State Legislature (21st & 20th District)            46250 Cherry Hill Rd, Canton, MI 48187  7001 N Haggerty Rd, Canton, MI 48187
            •  State Boards                                                           (Precinct 25, 35, and 36)      (Precinct 3 and 30)
              • Member of the State Board of Education
              • Regent of the University of Michigan                                  Miller Elementary School       Plymouth High School
              • Trustee of Michigan State University                                  43721 Hanford Rd, Canton, MI 48187  8400 N Beck Rd, Canton, MI 48187
              • Governor of Wayne State University                                    (Precinct 4 and 13)            (Precinct 19 and 39)
            •  Wayne County
              • Prosecuting Attorney                                                  Eriksson Elementary School     Salem High School
                                                                                                                     46181 Joy Rd, Canton, MI 48187
                                                                                      1275 N Haggerty Rd, Canton, MI 48187
              • Sheriff                                                               (Precinct 9 and 22)            (Precinct 7 and 8)
              • Clerk
              • Treasurer                                                             St. John Neumann Church        Summit On the Park
              • Register of Deeds                                                     44800 Warren Rd, Canton, MI 48187  46000 Summit Pkwy, Canton, MI 48188
              • County Commissioner 10th District                                     (Precinct 14 and 21)           (Precinct 20, 26, 27,and 40)
            •  Township
              • Supervisor                                                            Village Theater                Walker-Winter Elementary School
              • Clerk                                                                 50400 Cherry Hill Rd, Canton, MI 48187  39932 Michigan Ave, Canton, MI 48188
                                                                                      (Precinct 10 and 38)
                                                                                                                     (Precinct 15)
              • Treasurer
              • Trustee                                                               Workman Elementary School      To see a map of your voting location and to see a sample
         NONPARTISAN                                                                  250 N Denton Rd, Canton, MI 48187  ballot visit
            •  Judicial                                                               (Precinct 6 and 34)
              • Justice of Supreme Court
              • Judge of Court of Appeals 1st District Incumbent Position                                     NOTICE OF REGISTRATION FOR
              • Judge of Circuit Court 3rd Circuit Incumbent Position                                         THE ELECTION TO BE HELD ON
                                                                                                               TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 2020
              • Judge of Circuit Court 3rd Circuit Non-Incumbent Position                                     CANTON TOWNSHIP, MICHIGAN
              • Judge of Circuit Court 3rd Circuit Incumbent Position Partial Term Ending 01/01/2023
              • Judge of Probate Court Incumbent Position
              • Judge of District Court 35th District Incumbent Position             TO THE QUALIFIED ELECTORS OF CANTON TOWNSHIP:
            •  Community College
              • Board of Trustees Member Schoolcraft Community College               PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that any qualified elector of Canton Township who is not already registered, may register to vote at the
                                                                                     office of the Township Clerk; the office of the County Clerk; a Secretary of State branch office, or other designated state agency.
              • Board of Trustees Member Wayne County Community College 9th District  Registration forms can be obtained at and mailed to the  Township Clerk.  Voters may register online at
            •  Local School District                                        Voters who are already registered may update their registration at or in person at the
              • Board Member Plymouth-Canton Community School District               Clerk's Office.
              • Board Member Plymouth-Canton Community School District Partial Term Ending 12/31/2022
              • Board Member Wayne-Westland Community School District                The last day to register in any manner other than in-person with the local clerk is Monday, October 19, 2020.
            •  District Library
              • Board Member Canton District Library                                 After this date, anyone who qualifies as an elector may register to vote in person with proof of residency (MCL 168.492) at the
                                                                                     Canton Township Clerk's office, located at 1150 S. Canton Center Rd, Canton, MI 48188 at the following times:
         PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the State of Michigan will be voting on the following proposals as presented and listed below:
                                                                                       •  Business hours: Monday - Friday 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. (Check for updated hours)
         Proposal 20-1 A proposed constitutional amendment to allow money from oil and gas mining on state-owned lands to continue to  •  Saturdays in October from 10:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m.
         be collected in state funds for land protection and creation and maintenance of parks, nature areas, and public recreation facilities;  •  Saturday, October 31st, from 8:30 a.m. until 4:30 p.m.
         and to describe how money in those state funds can be spent                   •  Electors may also pick up an absentee ballot at the above stated times.
                                                                                       •  Election Day, Tuesday August 3rd from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.
         Proposal 20-2 A proposed constitutional amendment to require a search warrant in order to access a person's electronic data or elec-
         tronic communications                                                                            Notice of Public Accuracy Test of Voting Equipment
         PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Intermediate School District will be voting on the following proposals as presented and listed
         below:                                                                      To the qualified electors of Canton Township, Wayne County, State of Michigan:  Notice is hereby given that a Public Accuracy
                                                                                     Test for the electronic equipment that will be used in Precinct 1 for the General Election on November 3, 2020 Election is sched-
         Regional Enhancement Millage Renewal Proposal                               uled for October 12 at 4:30 p.m. in the Township Hall located at 1150 S. Canton Center, Canton, MI 48188. The Public Accuracy
         Pursuant to state law, the revenue raised by the proposed enhancement millage will be collected by the Wayne County Regional  Test is conducted to demonstrate that the computer programming used to tabulate the votes cast at the election meets the require-
         Educational Service Agency and distributed to local constituent public school districts including eligible public school academies  ments of Michigan election law.
         within the boundaries of the Wayne County Regional
         Educational Service Agency based on pupil membership count                  Voter Info:
         Full text of the ballot & proposals can be viewed at Additionally, a sample ballot may be picked up at the Canton  At electors can register to vote (up to 14 days before the election), request an absentee ballot, find their polling
         Clerk's Office.                                                             location, check their AV ballot status, and sign up for our automatic application list.
         All electors who are registered with the Township Clerk in which they reside are eligible to vote at this election. Sample ballots can  Michael Siegrist
         be found at To comply with the Help America Vote Act (HAVA), voting instructions will be available in audio  Canton Township Clerk
         format and in Braille. Arrangements for obtaining the instructions in these alternative formats can be made by contacting the  1150 S. CANTON CENTER
         Township Clerk in advance of the election. All polling locations are accessible for voters with disabilities.  CANTON, MI 48188
                                                                                                                     (734) 394-5120
                                                                                                                  CN2107 - 100120  5 x 9.706
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